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AJ Sheikh Aug 2013
Many of times...
The easiet thing we can do...
Is breathe....
Its the symbol of living...
A simple process that seems to go on naturally...
Because the heart is in tatters...
And the conscience shattered...
We fall down upon our knees...
Looking around helplessly...
As all our hopes and dreams...
Break against bitter reality...
We don't have a reason to live...
We cannot find a cause to be...
In that time...
The only thing you and me....
Can do what can be done...
And just breathe...
Chris Apr 2015

I am trying to find an
easy way to describe
how I am feeling right now

I could say it is like tides going out
never again returning to shore


as if the sun has set permanently
leaving the world in darkness


it feels every minute seems
twice as long than the last


I am more empty than a
bank lobby on a holiday


I could just say
I miss you…so very much

That would be the easiet thing to say
I miss you
You say you know me
Better than I know myself
You judge me cause you think it is easy
It is bever easy to walk in my shoes
It is not the thing that I wanted to choose
You think of me so little
Yet I am full of news
I am a riddle that you can never solve
Step into my body and figure out how my cells beat
Figure out how every brain cell speaks
Show me what my eyes can see
And what my limbs seek
Don't think I am weak
I show compasion because i have reached the peek
When you slap me I turn the other cheek
I am born to love
Not to push and shove
Respect who I am and don't throw me under the bus
My heart is whiter than a feather of a dove
Respect my humanity that is a gift from above
My brother what you see is not the image that it appears to be
The real image is hidden in a mist that the other will not reveal to me
So don't look at him and you think you have figuered out the key
You will need to be closer to him to understand what is he
He might be somone who you never thought he could be
He might be the devil hidding in an angels rougue
And pulls out his sowrd
And stab you in the heart
And as you fall down and bleed in pain
You will understand that judging people is a shame
The mirror reflects the human that we see
But doest it reflect the bones and muscles lying inside of me
We are humans and thats the easiet we could be
But we got to evolve to be the best that people thought we can only be
As a true human i have trust though some days hope falls past my shoulders.
We live to ask endless questions why, who, which, when. The times when you are over powered the face goes down, powering your imaginations to stress. When you cease to know facts from hollas, even the good thinkers take not a whole day while those who do certain as easiet turn hazardeous.
*dont look down on yourself just like 'You cant choose your birth family rather you can for a future family'

— The End —