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It was a sliding scale,
and its not,
we arent,
we love in fear,
or play out the jaded concept,
of what love is,
we avoid emotional intimacy,
like a ****** transmitted disease,
we bathe ourselves in,

and we are scared,
we chose the empties,
so desperately afraid of something whole.

we are the generation popping pills,
like the tic tacs of choice,
we numb ourselves to the point of loss,


and we lose consciousness while breathing in,
worrying about what we once were,
and what is now,
afraid of the dark, we try and bathe ourselves in flourecent light.

shackeled to the shame
of the emptuiness of our years,
pretend we dont hurt, push the feelings aside,
just to belong,
we love in fear,
to escape the consequence of decisions,
but we are forever deciding,
and indecision is a choice even though its still deciding,

lovers lost in a war,
fighting a battle of selective memory,
and we drink amnesia like it's the cure
(it isn't the cure)
and we give ourselves away,
without dictation of the currency,
in which we exchange,
and we'd be lying even if we handed out the quotes,
and please dont tell the truth to slander my life of lies
because it could ****** well **** me,
it becomes a ticking time bomb making changes i really cant commit too,
Jack R Fehlmann Nov 2013
It just sits there
Out place, in its secret place
tucked down, beneath, within
and that is a fault of my own
I know, I should be but prey
do something much like and about that
before it is ruined, or not
Neglected and broken, rusted
blueprinted and assumed tested
Maybe tomorrow
after work
a job i don't like
It kills me
Flourecent light leaching
Teathered to a short cord
Eyes that wont blink
As i slowly wilt
So maybe come morning
Ill finaly find time
If i can remember
How fresh your butter hair smells when sunlight glows in wet climate.How soft the bird song feels when coral flowers dance in the wind.                       *** of marigold surrounds our bed and only the perception consumes the air.         The river of love links us to the steam of passion,how your body wraps me up in mazing tickle.oh l am really crazy about the fragrance of our emotional petal as juice your kisses and euen the flourecent of your gazing eye helped me in my daze bcus l dozed off into you for energe How sweet your butter finger lick my passionate sweat like crushed lemon fruits.    You are just pure as black skin my sweet woman and l have found love again in you

— The End —