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He's little fingers are of the great machine
that clockwork Emc kinda thing
he writes what he's saying
his words not words, their hymns
and the war of nutrition now begins

Some of the words of God kept him sane
yet in the mirror they had the same name
You who listen I want you to understand
that the good dwell in every land

I am not a seeker of truth for I am
I have seen the blood on distant sands
so close to death he became my friend
I knew of all he told me was the truth
and the hope of man was so aloof

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Sa Sa Ra May 2013
I do love
But it ain't quite
like the Discovery Channel!!!

I want so much more than
the collective desire of Park Avenues

I believe like,

With exactly no doubt
like zero are the hours
which can never count
upon the seamlessness
of my perceptions

I do but I don't
I am and therefor not

I talk in mirrored tongues
I observe in uncanny detail

Micro and macro all a flow
overly ever rushing torrents
moving galaxies about

Pouring in
more rushes out

You can picture it
over the mighty edges of
and rushing to, fro and about
every swirling an obstacle stout

Though such knows not
one another in such ways
inseparable upon one journey

As She manifests from her he, Self
He's giving for he gets the She of,

An ever persuasive passionate,

Play... .. .

Greater than the dreams

We know of love yet
Shy to conceive

They, their passion
We inwardly receive

Those torrential lovers
pourings do spillover
and on and over
and rush upwards
ah ever more easily!!!

Vast sensualities
******* rhythms
of this a, Our universe
in micro exotic intoxicating
allure, irresistibly entwining
the smallest tastes and teases
of songbirds loving symphonies

As butterfly and a bee in the ever
sweet scents of psychedelic sighting
wavings in ever inviting ever ripening
ever flows of heavens manna sweets, but
sours the way short where some say sinners
ought never see or be, though such is silliness see,

For such shy glimpses of what is less than momentary
which is not countable, when our greatnesses will carry on
beyond our redemptions of what only we shall see clearly so
simply, one day twas the dark night of a soul, here blasphemed
about the sacredness of all ever evident being so close found fondly,

Sweetly, though lost in those ever aching wishes of our journeying together

Would death be ****** abandonment at all a freaky thing unconceived
dark night of the great light conceived viewed in our ever grace and beauty
but she lets you feel her he's and all the glory, all the glory an unrealized being
in all our collectiveness has not yet seen but in the depths of where it's consider dark
for simple decisions we all have and must have made to function here, there

and at all,
at once...

No time, no space, no EMC squared's
yet in Newtonian fashion the soul spirit remains
carries on in infinite motion and motions of our choosings
and for better and worse we do all about the same for we
were never thrilled about all the separation we discovered
in reluctance and or in blessed joys of great companies
of loving hearts, eyes, ears, arms with tender loving
caring hands of nurture enough twas enough for
you are still here now and those who have not
have forgiven all other misguidance eagerly
when it is easily found tis only our own
choice to be and set free freely

And I can want any petty desire too
and put myself up for adoption to,

The petting zoo
and you...

For hell yeah I want to be here
all the way and with you
my wayfarers

I Do...

do do dee da da
oo la la and ma mama

childs all of such grace
we oft just call gods

And greater love seen
dispensed philosophically
by self proclaimed atheism's

Denialism can rather be the truth
of atheism, self pitying so deeply
resenting the here now for some
overly wishful thinkings and
of mournful emotionalism's
about the 'it just ain't fairs'

Beware they will take you
to their wheres, wearing
their wares of self hate
while glossfully
painting in
of fools

Feign not thou
we are co conspirators
already decidedly agreed
agreeably dancing on the sharp
end of one pointed pin, hand holding

But remember if we were ever shaken
off of binding bonds ever closefully as
the chasms of divergences really are

We still ever dance ever lightly on
the everly fine poignancy of pin

And the illusion of being
garden casted for some
shamefully blameful
denials of the snakes
sly fashion to even
ones need of feed

And or wither from
the long and short
of journey with
the ever's of

here now...



In our

So I am
in great hunger
greater thirst firstly

For the one great illusion
desert stricken for not seeing
the forest of paradise for every
tree and every grace of all possibility

Without such would come from impossibility*

Once Again...
"Get In My Belly!!! I'm Having a Fat ******* Moment!

Is it normal to be this hungry all of the time? ***! I swear I could have just eaten and not even two hours later I'm famished. I don't remember it being like this before. Like right now all I want is some bread, spaghetti meat sauce and and some orange sherbet then top it all off with a nice big bottle of Iceland Pure alkaline water. Ooh, ooh or some curry lentil soup with some grilled chicken and sauteed mushrooms. Or, or some watermelon, grapes and strawberries with cream cheese and cane sugar dip and sauteed lamb. My goodness "I am hungry"!!! Feed me Seymore!!!"
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
Yo _,
Hoping all is well as sugary sweet flowing going more like honey beeing;
you---- and---- too-uly have been so how do we like to say so, romp rompy and we just don't know X'actly as is, as it might appear though let us hope it's not too rhymey or schemey with Pop Pomp Pompey on and in too deeply into those ity bity incy weeny little commentary boxery's!!

If you don't get my follow ups to Heaven Made'r and or Garlic Please they are in draft form which I may poem-alize live copy dat roger over and over or not. I'm going out about it never mind worrying about yourself, but before or later don't worry so much we all here are so under staffed it's one of those scarcity things we need to promote to keep all you potentially dangerous and certainly crazy types safe. We've myopically studied humanity and yes those aliens have been helping too for well let's just say here cause I'm to say not so much about it, but I've already been chipped as spared with a tag of 'IDKy'. My Mom was told as a child it might be curse but I feel now with my spare free pass I'm feeling lucky and so gamble ramble rolly and once I found out it actually rhymed with Holy so who Holy knowly's? Okay my apologies and I'm overly busy you know the staff scarcity thing though we try to usually depersonalize for both the guilty and innocent as well one as you as far as we can tell are innocent yet and charges have been brought against you, but don't get your hopes up quite yet!!!

So if you would like to consult with a lawyer we are fine by this we'd understand but understand this we do not have public funds on that scarcity list for defending such kinds of non-nonsensical indefensible, but of psychiatrist and getting locked up for this we could turn you in or give ya' a long set of lists...

And we try to promote optimism firstly especially moslty up-frontly; but know see here steer clear of what we just might need a little bit more clarity therein thereoutward IDK peeps are saying all kinds of crazy things out there we're trying very hard at keeping you safe from all those other's now. I think they call themselves all kinds of crazy things like 'One Another', then they say 'All's ya' need is Love" but see then they've got all kinds of other deep rooted kinds of mix-ups within for next thing you know ya', we have finally figure this much. They seem so contradictory, we've butchered and tortured the best specimens we could and too some even helped with every bit and like too all kinds of crazy things they call us conformists!! We have not got that one figured out yet but new techies well ya know we stole some of their genetics fore if you just keep them reigned in on just a precise tether we have got a bit done with them. Well they are coming soon can't say when with chips that make silicon again dark ages at last, well then as I was saying the new algorithmics and transprogramizations might be able to be downloaded in. Now yes the stuff we have now and we're building servers and storage what they say of Gods House Many Mansions, well we don't know what crazies think they think they think they believe somehow they actually can do anything at all but we have got this thing that fits what they call Gods House we think on the small tip end of the needle ya, as they say JC, Pop's little one, all these mansions just one son. Anyway said something about us being like trying to get a camel though the eye of that thing. But wowza we got a barn load of that House of God stuff on the small end remember and they pretty safe we's moling around underground and along with a little nuclear waste and all the kinds of formats and types of files well if they were barns on grounds oh what a city!! We think perhaps a metaphorical thing we might be able to some how use it then they say we are abusing it. Well to say this for the new humanity and like that "Jeweled City" coming down for their own good looking over them it will be. We have our special agents everywhere, from a handful of string puppeteer players but don't worry the aliens say most of the genes did what they were supposed to. So we might be getting close to pulling this off. Well, these thing now are like what they say about this thing they call 'God'. It's like it knows no country, race, religious affiliations or associations, secular or non those work we have found about the same way. Currencies, politics they all make pretty good mindful fences and we like that stuff it's all in your head, because there are some still trying figure this stuff too, about some kind of connection from the mind to or from the heart and which way we just don't get the technical details. All we really know is that when this heart matter comes up our systems nearly crash. So as far as we can tell we still pushing hard that EMC squared energy matter to crazy people, crazy enough keeps theirs minds busy with stuff dig!! This oh, how this the beautiful kicker still scares the living 'um we'll just call it crap here. For if this ever goes public you know the scarcity promotional plan and shortness of staff, well it might save us some editing and save energy from servers trying to catch stuff that might upset and make unruly those same people we do all we can for. But you never know we're just not so sure so too we let them selves go on with maybe 'Mother' needs to cleanse herself... we like to leave room for a few contingency things.

Give it a couple of weeks and try not to sweat it too much a bit. But then try to get back with me on this. We have setup a private file here; we respect your privacy but you might want to check the details of fine print on the site here that just keeps a hoing along linking to the indefinite indeed-ly insane rather cool gruelingly cruel more so beyond too colder than natures own ice here which such is ever dear kinder sweeter than the down linking of going to be your bad. However now too understand there are new technologies out there while we are at it if your feeling a bit chilly chilled here now beside all those turn on and off pills and again the bugs are not so clear if they can ever worked out but there are places and they can make it painless, sounds nice right hmmm now ya got me thinking too much again. Susssh's not a word one slip click of mouse here that I don't need meece or even mice just one mouse dig and mine is wired just one little slip click and oh 'ooops your prioritized and if your a unlucky type of fellow we always need a good sporting specimen of public spectacle. Just so you know we don't want 'Gods Children' acting and playing in love, joy, fun or singing not in that counterproductive heartfelt way. The chips are almost ready and for their own good we wouldn't want you to get in the way!!!
This was msg saved as draft for a spell about;
These were responses saved as drafts for a spell,
a bit watered for public consumption about;
and just in part really;
Sa Sa Ra Nov 2012
The long ones and some go by planets,
I say stars the long forever change or at least I have found what I need inside to be free to be in accordance with what is on its way for us all!!! Little Birdy, CC3 or more like CC13, we say more like debris in the asteroid belt or some unusual comet-ry and or trajectories for everybody know where the common planets go but what of Sun, know we where is but what it can be temperamental too and more than tenuous more like strenuous relationship it is and has become overly clear; the things I know are not strange but strange it would seem what and how I do; so for you CC S1 I'll kick around a few; 15 billion year old universe nah big bang uh hu nah no too more as in Relative, I love that one Relative that Spot <3 On with where all is at, all very Relative things, every point, perspective, every sort of strange stringy strummy touchy feely sorts of things; more like where we are coming from and where we're going and what we can view but um me I may have been on those Mountaintops and with God for those Godly Many Mansion-ed Birds Eyed Views In and Out but it's more like; Newton spot spot right on again with Great POP on TOP, and the Greatest thing about that our imperishable spirits and how they remain in motion when the brain turns off, and the better to use here now information JC spoke about, yes the essence of 'The Book of the Dead' for our truer here now lives with the better more abundantly already overly willing for us blood bearing calling ourselves living and the coming of 'Messiah' and how such will be as we emerge together as well, sounds so common sensical to better use here now than abuse Gods already given gifts than abuse in simple little ways of not quite knowing or to much aware of too much else of other our own makings, for we are too easily sleepwalking about the things so overly close to too close to our too commonality of homes, identities and consciousness such the smaller part of all of this <3 <3; so I kinda just love that more Newtonian Motion the Right; and then like hop hop, hop scotch hop, nope again 123 nor abc not required; I like scrambles on rocks too, sounds nice for a day and two and then here and there again, still Sinatra does get over due and the I can handle the rarely scotch on ice for others they say rocks either, I there with sweetness of love and kindness, smiles; so can I see for mile and miles, what can it be more than 15 billion light year miles ya ha sure trillions I am I do; CIA triple walls even you, we all run what goes on in there by our hearts in an instant we command the greatest show of all in any instant changes everything and  all at once; EMC squared does not compare; speed of light those kinds of things here we are more manifestly condensed sort of things like vapor is to seas and or maybe then iced; we all can sing beat on drums understand the octave thing, well how 'bout keep it human scale and for a heart like thing what travels at the speed of light and what here say is all so manifest and then as sound will travel so we can hear those Church Bells ring well quite simply then is by the octave scales just 40 ya got 40 Octaves down!!!...speed of light got a limit um well can we get back to Relative again....I sat there with those types and I was not so good at study habits and everyone knew it and wondered how does he do it; I do have a poem in draft honestly, I can share the title here; some friends of Lite Heart had to hit first of all to explain a bit about it, with the nick-name moniker of Spot <3!!! So I'm calling this one Spot <3 's Spectrum Disorders; for I can roll around those wheels; I can be and have been destroyed many times over for knowing too much of heaven this one anyway had ta' gotta roll too through it's all Holy to me so I too say Holy Hell and then say cats got nothing on me but a bit more fur and perhaps some competition with um da purring!!!! Buddha too did name his boy 'Ball and Chain' but we are overly done way beyond this, we 'um ready for holy easy joy and fun...Food for bodies and souls overly abundantly easily had by seeing just quite simply what is within without our inner and locale commands; nope we done wit da' dey's; why destroy or well don't let me freak ya' I mean ice All of Love that Holy Responsive Ever seems so Light and slight of breeze and too with there go with all the power day dreary than dearer; don't be fooled by terminology, typical associations; idealized notions, 'Like the woes of Solomon' and 'Thee precious' ' Lord of the Rings', those are so close to some Sacred Cross Metaphysically so to say, no more here today, just sayin' maybe more another day; but back to typical association and terminology, I'll drop a link right here now this day and copy page, poem ya Sa Sa Ra called Dearly Departed and I know you too as barely started, me too hahaha please don't count me out here is where I love to be and see; ;
One more time and time again start what you so already know we need believe, put all the rest reorder with more loving commands truly they already do what you ask anyway uh dig again here hear again;

Sweet coolness to what burns us up and warms with love perhaps just 299 million drums contact staffs hoola hoops love joy sing a ringing better bells we are dancing fun could be catchy and be the one!!
Food for body and soul the best of all is freely available everywhere and we are free to see and be it there 8 days a week;
Welcome to the Eighth of days I am already and I am too seeing you all 7 billion there!! ♥ ♥ :) :) R!!!

And I'm gonna wrap this up and call it CC'Sister's...oh verbatim, raw straight hop rocks scotch and scrambles just for POP on TOP and another honorable mention to the CC'Sisters; and Sinatra will play on beyond what they are still calling will be our possible forever but more like JC when he said Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words never, so play play!!! <3 <3 :) :) !!!R!!!
What ya'd thank 'dat I'd be kiddin' you nah you knew better but you may have had hope somehow still!!! hahhaha!! Ty CC1!!! <3<3 :) :) R
PS: CC1 Alright already I by now did put a bit more into the stew but see understand how this family grew!!!

~~Just my ordinary way of waking up and reacting to the first thing I see a little bit of a stir in me that helps me feel with every ordinary humanly thing I have so much reflection upon within some must be cast out or i can't live and breathe within my own being here simply today was the help I had for the better part with my wake up cup whom are my family beyond all creation rocks waters wilds tree creatures great and small calling wooing ever be transcendent loving stewards of this place hereby we depend upon, seven billion all I see the ever present here now one generation family ever be; foremost first I see I know beauty first is all I understand all other detail too is telling the ever more love even more beyond a few castings of ever light spells or veils; I know thusly and nothing more or less~~ R

~this was what this poem was reaction to;

"Trusting God’s Timing
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In life, oftentimes we are waiting for something; waiting for a dream to come to pass, waiting to meet the right person, waiting for a problem to turn around. When things aren’t happening as fast as we would like, it’s easy to get frustrated. But you have to realize that the moment you prayed, God established a set time to bring the promise to pass.
God has a set time for your opportunity. There is a set time for that problem to turn around, a set time for your healing, your promotion, your breakthrough. It may be tomorrow, or next week, or five years from now. But when you understand the time has already been set, it takes all the pressure off. You won’t live worried, wondering when this is ever going to happen. You’ll relax and enjoy your life knowing that the promise has already been scheduled and your answer is on the way!
Father, I choose to trust in Your timing. I trust that You have my best in mind. I believe that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for ordering my steps and leading me in the life of blessing You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen"

~CC3 and or more like CC13, whom of her;

Oh but hell...
She made me
and so
I can laugh
...with a heartfelt filling and of the many hands of love and clay!!! Sentient waterings for joy in dust at play!!!
The title is a bit short but in the spirit of Oh but what the hell...and not to hell or hell it is. Therefor as with a hand in my creation with the spirit of God also I was touched by the outstretched hands that remind me I am made to laugh in the darkness of fear and so I did just that simply touche!!!
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
Ah HA!!!

Heart Body Earth!!!

What ya' took a journey
Through ya' ALL!!!


House of the Pharaohs
Picked a few nifty'S

Hieroglyphic Typ"OH's!!

DaNile Know!!!
IS longer NOT!!

Running backwards!!!

Oh Ya!!
I mean LOVE'ED JA'D!!!!

Hooked Ya!!!

Sunk In!!
Taught Line'S
Loved YA!!!








Lot"S Of RRRR"X"S!!!!








N             O
.            O
.                M!!!
A          /   <3'S    \
L          \BEAT"S/
L               Y
!        "BEE
! WE I's      '
'...OR              S
..."D's            E
I                    E    A  S  E A
S                          S' El N' TERRA
I                       S E  A T         Of
S                         OPsEasy    soNg's RING IN!!! A'Gain Sow Sown So Sweetly!!! LOVE METE WE!!!
'    KA"S            PA RA               'S
                                                         ­         AM  
                                                            ­            A
So WE KA-KNOW'SIS'                                  T
---BLISS"S   'N  LOVE       I"S                      T
'                                               S'IS              H  E  Re: H E A R H E R H I M H E RE!!!!!
S                                                     T              R   *****'R'X'S
                                                     ­     A     M     BE
KISS KISS KISS                            B R'OTHER'SO
                                                       BE    T     sIt   IN
                                                       ­                      N           I
                                                            ­                              N
                                 ­                                                        GONG KA ALLING HA OM!!!!!

                                                        ­                                       SING      Go  So  In
                                                    ­                                           NI           O    I
                                                      ­                                         GO   B' IN  NI             O
                                                               ­                     HE 'EL        E  G  G'S GIFT'ING
                                                        ­                                   O              I              ­        W
                                                               ­                          O      M         N                     A
                             ­                                                                 ­           E      G      G       R
                                                               ­                                                                 ­ D"S'
                                                            ­                                                                 ­        ...T"EW
                                                         ­                                                                 ­            LOV'E   A
                                                               ­                                                                 ­        O             R
                                                          ­                                                                 ­             F                   D"S
                                         ­                                                                 ­                              F'ER
                                                            ­                                                                 ­           R  E'IS'IS
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                 E
                                                               ­                                                                 ­     BE IN
                                                                ­                                                                 ­        ON OUT!!!
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                  RA
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                 NI
                                             ­                                                                 ­                                        Sa Sa Ra!!!!
Was taken from my comment to previous poem listed below;
Two by CCR!!! Jeremiah was a bullfrog!!! Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
Well when the enter button is clicked in those commentary boxes all formatting goes to the left!!!
So I thought oh well no big deal just copy paste into write/edit poem box and redo poem-alive!!
Well was not to hard in standard print!! So I thought!! Well then I thought well how about "Bold Italics"!!
Then again walla spacing's all differing again!!! OH my gosh's!!!
Takes new life, life of it's own!! Exhausted all day!! Lot's worked out much did not!!!
So SEE What fits comes goes in all directions chore of chores for sure!!
But there she he is!!!!
It's all within anyway!!
See what you will a wish know,
Willingness like consciousnesses more will follow,
Matter of available effort I know!!
Find seek as with time and like!!
For what you already know!!!

Shalom, Namaste,
Aloha and such the like!!!
Your shore Ahoy!!!
Aho as in Adieu!!

That is with;

That is ALL!!!

Except if you would share catch key words!!
Share if you would!!!

Thank's so much!!!
Sa Sa!!! Ra!!!

PS: Bonus material!!!
Put The Lime In The Coconut!!!;=5LxC3M-Yngs
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
You some other me
some how wherefore


I call thee;

My darkest nights'
you still push

My Ability's;

Too hard;


I'd dare imagine;

To conceive;





The ends;

Of Spectrum's;

Off charts;








Less than the Air;




Some How;









Our lives;


As parents;

We are everly;

Thank you;


The marvelous;


All Love;












Re See Eve'd

The Holy;





With All;

Our Lies;






With All;




So Much;


Grace too;



Would I;


My family;

Though Seven Billion,
One Here Now Ever;

Generation be;

I have,
put you out;






All to,
too hard,
were it possible,
to conceive;

What I thought,
could be survivable,
in all knowing,
all avoidable;


To Be!!

My prime;

for my family;

Our Three,
Now four,
Not five;

Still beyond,
I care,

to hard,
to conceive;


To parent,
as One,

My Prime,
Three Beloved,
Sacred Tree;

I Am,
We Need,
Four Way,
Sacred trust,
Sa Sa Ra May 2013
I DO!!

But you must know what u r,
b4 why ur here or who u r...

otherwise you/we's missed dat poignant point again
bout the gain of and not the loss from this planet till,

till too late...

once again ****** shot by any means gone you'll see it then you know where it is
or was and will always be at...

between emc'squareds and nothingness that is everything inseparably less than and lighter than air!!!

And in this moment it is about all I or anyone can say that means everything and nothing more!!
R we partners in this war...

We work together or we work for one another and nothing more!!!!
ABC, 123 not required, understand ja baby love!!!

And nothing more!!!
If you think I'm **** House Remix / Rod Stewart /
Sa Sa Ra Nov 2012
Yo Bro;
hoping all is well as sugary sweet flowing going more like honey beeing; you---- and---- too-uly been so how do we like to say so romp rompy and we just don't know X'actly as is as it might appear though let us hope it's not too ryhmy or scheamy with Pop Pompy on and in too deeply in those ity bity incy weeny little commentary boxery's!! If you dont get my follow ups to heaven fader and or garlic really they are in draft form which I may poem-alize live copy dat roger over or not I' owt about it nevermind you, but b4 or lata don't worry so much we all here are so under staffed it's one of those scarcity things we need to promote to keep all you potentially dangerous and certainly crazy; we've myopically studied humanity and yes those aliens have been helping too for well let's just say here cause I'm to say so much about it but I've already been chipped as spare with a tag of 'IDKy' My Mom was told as a child it might be curse but I feel now with my spare free pass I'm feeling lucky and so gamble ramble roll and once I found out it actuall rymed with Holy so who Holy knowly's; okay my apologies and I'm overly busy you know the staff scarcity thing though we try to usually depersonalize for both the guilty and innocent as well one you as far as we can tell are innocent yet and charges have been brought against you, but don't get your hopes up quite yet!!!; so if you would like to consult with a lawyer we are fine by this we'd understand but ; understand this we do not have public funds on that scarcity list for defending such kinds of non-nonsensical indefensible but of psychiatrist and getting locked up for this we could turn you in or give ya' a long set of lists...

And we try to promote optimism firstly especially moslty up-frontly; but know see here steer clear of what we just might need a little bit more clarity therein thereoutward IDK peeps are saying all kinds of crazy things out there we're try very hard at keeping you safe from all those other's now I thim they call themselves all knds of crazy things like 'One Another', then they say 'All's ya' need is Love" but see then they' got all kinds of other deep rooted kinds of mix-ups for next thing you ya' we have finally figure this much, they seem so contradictory we've butchered and tortured best specimens we could and too some even helped with every bit and like tooall kinds of crazy things they call us confomists we have not got that one figured out yet but new techies well ya know we stole some genetics fore if you just keep them reigned in on just a precise tether we have got a bit done with them, well they are coming soon can't say when with chips that make silicon again dark ages at last, well then as I was sayin the new algorithmics and transprogramizations might be able to be downloaded in; now yes the stuff we have now and we're building servers and storage what they say of Gods House Many Mansions; well we don't know what crazies think they think they think they believe somehow they actually anything at all but we have got this thing that fit what they call Gods House we think on the small tip end of the needle ya and they say JC Pop's little one all these mansions just one son; anyway said something 'bout us being like trying to get a camel though the eye of that thing but wowza we got a barn load of that House of God stuff on the small end remember and they pretty safe we's moling around and along with a little nuclear waste and all kinds of formats and types of files well if they we'er barns on grounds oh what a city; we think perhasp a metaphorical thing we might be able to some use it then thet say we are abusing it well to say this for the new humanity and like that "Jeweled City" coming down for their own good looking over them; we have our special agents everywhere, from a handful of string puppeteer players but don't worry the aliens say most of the genes did what they were supposed to so we might be getting close too pulling his off well, these thing no like they say 'bout this thing they call 'God' it's like it knows no country, race, religious affiliations or associations, secular non those work we have about the same way; currencies, politics they all make pretty good mindful fences and we like that stuff it's all in your head, cause there some are trying figure this stuff too, about some kind of connection from the mind to or from the heart and which way we just don't get the technical details; all we really know is that when this heart matter comes up and as far as we can tell we still pushing hard EMC squared energy matter crazy people crazy enough keeps theirs minds busy with stuff dig this oh how this was beautiful kicker still scares the living 'um we'll just call it crap here fro if this ever goes public you know the scarcity promotional plan and shortness of staff, well it might safe us some editing our save energy from servers trying to catch stuff that might upset and make unruly those same people we do all can for but you never know we're just not so sure so too we let them selves go on with maybe 'Mother' needs to cleanse herself we like to leave room for a few contingency things

Give it a couple of weeks and try not to seat it too much a bit but then try to get back with me on this; we have setup a private file here; we respect your privacy but you might want to check the details of fine print on the site here that just keeps a ** along linking to the indefinite indeed-ly insane rather cool gruelingly cruel more so beyond too colder than natures own ice here which such is ever dear kinder sweeter; now too understand there are new technologies out there while we are at it if your feeling but chilly chilled here now beside all those turn on and off pills and again the bugs are not so clear if they can ever worked out but there are places and they can make it painless, sounds nice right hmmm now ya gotme thinking too much again susssh's not a word one slip click of mouse here dat don't need meece mouse or even mice jus t one dig and mine is wired just on little slip click and oh 'ooops your prioritized and if your a unlucky type of fellow we always need a good sporting specimen of public spectacle just you know we don't gods Children acting and playing in love joy fun singing

— The End —