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Ellis Reyes Apr 2013
You’re stupid
All the sudden
you axe questions
about places you have went too

All the sudden
You don’t know nothin’
About places you have went too
Exasperating everything

You don’t know nothin’
About nothin’
Exasperating everything
Exspecially me.

About Nothin’
You axe questions
Exspecially me
You’re stupid.
This poem was written for my 5th grade class in 2013 to demonstrate Pantoum.
It's hard when you realize all the moments, all the smiles, and all the love you have shared with someone is only felt one way and this is even harder still to accecpt, exspecially when every bone in your body tells you to keep holding on . . . just a little while longer and they will see that you are the one who will love them for all the good, for all the bad and they will realize that they love you this way back . . .

No matter how much you love someone, if they do not see it, if they do not feel it... then its wrong and they are not your match... not the one for you.

Relationships are hard, they take work, but both parties have to put forth the effort or they simply do not work. I have been on both sides. I have walked away because I did not feel the same and I have been inlove with someone who never has and never will love me.

Well I could sit here and write that you get over it, and move the **** on, I could be cut and dry. I also however know that no one can help how they feel and its not so easy for most to simply just stop feeling the way they do. Otherwise I do not think women would have such a hard time with ***. ( come on, thats funny)

Anyways my point I guess is this, all we can do is our best. If your heart is breaking, then face it, cry, scream, hurt, fall to the ground, lose that 10 lbs from not eating (just kidding, dont do that), feel your pain with all you have. Then take a deep breath, dry your eyes, pick yourself up, say goodbye, learn, and move forward. Let your family and friends embrace you, get a ******* hobby, and realize that there is someone out there waiting to find you.

"Change your thoughts and change your world"~unknown

Taryn, you motivate and remind me of just how strong I am, always constant, always true, loving my every flaw. You are my helping hand, my voice of reason, my cup of tea and my bowl of soup. Thank you for speaking words to help heal my spirit, drying my eyes, and letting me blow my nose on your shirt. I love you, you are my Favoriet, never forget that, even though I am not always the best at showing you sometimes. . . my sister, my best friend, my heart.
timarakinchion Jun 2013
Like the kids i see on t.v.
Hungry &surrounded; by ticks &flees.;
Hot skin,just as crispy.They remind ME!!
of yuuh.What if that's what yuuh had to go through.
A baby being left on somebody's door step.A baloon that flew away
&&never; came back.Yuuh remind me of that.The abandoned beaten dogs on t.v.
their pain i don't care about,because i don't seem to see, exspecially when they approach me,
When they hurt me.I'm afraid of them&& they know that.That's why,when watching them &&thinking; of yuuh,it makes me sad.,but i don't care &&neither; do yuuh.Of how i'm feeling you've probably already had a sample.That's why i decide to just turn the channel.
Madeysin Apr 2015
It's been a long time naturally,
That'll I'll cry myself to sleep,
Exhaust the brain until thinking isn't able,
Wash your cheeks dry with the memorys,
Pain doesn't go away Exspecially on cloudy,
This void radiates out of my chest,
You filled it so well...
Collate the broken shells of life...
I hate being human.
I hate cats, like why
Becca DeMateo Oct 2013
She stood there for over a hour
people walking by
all she wanted was for someone to say hello
that little word..
it could mean so much
exspecially to someone so small
her tears started running
its like a marathon on her face
still everyone walks by
not a speck of worry
not even a trace
she takes one more step
she's close to the edge
there is no turnning back
she can never go back
she freezes just standing there
so close
so close....
is it possible that the world has stopped?
her heartbeat is all she hears
She forgots about her worries
she have no pain
no fears
for a moment she is happy
and then she forgot to breath
that jump wasnt so bad
could this be a dream
she sinks to the bottom
her body hasnt moved
but then the next thing she knows
you're takeing her from the blue
you scream her name
whisper your love
her heart belong to you once
you told her she wasn't enough....
DC raw love Dec 2014
i can be your pain killer
your dose of everyday madness

i'll be your luckey charm
you'll love my feelings in your arms

i'll bring you pleasure
along with saddness

You'll do things
you said you'll never do

I'll be your thoughts
I'm in your dreams

you'll feel the feelings
that you never felt

i'll guide you and coach you
without question

you'll forget your freinds
along with your loved ones

you loved my feelings
when you started

you've learned to hate me
Yet, can't let go

i'm your partner
you love me so

you've learned my selfish way
you've learned them well

life is now hard
exspecially with nothing

you wish for that last shot
to end it all

— The End —