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He has coffee in his blood,
He dances with brown camels.
White wide paths of knives
Are curved deep among the mountain passes
Of ribs wrapped in soft desert of skin.

A tongue athlet and a sound alchemist,
A reluctant nomad with wheat hair,
Who's driven by his crazy-grooving heart
So rarely though so far.

Sometimes a train, sometimes a net,
Sometimes a piece of paper
Will take him.
But most often he is joining with genies
In their bottles. And spirits take him
To the caves, the deep blood-vessels.

He's silent mostly and his back is bent
Though he is tall.
He walks all cloaked in weary clothes
And idle anger both.
As it dictates him his prideful eagle's nose.

He bears also marks of roots,
Of runes, of flame, of anchors,
His bones look at you in their clutches
From beneath the skin
Of his thin fingers.

He builds the towers shaky,
Weak. And so, they're almost living,
He've found a cat in a banana
And lets it live inside his elbow.

The grey in northern sky is his.
He reached his fine hands
And left it there. He touched the sun
And then again. He put it in his lighter
With his fingertips.
So he occasionally has a light from the sun.

He prays to metal and walks two roads at once.
He tolls the tree from which he hails.
He hangs from a branch.
Or does he just stand
Downwords and his back is lying on
The branch on which he stands?

He buried his gold and digs it out only
For fire and jokes, for bitter and smoke.
A cow of three eyes and a bee on his blazen
Are joing in drawing.
Bryan Gewickey Oct 2012
In all backwards and forways,

for upways and downwords

still stick in my mind

that some hearts are not fine

and maybe if I said it thus simple

I would gather all stars to my ribs

but I see it not simple.

If I am, in all consequence,

I must see all together or see not at all.

For harps are not one string,

nor babies one bone

but by influx of rivers

thus comes the sea.

and asking: what sort of waters make up we.
I dont know how i got here
But i knew this was coming
I looked at him
His eyes are closed
Naked under the sheets
Sleeping peacefully
I want to touch him but i can't
And i won't
Cause its not right
He left me
Never knew the reason why
And then after all these months he came back
Still no explanation
I am sick of it
Whenever he looks at me
I see it
His eyes shine
As if i am holding the stars
And hanging the moon
Then why cant he make me feel that
I knew from the very first
That we are not compatible
How could we
When everything is wrong with us
Its toxic
But then why i feel like
Its him only him that i can love
I love him but i cant give up easily
I want to touch his face
Kiss his lips
He has dark circles under his eyes
Maybe from overworking
He is an insominac
But i have never seen
He always says it that when he is with me
He sleeps peacefully
I cant do this anymore
His eye brows are forming a frown
Maybe he found out that i am staring at him
He opens his eyes
He looks at me
The same glimmering eyes
The same look
"Are you ok"
He asks
After all these things he did to me
He still asks me that
"I want to go back "
I say coz i know i cant control myself anymore
He is still looking at me
His face without any expression
Deep down i know what he is feeling
He is hurt
His is having a turmoil inside
He gets up the steets are not enough to cover him any more
I am scared that he will get furious
But he never does
"Please dont , give me a chance i promise i wont mess up this time"
For the first time i saw something
He never begs ,never
And he is doing it to me
His face showing uncertainty
He is older than me
But right now i know i am the bigger here
I dont trust myself to answer
He is not looking at me
His head is tilted downwords
I saw him flinch when i touch him
He is scared
"Ok" i can't  recognize my voice
He looks at me
His eyes are watery
A tear starts to fall
He never cries
He always said that crying is for the weak
But why now
I touch his face
" i love you"
He says
He knew i wont answer
And i kiss him
His lips touch mine
I want to cry
Cause i know i am going to regret it
But i am taking the risk
I love you
I love you
I love you
He says it again and again
Despite of knowing
He wont get this in return
We kiss and
we kiss and
we kiss.
Hey ! opinions and  ccomments are always welcome

— The End —