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Hey Love
Have you noticed I've been off?
different vibe, Different talk?
I've been Switching More frequently from A
Good to bad Song?    
It's The Drug.
It's Forming Its self back
to its old ways.
I Was to late and Should have seeked help before I consumed more. After every hit , every line
Ive been burrowing Myself.
Digging The real me far deep in my brain. This drugs insane and difficult to explain
. I don't want this. Believe I Don't like being an addict.
I'm just so far below .
I've fallen to my knees, my heart can't take no more.
So I decided Just 1 hit to relieve all The negative. Sadly enough I know I can't just do it once ..
I'm getting lost baby
I'm trying To save me but this is uncontrollable
especially if Your unhappy.
I can feel it getting worse.
Every time I feel mad I just think about the swirls. How 1 can Elimate The horrors.
I'm Scared. I can feel myself transform and I swear I can't control this
Marisol Delpino Feb 2016
Each milestone the teacher makes us write
Write about the monsters that makes us quiver
Write about how we can redeem courage
Think. Think. Pause.

What do I write
I am only in first grade
I fear not the boogie man under my bed but
The man you leaves love taps on mommy's face
What can I do
I was taught that what happens here remains
Remains within this household as a secret
Help. Help. Hush.

What do I write
I am in the sixth grade
I fear not the spirit in the basement for he is my friend
But tremble at the sight of the shadow that preys on me
What can I do
Mama is beaten with labor by three jobs
Two for food and one holding that leather belt
Cry. Cry. Hush.

What do I write
I am finally a senior
I fear not of growing up and taking its responsibilities
But awaking from the fairytale reality each day shakens me
What can I do
Swallow another ambien after another
Elimate enduring the nightmare furthermore
Sleep. Sleep. Hush.

Teacher makes us present
Humiliating with laughter or
Understanding with compassion
Write. Write. Erase.
avery james Jan 2016
i feel like a grenade
ready to detonate
at any second
and elimate in my path.

you need to run
to get out
i don't want to hurt you
but i'm about to explode

— The End —