(20 minute poetry)
tube is jacked
packed to the rafters
no sound of laughter
only the dismal wails as
we go down the rails
on the trail we have travelled
I'm stood in the aisle
by a perch full
of people
a pike load of tenseness
that waits to explode.
this road keeps on
getting tougher
Why should I suffer it?
why not opt out of it?
But I am bound to it
a dog in the pound to it
gnawing away
as it too
gnaws at me
one day I'll be free of it
if only to sit and spit or
whittle some wood
into pegs.
Legs are giving me
tripped over the case on the floor
did I give that person what for
she took not a blind bit of notice
and just flew into the seat
I was eying
she being firty years younger than I
I want to cry.
Is a vote no a no vote or a vote to remain,
I leave her with that note