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C S Hodge Jan 2013
You make me sick.
You make my skin crawl.
Give me goosebumps up and down my back.
My anger and lust for you is burning underneath my skin on the verge of explotion!
"Use me" I said.
Do whatever you want  I thought.
Searching for some way to get to you.
  Not knowing your destroying ways would tear down my walls so soon.
How many can you go through till you realize you just need one?
One lover, one soul, one body to force youre ***** habits upon .
Not five, not three, not two!
YOU.. are filth. You are nothing. You make me want to scream.
Rayénari Das Apr 2021
To Shortie

There Is something
Behind those eyes
Like a Sun explotion.

Right there happens
A thousand kisses deep
& all the others
Love songs thats makes you

But, afterwords:
Neither you save me
& neither i fly
So the only thing thats remains
Is this funny smell
Of a memorie on your hips

Give me some clear water
That one thats spill into the rain
and seductively brings life
and life eventually gets
one degree higher
till the sun rises
and you can see
the desert flowers blooming,
and the wind,
colored gorgeous and chanting wind
takes away
my deep dream
about a pair of beautyful
cause thats belong
to eternity and God
and they are so sacred
as your bellybottom
and my wish
tom krutilla May 2015
come to me tonight, your softness I so desire
the smoothness of your skin, lays upon me
sends ripples through my distorted mind
in a weaken state, I surrender to you

sprawled out now, let those engorged lips
trace each hill and valley on my body
search for what you expect to find
take your time, show no mercy, yet be kind

and at the tip, the moisture, eases slowly
a sign I've surrendered to you
your warm breath and seductive eyes
are in rhythm, with your fingers touch

a stirring from my hips, a foreshadow of
an explotion and your beautiful moan
rest your head on my chest, fingers touch
our heartbeats slow, our eyes close the night
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Bottle of Gin
Another of Whiskey
Combination deadly
Weak or mighty
Takes you on a dizzy
Neat and Straight
On the Rocks
Drink of the century
Called Ginskey

The keys to kingdom
Fantasy at its Apogee
Opening the minds vault
Add some 70 s rock

Lustrate the Spirit
Pay paradise a visit
Mind on it's own tour
Cleanse your Soul

Take your Swigs
Match it to the Rhythm beats
The Band is on
Waltz along with its song

Sense of time
A matter of time
Time erases time
For a period of time

Only time is the time
Pink Floyd wrote this time
Dark side of the Moon
Creating it's own universe
Magic of its music and verse

Recreating the cocktail
Inside your head playing wonders
Outside hands doing it by the numbers
Body mind coordinated
Only gin and whiskey concentrated

Orchestrated music
Blowing of the record
Grateful Dead again and again
Miracle for ticket denied
Board hanging around the neck
Miracle not when the Dead are hot

Quaffing the dual
Whiskey and gin
Engaged in a duel
Energy and fuel
Seeing things multiple

Hearing sounds
Clearing doubts
Happens on it's own
Heart and Music glued
To the magic of  The Doors Roadhouse blues

Sipping Slurping
For amateurs
Pro time is Straight time
From the Bottle
Making it simple
Running wild
Feeling connected with thinking
Mind and heart
On the background of
Label and label
Full throttle Deep Purple

Exhillarating Experience
*** Valiant
Cowardice pushed out
Locomotive breath jets out
Jethrotull album Aqualung
On population explotion
Imagination straddling with exploration

Combine the Downer
Illusionary upper
Listen to the upper
Never a downer
Hangover only later
Only when time matters
Never gonna be a tomorrow
Goodbye to all sorrows
Cest la Vie sang Lake
Emerson Lake Palmer

Half Seas Over
Mirage of Dinner
Reality for the Dreamer
Drunken Dreamer
Profound philosopher
Path leading away
Stairway to Heaven
Song of the Century
With Led Zeppelin

Symposium in session
Music Whiskey Gin
In coordination
Fluctuation  Freezed
Focussed orientation
Clapton  Cream  tear the air's
Disraeli Gears plays say goodbye  to despair

Katzenjammer awaiting the arrival
Amethyst not rivaled
on the Greeks prevailed
Forever in this trip
No need for a catalyst
To counter music and the bottle
Magic results caused by magic
On a bus of Magic
The Who playing
Its last tune

Woven into a lullaby
Back after reaching the skies
Eyes stop to wander
Implosive musical wonder
Experience Nuclear
Which ever way the word
You want to decipher

Good night
Old cowboy
Saddled against the wind
All along life
Saddle with the wind
Music Gin Whiskey
Providing company
Till life and its key
Cant restart the ticking

— The End —