Don't look at what this arrow is pointing to ------> I told you not to look
Or this one ---------------------------------------> You have disobeyed a doctah
Or this one ---------------------------------> You're supposed to do what I say
Or this one ----------> Now you shall die from a disease on a random day
Look at what this arrow is pointing to -----------> I'm smarterer than you
But not this one --------> To save your own life, you must now (gunshot)
Or this one ---------> Follow my Hello Poetry account and like this poem
Look at what this one is pointing to --> Don't worry about that gunshot
And this one -----------------------------------> I'll be fine, 'cause I'm a doctah
If this poem confuses you, good. You have obeyed the doctah and shall live a long, happy life. If this poem makes sense to you, you have disobeyed a doctah, and you're hosed (unless you're a doctah yourself).