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I first tasted under Apollo's lips,
love and love sweetness,
I, Evadne;
my hair is made of crisp violets
or hyacinth which the wind combs back
across some rock shelf;
I, Evadne,
was made of the god of light.

His hair was crisp to my mouth,
as the flower of the crocus,
across my cheek,
cool as the silver-cress
on Erotos bank;
between my chin and throat,
his mouth slipped over and over.

Still between my arm and shoulder,
I feel the brush of his hair,
and my hands keep the gold they took,
as they wandered over and over,
that great arm-full of yellow flowers.

Does it necessarily called sad even when there's no tears?
Does it necessarily called scar even when there's no mark?
Does it necessarily called pain, even when it doesn't show?


I am used to hearing this word on a daily basis.
Maybe a little too often, but my point here is, everyone knows someone 'utters' that they are in a heartbreak once in a while.

So, what is heartbreak to you?
"When someone can't keep their promises while they have the chance to." —Alessandra A.
"Uncertainty." —Samuel Wijaya
"Friends who leave." —Vivian Loo
"Being a disappointment." —Ryon Regasa
"When the butterflies are no longer there." —Calvina Izumi
"Seeing him smile, but I'm not the reason." —Anonymous
"When someone you love, has another name in his/her heart." —Evadne Richard
"When an effort to love can't be seen anymore because it is sealed shut by a mistake." —David Halim
"When you finally meet someone you love sincerely and somehow they start distancing themselves, and you don't even talk to them anymore and you don't even know why."—Natasha

These are some opinions from my friends that probably represent some/most of your thoughts about a heartbreak, at least describe what comes first to your mind after hearing that word.
And those opinions also described mine, and mostly represent some of the heartbreak(s) that had occured in my life.

concluding all the opinions above
How would I myself define what heartbreak is?
I would define it as an invisible yet irresistible pain.

Headache is a type of pain.
And heartbreak is also a type of pain.
But we all know that both of them are completely different.

When you're having a headache, you know exactly where it hurts.
But when you're having a heartbreak, it just hurts.
You don't know exactly where the pain came from,
even when some referred to their chest ('cause it's where their heart is) or anywhere else, it's actually just the side effect of having a heartbreak itself.
Just enough explanation to state that heartbreak is like a nowhere and everywhere type of pain.
You can't see and you can't know where it hurts, but it's real. As if it was invisible as it is uncertain.
Just because you can't really point out where it hurts, doesn't mean it's not there.

And another thing about heartbreak is, you can't resist it. No matter how hard you try.
There is no painkiller for your heartbreak, and even if you use something as a pain killer (such as alcohol?), it doesn't necessarily works as one.
It doesn't make the pain go away, it just distracts you from what you're feeling, temporarily.
It shifts your attention and feelings into something less noteworthy for a moment, and then the next day the pain is still going to be there.
You can try to resist it, but only time that can make all of that fades.
And even when it fades, it doesn't go away.
It never will.
Nix Evadne Nov 2024
Detengan todo.
Ella está aquí.

Paren el mundo que me quiero bajar.
Bajar para besarla, para recorrerla entera, bajar hasta su entrepierna degustando cada parte de su cuerpo.

La habitación se llena de silencio, silencio roto solo por el hedonismo, por nuestros gemidos.
Su cuerpo, un afrodisíaco absoluto.

Mis manos la buscan, ansiosas; mi boca la descubre, impaciente por sentirla llegar.
Su espalda, suave y delicada, un lienzo sobre el que mi dedo dibuja su columna vertebral.
Puedo sentir como el relieve de su piel cambia, como la temperatura de su cuerpo sube.

Sigo bajando, en un éxtasis que solo Dionisio podría inspirar.
Mis labios trazan un camino que se pierde en su piel; exploro cada rincón, cada curva que forman su figura.
Sus gemidos guían mis movimientos, y yo, absorta, me dejo llevar por el calor de su cuerpo.

Paren el mundo, paren los relojes, paren todo.

Hay momentos que deberían ser interminables.
Quiero guardarlo para siempre: el momento en que alguien me hizo correr más de 5 veces.

Como un tributo a Eros mismo;
ella y su sonrisa.

Nix Evadne

— The End —