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Fern Woodward Nov 2012
I am a lover.
Falling in love every day.
The stars are the flirtiest, constellations constantly reeling me in,
and the people on Earth who prove me wrong with their inviting charm.

I am a teacher.
Erasing the corrupt.
Making attempts to prevent my mothers ways
and instructing never to think of tomorrow.

I am an artist.
Either that or I have no taste.
For I find beauty in almost everything,
and would be lost without a pen and paper.

I am a dreamer.
Even awake, my reality is stretched.
I rattle the sane thoughts out of my head
and replace them with the unknown.

I could tell you my thoughts, yet you would be confused at best.
I would paint you, but you are alluring even without this test.
I could inform you to what I've discovered, yet to you it might be bad.
I would love you un preventably, much to my dismay, I already have.
Desire to live, love and dream
Desire to desire more
Desire is the flirtiest whim
It's an ever open door.
Desire to touch you once
Desire to break into a dance
Desire to hold your hand
Desire to build on sand!
It's an ever open door
You desire and desire more!

— The End —