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I could spend lifetimes staring at

the half-lit wick that glows behind your eyes

That twinkle that make the stars seem sickly

and the dawn seem a dreary maze


Fear may be the mind killer

but anticipation goes for the heart

Breathing to break the anxious calm

that accompanies this unknowing


Yours are the words that bound me

and yours are the words that beckoned me into the fire

This is my punishment

Without you, I fall
Savio Apr 2013
A dream over due
it is august
the flies are insects
growing the Vice apple between the graying chicago winter fern of the ******
empty parking lot super market trees
***** and autumn
skin like apple sauce
dancing inside the mirror of Lust and his Sister Fresno California
On a Payphone
At a Fuel Station
Lights all Blue
Lights all dull
dullified by the gasoline
the cigarette butts that collect in the mouths of mountain saints
Capture Zen
Burn all the books that led you too led poisoning

I am Van Gogh
Scrapping off the dried paint of my walls
of my women
naked in my bed of a hope factor

I am going insane
and the stars do not mind
the Clouds seem to be careless
Vagabond seasonal weather Kansas

Everybody is on the Train
headed to Dreams
100 dollars a ticket
Give me your Wallet
your Sister
your Sins
your nights and your day-shadows bouncing off walls and mailboxes like school-boy toys
Glancing at the peripheral French Decedent girl with black hair
hair black like wet once lit cigarettes

God, smoking a cigar made in The Ol' Great West of timber and the elderly gasping away their lives as a window sits neatly with tundra flowers
and a cacti that never dies
Winter comes in a Van
Full of soup
Full of the Dead Children of Days on in
Full of Dogs with rabies
Full of Cheap women
who gave up on 7:30
and washed their hands in the juices of an Apple Eve sank her yellow teeth into


Headlights heading towards Home
Towards Late-Night Television

Oven on

God and Satan
Spooning on the water bed of America
America the great
America the greed
America the want

America the me
Pigeon on the side street of NYC push town till suit bye Death

Coffin constructed of Iron and Filled with Wine
Coffin made by a young man sitting in his jacket
smoking a neat cigar
smoking with Gin
The Fireplace is where we may have made Love
But the Heat was ours
and the Torn down back door back yard Tall 100 year old Tree
has left
only a Stump
A beginning of its sprout from a seed
to a Giant
to a home for Birds and Flies and ants and rodents

I am in the Tower
Drinking your Whiskey
Drinking the lipstick of a woman who has nothing to do
so she falls in love with the Shadows of night bricks
of City Street Walls and streets

Like love it self
Left out in the Sun
Left with the cacti of Old Age
old hands and old eyes that quiver like melting ice in the 90 degree Texan weather

We run to the fountain of Youth
but the gates are closed
The Pool boy quit his Job
and now the water in contaminated

Drink Vinegar
Drink Chlorine
Clear the mind
the hairs on your chest
the Teeth in between your Chin and Lips

It is no Longer Time
it is no Longer Past
Murdered by a knife

It is no longer 1AM
and the Sky wants me to wake up

But the Coffee Machine is crooked and only works if I hold it at an angle

Goodbye Crows of Brooklyn
I'll be on the payphone collect call to subconscious

I'll be on the road
traveling with my hair
traveling with Life
traveling with Destiny and Hope and Emily Tennessee

5 dollars a gallon
Third Eye Candy Feb 2014
the way you have your way
i might as well choke on Atlantis
and yield to the twilight pitchfork
of your tongue. an amaranth.
whose nectar
is some

glue my misery
to the slippery
of lost meaning....
all the while
meaning to do so -
more so
than knot
somehow, jellyfish blinder
than up close...
not quite
what matters

just the sting.
a mcvicar Jan 2018
oh daddy, i just wish you could've seen
the look you wore on your reddened face.
maybe your glasses were unclean,
but you looked like you'd been hit by our celestial mace

my girl, my girl, who are you?
all rebelious and grown and so young?
when have you mastered
this strengh, this courage?
i completely forgot how it's done.

oh daddy, don't worry
i still believe in myself.
improved version, no doubt,
but at least i have found
the courage to scream
and run through the fields,
without ever letting out
as much as a mouse when it squeals.

my girl, my girl, how foolish of you.
to believe in this world,
to think love will be true
is to chase a dream, maybe one, maybe two.
i am baffled to hear
what your mother made so clear
coming out from
the insides of you.

oh daddy, my daddy, i've promised i will
countless times, countless rhymes,
there's no more ink in my quill.
but still, i wonder, how far i must go
to discover sweet land promised to us eons ago.

my girl, my girl, i know you must go
but i'm terrified, so terrified
of letting you go, so lonely
so young, i'm scared beyond words
and your mother will surely be hurt.
nevertheless, i know you must go
so i ask one last thing before you do so:
when things are going down,
when you feel like you're going to drown
always remember where this place is, home.
I confess to you
I hardly confess to her.

Why I say this is
I often deliberately miss
To say the sorry-s I owe her
For having found fault with her
Only discovering after some hours
It was me who was wrong all along
What she did was amply right
What she did was with farsight
Her acts take care of only my needs
My wants she always perfectly reads.

A piece of the dairy white sweet in my lunchbox
Soft silken milky treat
When melts in my mouth
I remember this morn I told her
Why you bring these ****** plain sweets
And not those juicy colored scented treats
Don’t put any of those in my lunchbox
Not caring her face’s strains of shocks!

I have forgotten though she has remembered
My utterings of emotion its every word
How I miss dear those plain white sweets
Pure unencumbered most delightful treat.

I have forgotten she remembers
My companion of all weathers
She picks my choice she knows my mind
Yet for her a sorry I hardly find.

*Don’t you think tonight in her ears
I should coo a sorry in unuttered whispers?
Jae Elle Dec 2011
A package brought
Greater interest to her stairs

Such little luck
Curiousity struck
When she saw its nameless flair

The package bore a pair of eyes
To better see the sunny skies
& the window-perched man glancing down

The latter, who, unnoticed knew
How harsh her nearsight quickly grew
As his sunny eyes met hers of brown

Curiousity killed Miss Catherine Ryde
As struck by a car, she instantly died
With thankful eyes locked to the windowsill

Of a man whose heart so deeply wept
Crossing the street, love's life was swept
& her farsight kept forever still
To the window-perched man upon the sill.
armon Aug 2014
pockmarks bomb the oblivious cavalcade wet dripping nuisance cataracts Holy stove to the tracks Grow missile candide fenesin shovel living space
loved back the feeding Farsight
nowhere near the ending candy torpid glasses
foul just situation beat down the what eyelash grasp of following feathers
mine jaundiced knuckles
stream of consciousness
Sahil Sharma Aug 2018
Life revolves around truth and lie
If your ambition is **** too high
That ferocious fire won't let u die
Emotion is sublime,soon it will fly
Fate kneels down in front of try
Every life is only beneath the sky

You are your own architect,not they
Time is impartial,the wise men say
But the summer arrives only in may
If one fails, go for some other way
The waves regularly sweeps the bay
Pearls can come out on any odd day

Cheat is crime,but hardship is legal
Health is your cab,peace is its diesel
After death life is still a sick riddle
Train your farsight like that of eagle
It might be like thread in the needle
But here fate plays the second fiddle

Failure are like grey clouds in the blue
Endure this pain, as chances are few
In the day light,people may praise you
In the dark night,they may abuse you
Except you,nobody 'll tell what is true
Nothing is eternal,as every day is new

You will fall,if your passion is lame
Toil hard or story will be the same
Seek nobility as well,not just fame
No matter how fate plays the game
Turn mad n wild to persue your aim
So that history echoes your name
Colm Aug 2020
Unaware of my own walking
Feet are numb though midday may be
Forever wandering and talking
About the sunshine nothingness of time
And I am witness to this madness
My farsight focused, nearsight blind

— The End —