Would you care to know...
that my favorite color is green?
that good music sends a tingle up my spine?
that I love the ocean passionately?
that I always take cold showers and I love them?
that I collect mugs of all shapes and sizes and
that my recent favorite says "grouch" on it?
that I am loving and caring?
that stepping on crunchy leaves makes me smile?
that looking at my toes does too?
that my favorite places to get kissed are on my cheek, nose, and forehead?
that I sing and play the ukulele?
that I love to cuddle?
that I write poetry?
that my cookies and pancakes are the bomb diggety?
that I say bomb diggety?
the word "pudding" makes me laugh?
that I write quotes on my bathroom mirror?
that I sleep with a teddy I've had for 16 years?
that I'm stronger than you think I am?
that you don't know me in the least?
Or, would you rather care to know...
that I am vulnerable?
that I'm a great kisser?
that I have "experience"?
that I can make your night?
or would you rather not?
And just take me
No questions asked,
No exchange but that of the body
Then none forever after?
If those are your wishes, then you don't deserve me in the least.
And I am not making you pancakes.