Many daze in the rippsy tav the Nates will hiber by their Glit
'N sometime prea with the gigaslav and there zellgreth betwit.
Now once there was a Tilly Stoet who'd paineram in the dippserill
Nifty Nates would knowet and greal it's very Tips-a-Prill
A day or more had passed in tyme till one day the gigaslav broke
Now Tilly Stoets speak of brine 'n the merryjaunah they'd smoke.
Oh they'd **** there poppers 'n slop their drippers
'Till one day the pole greasemen came.
The Tilly Stoets acted like poets and that was really O.K.
But the buzzers were fuzzers and wouldn't ya knowet
They took all there pots away.
From . ' The HodgePodge Assumptions '.
by sparX Kuijper © 1983
Inspired by The Jabberwocky. From 'Mischmasch' Lewis Carroll 1855.