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Lukuloon Apr 2019
I didn't lie to you, When I said I'm busy,
Maybe in a way only I could understand,

I was actually busy converting oxygen to carbondioxide in my Lungs,
I was busy trying to please my creator and wondering if heaven is real,
I was busy wondering, why religion is the major cause of pain today,
I was busy thinking about how I could meet the Aristotle's within my peers,
I was busy planning how to esacpe the current mess I found myself trapped in,
I was busy putting off negativity and others trival opinions of me,

Sometimes this is my busy and I'm unapologetic about it.
Linea April Nov 2013
If you put an L in word
it will be world
what mean the world
for us

we are just humans
humans who live our life in a
a world full of
from the stupid world
we are living in

can we esacpe from the world
suicut its not fair
we could just remote
remote the L in **world
Fenix Flight Apr 2014
Movies are my esacpe
My perfect escape from
a harsh reality

I let the fictitious lives
encase me like a cacoon
whispering beautiful promises

when reality becomes unbearable
I grasp their hand
and let them spirit me away

to lands of demi gods and magic
vampires and unbreakable love
Adventures and untold dangers

Movies are my music
People listen to music to hold on to life
Where I turn to movies

— The End —