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Juliette Elisa Sep 2012
Lousy days
Most days
Some days
It gets old. 

Ugly lies. 
Assumption ties
Your immaturity 
Into a bow. 

Two face 
Your face
Reminds me of a quarter. 
Head down tails up
You're nothing but a distorter. 

Some days
Most days
I can put up
With your face
But lately
Most days 
It's just a sad disgrace. 

Grow up
Show up
Teach your kid how to lie
Teach your kid how to hide
That second face they'll grow
To despise.  

But walk around
Like you know
How everything 
Suppose to be. 

Keep your head high
And keep your maturity low
Because those who can see 
Through your insecurities 
Knows just how far
Your fall will go.
Michael Hoffman Jan 2012

Had to have a psych eval
at the box factory
a human resources workup
to make sure
I could handle work again
making cardboard condos
for little mammal prisoners
of the pet trade
who live on hot windowsills
until someone comes to love them.

I got too depressed once
when I found tiny bunnies
mewling in a dumpster
their only refuge
a box I had made
you could tell
it said assembled with care
by Kevin
and I missed a month of work
and got written up
for just being sad.

The shrink diagnosed me
a cognitive distorter
a predictor of worst case scenarios
but I disagreed
since I saw the sad bunnies for real
and he puffed up like a blowfish
stammering you’re the patient
I’m the man.

Well I’ve been around the zendo
so I challenged him
smartypants answer this…….
Do bunnies in boxes
have Buddha nature?

Irrational and pointless he said
hmmmmm I said
how do you know
maybe you’re a narcissist
on a psychobabble fugue
echoing in a therapy box.

But I have Buddha nature
and I put that in the boxes I make
and the Buddha bunnies go in the boxes
and you here in your Buddha office
are not separate
just uniquely boxed  
and the label on the bunnies' box says
assembled with care by Buddha.
Bo Tansky Aug 2018
I Got the News Blues

Heard them say
It’s an information explosion
A veritable feast from the chosen
Implosion, corrosion symposium

Round the clock news coverage
Underage plunderage.

Got you on the edge of your seat
Waiting for one to press delete
Wondering about tomorrow?
Here today, gone to sorrow

Got you on the edge of your seat
It’s the enemy we need to defeat

We’re all up in arms
Not with guns or mortar
About something some reporter
Importer, distorter
Coming to you from headquarters
With script in hand
Smiling faces, showcases
This is breaking news

Heard it all before
Give me the blues
They go well with the news.

Got you on the edge of your seat
Fears quite an aphrodisiac
Even for a maniac
Manias its’ own brand of crazy
Upsidaisy, theocracy, hypocrisy
Raised on the flavory
It’s awesome savory

Hear, Hear
Breaking news here
Take a seat
It’s about to begin
Kingpin, Lynchpin,
No spin, we win

Hoorah for our side
Upside, war bride
Goodness is out of sight
Please, don’t get upset
It’s just a staged set
Take a seat
It’s about to begin

It’s justified genocide
Said the distorter reporter
Only a few have died.

We’ll be back
After this intermission
Said with precision
Without a hint of derision

Waving from the bleachers
Behind all the preachers
Teachers, truth seekers
With a wink and a nod
A short message from our sponsor,

And now for more news.
midnight prague Dec 2010
blurry images of black figures
fill the cinema in my head
a deep soft

she speaks like a distorter
of colorful images
blotted out
in the

we smile on the bench like wicked
I press my eyes on the skin
and I am far stricken
touching the
pale ill

eyes that are filled with
slumber ancestry
mourn the funeral
of anatognized

breathe out

turn to the side of dark
barcelona instristic in the wet
paris of your broken fingers
linger elegantly
with my dress of leather
take your hands
kiss them

banish crime of the wrong
ashes of the fire flutter
around me like doves
on a day of birth
I lightly lift my arms
so that the flesh falls on my hands
and I feel those things for the last time

creasing eyebrows
the frigid temples of these ancient ruins
hidden deep in forbidden valleys
carefully painted with a red smoke
of lips
the lines in palms
and feminine hips

laughter and screams fade out
with the pressing of things that
beat within small human chests
that may stop at any moment
we must keep going now
in search for a sacrifice
for the blood of harmony
in her smallest hope

do you feel the heavy burden of the white oceans
filled with nothing but sanitys affliction
lets throw our minds into those waters
like the small
particles in the wind

the sky closes
the sun purges
the night runs to a haven
cross bred in between the two
we are in a place
we dont know of
and the muscles in my cheeks
shiver as I smile

— The End —