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Jay Jimenez Nov 2010
intricate little robots

running around filling the void of existince

selling your souls away

buying into the next big thing

no matter the price

you take over like little ants

slowly marching over the land

The owl is waiting

to swoop and catch you

while you sit around and wait

your like bait

sitting on the hook

for every fish to fall onto

your tangeled


I wish the world was one

where unity strived

but we all have learned just to fall into the trend of society

being just another number in this forsaken wasteland

but the sun bleeds for us every day



orange and reds

and this is one thing that we can still hold

in your calaysed hands
Copyright JaMRock
Cassien May 2021
Walk away, I will pretend I haven't seen you grow in front of my eyes,
In my dreams you were the shadow on the wooden hill,
I kept missing every chances to be where you were,
You passed by me, but I was the only recognizing.

Your eyes, color of ***** moon, your hair, like ashes after the fire,
Your face appeared before me like white-blue flashes in the pitch-dark night.
So how have you been, my dear friend? Have you discovered a purpose of life?
Or are you still a nihilist who denies the very existince?

Grey is your color, of your morals and beliefs, I knew our party was over,
Our time have never come to light, you are my missed chance,
You were so lovely, so glorious a bet that failed,
But I still wonder why did you leave me behind.

I still wonder if, probably, I am better off without you,
My sealed sins, you are gonna walk away with them in hands,
My fate is to be searching for the one I could never get close to,
You are a cold-hearted creature whose mind wanders in icy lands.
Gr8Ryzyngz Oct 2020
I  cannot keep lying to myself
I have been behaving like a fool
For far too long of a time now
None of this stress serves a purpose
To my health or my life
And since the enemy of my soul
Seeks to have me **** myself
To an eternal hell of many regrets
I have to do better than continue
To allow myself to be a volunteer
Of a bitter existince.
While hating anyone
There is no energy left to
Love myself, because negativity
Is so very draining.  I choose to
Let go of hating you,  while I start
Allowing myself to love who God
Knows I'm created to be...

— The End —