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Mahesh Hegde Feb 2014
We lay down here,
Totally naked cuddled close,
Its not the ****** but the very beginning,
Can you hear the birds chirp,
They sing to imply knowledge of different universes,
As ur fingertips tickle my torso,
Look at the stars out there,
They look as if Spelling TRUTH,
Truth of our love,
Our brains wondering and pondering,
Resonating to feel all the feelings at the same time,
You ask me to guide to the ultimate truth,
Close ur eyes honey,
Just breathe with me,
As I breathe in, you do it out and viceversa,
Breathing shows us the path,
Because Air is present all around the earth.
And it consists micro-scent of ether,
Thats omnipresent throughout the universe.
It brings us knowledge of worlds beyond,
Your ******* so errotic, caressing mine,
I get goosebumps.
On every tip of my hair,
The light shines,
Can u see, its telling u something,
We are not the body,
We arent even the mind,
Close your eyes,
Feel my lips on yours,
You taste so sweet,
Concentrate between your brows,
Dont think of anything,
But just feel,
The planets,
The suns,
The moons,
Explosions deep in the sky,
Implosions that create black holes,
Go inside the black hole,
You are too strong to disintegrate,
A differemt world there exists,
Maybe demigods reside there,
I love your soft glowing skin,
The curve of your hips and *****,
I love to caress your backbone,
Love the way you kiss my chest,
Wish I could just stop time now,
But no, you need to travel,
Touch all the time of all tbe 36 dimensions,
These times consist of knowledge that would lead your soul to its destiny.
Your neck seduces my hormones,
Is it cold there in outer space,
Maybe you are far beyond this world of planetary bodies and suns,
Maybe you see all the universes as a miniscule,
Yes go beyond that darkness now,
Dont worry sugar,
Im there wid you,
Kissing you, just feel the energy of my touch.
Now maybe you see a white dot from there,
Thats the miniscule I was talking about,
All the universes and dimensions in one white dot,
Thats the result of the ultimate truth,
It consists of all the facts which our soul seeks as knowledge,
Im inside u now,
Splitting your virginity,
Lets come together and touch the wild yet gentle ******,
I told you I can just guide you to the truth,
And I showed it to you,
But what does it imply,
Where did all this start,
The big bang.??
Or before bigbang.?
Concentrate between your brows.
You'll get it someday soon,
Just a few light years it takes to touch the Truth.
I love you.
For that ******* Hello Poetry who took my heart at the first sight of hers.! :))
100PaigesShort Apr 2015
I see a netted drape
Over my mouth
And a knotted one
Over my occipital

A breath of fresh air,
Still finds its way south;
To give no relief
As my ***** drawls.

I'm a southern girl,
So south you ain't south anymo',
The same as my health,
Downed like a Merritt Island Iced Tea.

(For those of you unknowing,
MI is were addicts go to retire,
and our teas are more green than the dragon)

For vainglory we go
Buzzed and slow

I did so well,
despite red in the bowl
over and over
I just saw roses

On my long nails,
under my eyelids,
in my nostrils,
Unnoticeably pale.

The pain makes me pass,
outer than cattle
In the Atlantic, you still won't find them.

If I count like a toddler,
why can't he?

He strangles my ears,
Slaps my eyes,
clenches my stomach,
hurts my hands, my arms, my spine, my legs, my face, my jaw,
And still they don't listen.

I can't blame them much.
Though I said many word,
The passion didn't seem right.
Wrong to the right people,
Screamed to the able,
Signed to the deaf.

No one has done anything horrible to me.
Nobody but me.

Sure, I have problems with my mind
Like most of you here
(otherwise we wouldn't be writers,
though I am of a differemt [boring] breed)

But that's not what's killing me.
My body is shutting down,
And I wish that was metaphorical.
Or that it would hurry up and finish.

— The End —