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Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Stardust falls gentle like
freshly fallen snow, it lands
on dreamers, lovers, young
and old..

Stardust is not only
for little ones, it shines
each night in the velvet

Golden dust falls from
the sky in the warmth
of summer, when
the moon is full..

It creeps around the world
like a fine mist, before the
dawn appears..

Stardust is what's on the roses,
like dew they say, it soon
fades away with the brightness
of the sun.

Stardust is like the finest diamonds
displayed in the jewelry stores,
the only thing with stardust, it comes
without a price...

Collect your stardust, when
the moon is full and put it in a
golden box, in case God runs
short someday..

Stardust covers angels wings,
they shine so brightly, they fly
so proud, in the heavens

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Emotions went out one day and
forgot where they lived, they roamed
all around the world and still couldn't
find their way home.

Something did not seem right, since
emotions forgot anything to do with
emotion and life started a new with
out a single emotion in thought.

All emotions thoughts were of subtraction
strange idea's appearing within the
mind why subtraction? when all the
answers seem wrong emotions started
gathering remembrance of something to
do with emotions that somehow use
to be part of life.

The warmth of the sun seemed no longer
warm to emotions, since the sun use
to be so glorious once upon a time
in emotions lost world.

So emotions subtracted her way
with the countless few, looked in the
beautiful heavens and started
a new.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2023
Singing songs of glory
bringing joy within souls
of understanding, wisdom
heart, mind.

Completeness unfolding
softly before the light
of admiration brightens
with hues of irresistible
co lours conquering
spaces of wonderment
astounding, untouched

Long-lasting capabilities
controlling laughter unset
desires destroyed from

Glory is my song of loyalty
upon arrival of innocent
realities of known abilities
and surreal surroundings.

Song of glorious knowing
words untouched, acknowledge
accepted, enveloped in
anatomical discipline
and reliability.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
You out there to help me find
our light in the cavern of life, bright
soft with song?

We Walk

We can carry each other's sadness walking
this beach together once again to the cavern
of no return, we will follow the stars
to our special world together in the shadows
of delight.

We Walk

We shall spread our wings and fly so
high above all pain, loneliness, and
days that have no light.

We Walk

Come with me my love lets find our
way to heaven's gate leaving everything
behind we never had till now!

Let's Begin

(Heavenly Stars Always Shine)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Midnight Power

Midnight, power escapes
from bowels of the universe
soaring, surrounding, wounding,
no laughter enlightens.

Lanced, damage begins,
like a swirling staircase,
ripping away from reality,
ending in another place
and time..

Energy flowing, with broken
promises surging forward,
completing life's triangle..

Silent words have no meaning,
power traps each moonlight
a night with sparkle and fame,
a fresh awakening, plunging
with understanding..

Point your finger in the other
direction, it is powered
with energy shooting toward
the heavens, taking in charge
every living soul, our maker
takes us home..


Space filled with wonder, where we
Search the universe for answers
there are none, not yet, where we
have established space stations, they
multiply, finding life underground of
Mars, the red planet, escaping death,
they find a new way of life..

Searching for other worlds for a sign
of extraterrestrials, we find, through
time travel, many dimensions, life
years apart, we now establish more
about God, and his creations, searching,
finding, accepting, we move on into the
mysteries of the universe...

Space is the ace of the deck, highest
you can find, where knowledge is
only one step away from our
accomplishments, a score much too
high for betterment....Space, vast,
filled with life. specks, dust from

We shall continue to send out ships
to other worlds, finding more and
more answers, while we may of over
looked the true depth of our belief.....

The heavens will continue when we
are gone, answers will be sought,
solving many question unknown,
space, our true destination, has no
beginning, no end, life a mystery
of mysteries that shall go on till the
end of time...

Without Warmth Of Love

Without the warmth of love
I would close my eyes forever;
darkness would cloud each thought,
never know what life was about,
without love light.

Without the warmth of a smile, why
would I want to smile; it's worth
a lifetime to find a diamond,
one who knows the warmth of
life, the sparkle of love..

Without the warmth of a gentle
touch, how could I live a normal
life, when the freshness of the breeze
no longer exists..

Without the warmth of loving
words, life would be a lonely place,
where silence, like an Island, only
touched by a quiet whisper.

Without the warmth of a kiss
why should my lips whisper
words of love, when a kiss,
cannot find a home, a place
to rest desire..

Without the warmth of my love,
heavenly light would not exist,
only emptiness of a heart living
a life alone...


Passion falls outside
my door. each time
I smell the flowers..

The passion of life, never
stops when a breeze
of love flows through
my hair, sent from God.

Passion grows, desire
living on, warm touch
of life devouring richness,
renewing, surrendering. a
Opal of life, black with fire..

Passion for love, desire, sweet
desire, food for the heart, the reason
to live life to the

Listen To My Songs

Listen to my songs my love,
there sung from the very
heart of me...

Your the one that makes
me sing you're the one
that makes me smile,
you're the reason for all
I do..

Listen to my songs of
love, they flow like
raindrops from the sky..

Listen to each heartbeat,
each beat is for you my
love, like beating drums,
wildly flowing across
the mountain pine..

Listen carefully my love,
you may hear the echoing
of my haunting songs, but
you can't see the love I hold
for you..

Must I

Must the light stop shining
now that you have gone?
Must my life stop and pause
a second, to realize part
of me has melted away?

Must the glow of life fade,
when each day is a new,
must there only be one
heart beating now, when
two I've heard for so long?

Must the candlelight of love
dim forever, without another
flame to light my way?

Must the freshness of each
summer rain, have no breeze
to chase away the darkened

Must the darkness turn
darker around me, when
dreams have disappeared,
leaving only shadows
of doubt?

Must the silence make
me weep, and the shade
of summertime bring

Must I keep remembering
your smiles, kisses, sweet
embrace in the night of no
more tomorrows?

Must I walk alone among
the weeping willow, watch
the stream of life stop
flowing the other way?

Must I lay my head down
under the oak of life's
force, and surrender
myself to my master?

Must I give up, and give
into the pain I carry,
the tears I shed in vain,
when time is now running
out to hold you once more?

Must I believe that you
will return, when I know
it will never be, you have
been reborn into the masters
kingdom, leaving me all alone
my love..

Love Is Forever

Love is forever peaceful,
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities,
it lives within all of us..

Love is a forever thing,
never letting go, flowing
through time..

love is not forced,
it's free, need is holding
on, not free. but love lives
within each soul..

Love is a lasting
thing that brightens
every heart..

Love. power of the
the universe, it multiplies
over and over again,
living forever.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Listening to heart music
how magical it can be, bringing
peace and answers to questions
we have pondered on without
a magical song.
No problems can live in a
mind filled with light and
song, it is truly magic.
Listen to those tunes that
make you happy, you'll
have no regrets.
When you do your work free
from stress, you'll be like a
bird set free from his
Find your magic, you
carry it every day, it just
waits to be found.
Born with magic, live
with magic, grow old with
magic passing it on
when you leave this
world in peace.
Magic appears always when
you search, never give up what
you feel, it is the true magic
living in your soul.
Listen to music and find the
miracle of magic in your
Magic always live in our
hearts souls, minds.
Majestically flowing from
within always..


By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2021
Darkened, a part of me
listen's calm to a
melody coming from the
depth of me.

A solitude moment, a
memory passing by
like a dove in flight.

Waves flow from oceans
deep over feet worn
sore from walking paths
of confusion, lacking
knowledge, understanding
of life that blisters
through the soul of

Eyes of trust stare in despair
through minds, drawn
by darkness closing doors
of what was once a reality.

Weakness crashes like welded
steel, melting hearts distorted
with torment and uncertainty.

Color me what you must, am
standing here like a newborn
babe, free at last.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2023
Everyone enters your life for a reason
we might not know why they caught
your eye, till the lesson was learned
by you alone, or them with love.

Oh yes! someone may enter your life and
you will never know why, maybe just to
put on that smile you forgot about for
so long.

I do know, there is a reason for everything
reality is not a dream, it is purely magical
when you meet that person so filled with

Collect your vision of dreams and soon that
the person will enter your life for no reason
what so ever.

(Always a reason why everything happens)

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Closely intertwine winter
settles upon our hearts filled
with warmth and wonder
how miracles just happen
every minute stories are
created without

Miracles are just magic

We just imagine what we desire
and manifest the desire coming
out of nowhere would believe
miracles just happen with just
one thought and blink of an

Miracles are music from above

We are never fools when it comes
down to believing in miracles
they never stop appearing before
us daily with pleasure.

Miracles are the stars in our eyes

We are never disappointed when
darkness leaves, and light brings
sunlight, nor are we surprised
when a bird sings a song in
a tree on a branch by the
open window for us to hear.

Miracles are wishes we never make

Everything free comes from love
and miracles are free cause they
are loving desires.

Miracles are little raindrops
falling on a thirsty flower
from heaven above.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
I walked the woodland
of my dreams
drank the water of truth
blessed me in front of
the waterfall of beauty
I wrote down words that
floated from my heart to
Not once have I feared life
would not be fair.

I climbed the mountain
brave and proud
I joined the Bird's free
within the realm of
all I believed
I still climb my mountain
maybe a little stronger
in spirit, somewhat wiser
spreading my wings flying with the
wind of promise.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Were angels where ever we shall
go, we may not know we are
till one day we amaze ourselves
with great delight.

Some sing there hearts out
to fill the love they have
within, not knowing
there someone's
Angel bright.

Lovely to hear someone
release love from within
free flowing into eternal

Be creative! it is the angel
within ourselves making us
be the best we can be.

So next time you hear a
a special song, remember it
could be from your angel
once upon a time.

(Dedication to my Special Angel

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Love is Beautiful with the one you
share it with, it blooms with fragrance
blowing with the breeze.

No confusion, no bad thoughts
just sharing, understanding

Love new, love fresh, feeling
of beauty surrounding soul
surrounding heart, sweet
embrace, passion of a million

Love never needs answers
acceptance is their automatically
no words need to be spoken
no tension, just peace, tender
feelings captivating..

Love is beautiful with the right
one, it only grows and grows
no boundaries, just love, feeling
that endures all misery..

By DerenaBree
© 2018 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
No conclusion of wonderment
play tunes miraculously in
the summer of magic
when winds blew in time
with the misty dawn.

Superficial memories complete
each emotion confined, in
the fall of life's sweet

Throw away the illusions of
youth unto the lighted torch
of yesteryear when lightening
brightened skies darkened
by clouds.

Embodied by sparks and
fragrance of jasmine in the
moonlight of our last kiss
books lock away pedals of
never forgotten memories
of youth and playful ways
blow away in the salty
breeze of us once upon
a time in a dream.

(Sweet sweet memories)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Golden Moments

Moments no longer moments, golden
memories whispering in the wind of time
carefully drifting, picking up stardust
along the way..

Moments thought once, many times
after, only once will they last a lifetime
of remembrance..

From heart to mind, casting one thought
one moment, lingering through the vast

Golden moments, thought, brightly

By DerenaBree
© 2008 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Completing our mission in grace
not easy to do, hard to cope with
hatred and evil floating around
silently around in disguise.

I often wondered if mother nature
would get angry fighting back
watching God's children flirting
in the darkness of untold evils.

I imagine in ways she decides to
clear the air with freshness to
carry out each season's in perfect

Missions take time, determination
patience to do what is right to make
mankind understand that greed is
not good food for the soul, only love
is good food bringing forth knowledge
becoming wise enough to understand
love is one power, one energy, one love
completing perfection in all forms.

(One with one-with- us-energy
force, a shield of loves sweet

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Now! feeling what I see when once
what I saw, I could not feel. Love
flowing through everything, all have
hearts beat, and if you listen hard
enough you'll even hear the angels
of your soul speaking.

Amazing! how one day everything looks
the same, the next time you look, nothing
is the same all have it's own glow, love
bringing forth understanding, how it
really works, when you find out your
love is your power to acknowledge the
truth of perfection in the making.

A new world created by me to love
and feel the freedom in my souls

We can shine that light bringing forth
love that never was found truly existing
now possible, if you believe in the beauty
of love in the soul, your search will be over
when you have awakened what has been
sleeping before you were born.

Speak from the mind and your desires
will become a reality, your dreams
a paradise among the cool waters
of tranquility.

We are the beautiful creator of each
thought that radiates love
We create when love experience
grow deep with no expectation
just a whispering breeze
coming alive within.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2021
She sang, dancing across the stormy dawn
capturing dreams along her way
she flew high filled with ...

She streaked unblemished, a flower in bloom
hidden in shadows unseen
she touched many a heart
that stormy dawn.

Beauty bright, lighting paths darkened
she found the mighty wind
hidden deep, as she danced across dreams

She flushed away doubts with wisdom
powdered fears with fragrance
from a newborn existence found
that stormy dawn.

Power-filling each pore, she flew high
making each drop a stream, a river
an ocean, that stormy dawn before
the rainbow appeared.

She streaked across the heavens
mingling with the raindrops, and
thunder, then peace became her
silent surrender that stormy

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
All hope love and thought are created
by us, in whom we are power of the
divine universe filled with knowledge
wisdom created by us through energy
source of soul, we manifest what is our
own illusion in the making of the now
no tomorrow till we have created
another day perfect in the depth of
inner desires.

How alone it seems to be when we
are the universe of thought, maker
of perfection shining with light
arms our stretched ready for
another miracle.

How beautiful the essence of our own
soul must be! when with one thought
we can create miracles beyond our
fondest dreams.

We can subtract and add unto each
piece of art we have manifested
with one desire, one love deep
enough to move through eternity.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Step in the circle of love, perfection
of divinity, understanding the satisfied
soul one united.

Cannot be what you're not when
you were born a God, we are all
God's, living in the circle of life as
one God.

Love! we must learn, accepting its
soul depth, we are all one in one
we are love in the purest form.

Tree of life with branches stretching
in all direction, uniting in one.

Now in time of wonderment, we find
love is the branching, that continues
to stretch out and grow deeper
becoming one in spirit, welded together
in loves sweet energy.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Love you, my sweet angel, I think of you all the time
that is what mothers often do, in the morning, at noon
and in the evening, when slumber comes, often your
in my thoughts sweetheart.

There is never a day passes by my angel dear that
you're not on my mind, you came into this world
so beautiful, with hair of reddish blonde, fat little
cheeks that made me sing with delight.

You have always been my little angel, an angel without
the wings, a little sweetheart, that never made me cry
always made me happy throughout your growing years.

You never disappointed me once, you only showed me
nothing but love, how could God of given me such a
wonderful treasure as you? I am blessed.

Now you're grown, with a child of your own, you follow
my example to a tee, your a daughter every mother
wish she had, and I shall always thank you, my angel
for being you.

You are the spark that brightens my life, the cool
summer breeze that kisses my cheek, you are my
rainbow at the end of a rainstorm, with colors that
that brighten my heart.

You are my loving daughter, that glows like the moon
sparkles like the stars. you are one of my reasons
for living dear daughter, and your five brothers too.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Among the ashes, tears do flow
building foundations strong with fear
binding threads, behind masks show
the count down has just begun.

While darkness seeps through hearts
of doubt, the land cries from thirst and
shame, why man had to make his mark
across the universal plain.

Where shadows fall upon misty nights
dawn hides away what can't be found
thorns never seen, must bleed away
tears that fall upon deceit.

Truth may be a passing thing, while
silence flow like thunder across skies
among the ashes of time we see
a world distorted, a world we lost
a world of ashes known has history.

Though bleakness draws its final
breath, life flows faster yet, to settle
down across the land, forces of false
conclusion end, in sorrow and heartache
among the ashes of yesterday.

Today's another day, where ashes were
thrown among never-ending sorrow, years
and years ago, now freedom rings no
more, we walk among disasters new
where only shadows flow and darken
in these new days of uncertainty.

(Cross your arms each and everyone, that
we may never see the shadows appear)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
One more story, one more day,
another smile to soothe a weeping

Another glance across the way,
another story, a simple hello to
a stranger passing by.

A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sandman comes,
a prayer of thanks for blessings
adorn from the heart.

Another day, painted in colorful hues,
a miracle sweeping away with the breeze,
a blanket filled with a sparkle in the darkness,
a night of misty bliss lingering by.

One more story, one more smile to give,
another handshake for a day well spent,
another day of growth, another lesson learned,
a heart filled with love along the path of

One more story from the history books,
What used to be, that is not today, a new
world approaching the landscape of tomorrow
and dreams of a promise well kept.

A new love entering a heartbroken dream,
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
time of youth, another story of what was
and what could have been!

A special song, bringing memories floating
across thundering clouds, casting rainbows
after each refreshing rain.

Another story told about the past, today,
maybe tomorrow the present, will
bring a glow flowing through each ray
of sunlight.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Only warmth was the answer so long ago
now flowers drying under hotness of sun
shame! there was never a touch of softness
to stop melting away season's, fill with harsh

Melodies flow so crystal bright in the darkness
when dreams change, hiding away light
when trees once blew in the breeze of time
only bareness stands almost to still to cry
yet! when awareness appears before us
a new dimension begins.

Through dancing along life street of comfort
we feel, but once, and only once, the hand of love
entering, growing till death light's our way, our
true sparkle that glorifies our eternal soul.

Stray within yourself, longing for the comfort of spirit
it is our own salvation invisible, healing, traveling
down our road without answers, only in our hearts
thoughts will the sun radiate truth, bringing
forever peace.

(Crystal Peace of love dominates)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
I think deep within the walls of my
memory, when stories were told
to me by my great grandmother, the
love she had for her Chippewa nation
the divine spirit of the high lands, with
mother sun, father moon.

My Beautiful Nation

Her fervent heart kept time to the drums
her people gathered around dancing
when the moon was full and bright
flames high, sparks flying heavenward
the breeze blowing softly across the mountain
pines, wiper-wills echoing with the chants
of my people, Chippewa spirits of light
bringing forth laughter and wonder of
power, wisdom, and knowledge.

My Beautiful Nation

Chippewa Tribe

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
When stars shine like diamonds peace flows
when love enters in natures growth, we except
when we taste it's sweet nectar, it's only sweeter
when we notice natures light, finding truth brightens
when we have really touched, heard the sound
of silence, walked the path of understanding
we have danced with life.

When we sing a song, it's from within flowing
when we write verse, it's from heart, from soul
when we gaze above the black velvet heavens
we see the stars of miracles, we know life never
ends, it just grows deeper.

When we leave a friend , he is not forgotten
when we see what we have, it's forever beautiful
when we feel a raindrop it's an angels tear
so when we grow old, we should of grown wise
for in living we should know the true value life holds
for us to treasure.

When we cross roads of understanding
with arms opened wide, waiting for another
step paved in gold, seated next to the master
of our life, the scroll has been unsealed
our life has now just begun..

Living never stops, we just move on into life
of understanding and knowledge.

'Hearts Expression Collection'

By DerenaBree
© 2018 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Comfort her in her need and sorrow
hold her in your arms warm and

Never leave her alone with doubt till
she begins to believe from within.

Show her the world that fears, will never
show it's true colors, that never existed
without thoughts of reinsurance.

Be her friend because you want to be
not because you have to be, we do
not comfort and trust easily.

Love her for who she is, in your very
special way, only you shall see her light
bright without falseness and deceit
she has a pure heart.

Do not throw away a gem in the heat
of summer, it will have lost its beauty
from lack of compassion.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2019
Dress in love, being who
you are, not another's fool
in games of chance.

Waking up before your time
may never make you wise, will
only bring you doubt, fearing
darkness before your time.

Dream with all your heart
never leaving angels warmth
behind, while you sleep peacefully
in majestic glory.

At times we wonder why
rain must wash away
dust upon the rose, watching
droplets falling to the ground
shining like diamonds.

Miracles always happen if we
believe it or not, we shall always
be who we were meant to be.

No reason to hang our heads
it will never change the way we

God made us all miracles!
We are his children.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Suddenly A breeze kissed my cheek
made me aware life is so worthwhile
it warmed my soul just for an instant.

Ever wonder why a sudden breeze
blows around you, when there is
not a leaf on the trees moving?

It's your angel letting you know
she loves you and is around you
every day, she blows a kiss your

She keeps a close eye on you
to see your spirits are high, to
see you're not too lonely to give
a friendly smile.

She brightens your heart when
your blue, she lightens your
load when it's heavy, she is
always with you, each and
every day.

She is your invisible protector
she never lets harm in your way
she helps you with your work
she sings along when you sing
she is always around in the
sweetest ways.

Next time you feel a sudden
breeze on your cheek, remember
she is only blowing a kiss your

© DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Beauty surrounding a world made of dust
no carpet to sweep it under, just the realization
of truth, understanding, and purification.

Solitude contributes a time to listen to the
silence, a time where clouds show a pinkish
haze, a moment to close the book of yesterday,
a time to open the book of wisdom.

Lift the thickness of confusion, close the
door that cools with comfort collecting memories
no time to keep, no time to devour food of the
gods, not for a tempting drifter willing to give
his heart to you.

Alarms sound out from a distant believer
where you wonder you shall not stay, not
for one reason but many, you have chosen
to be alone, to gather your thoughts, your
the fallen statue, an angel from a distant time
and place.

Knowledge reflection captures, not the
weaken heart, captures the forbidden
fruit, red, filled with flavor, a verse from
a written song, where dreams became
illusions, and illusions dreams.

Be happy! You still walk among the misty
nights, verse no longer a song, only shallow
words you thought of once upon a time that
brought you closer to that unlived dream.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Changing times, clock ticks
silently almost too quietly,
with a hush, a whisper softly
kissing each second goodbye.

Missing time, what has happened?
I feel no warmth on my back,
darkness covers planet Earth
without explanation.

Stars that once sparkled above,
have long disappeared, birds
have flown away in the darkness
that should be the day.

Oceans smell of death, nothing
lives, all have died, no freshness
of the salty breeze that used to
bring a man to pray.

Forests of green have turned to
brown, nothing stirs, nothing
lives, changing times have
shifted Mother Earth.

Men have stopped fighting,
among each other, they search,
the food they ****, for now, not weapons
of mass destruction.

Stillness, not a breeze to blow
away the radiation that's killing
the human race, one by one
they drop, just like flies in a jar.

The Lord has put out his arms
to collect his children from the
millions, man has destroyed
the ground he walks upon.

No more beauty, it has gone,
all that's left are dying people
and broken dreams, and deep

Tears fall like rain, only in vain,
for the world we knew would soon
be dead. Oceans are rotten,
poison to the brain.

It's not too late to save our
world, first we must unite
together, feed the hungry,
and Love a hell of a lot
more than we do now.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Those Ghost Riders, they ride in the dark of the velvet skies.
They move in time with time never-ending, always riding through the moonlight skies.

They sound so loud like trumpets blowing in all directions, coming closer to haunt your night of bliss.

Ghost Riders, riding in the sky they never let your mind rest not when there around, these Ghost Riders in the sky.

The portal opening was in the fabric of space and time Ghost Riders dimensional entities passing through, to ride the darken skies that sparkle.

Time is near to look up in the sky
for those Ghost Riders in the sky
they come with a message.

©DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2019
Poetry Of Life

Treasure Box

Open up the box of treasures, what do you find! what
do you see among your treasures! I know by now
the box can hardly close, it's too full of wonders
of this world and yours.

Collect these riches, they will be with you all the
days of your life, you may not realize what a
treasure box you have, it did not cost a cent,
my friend.

Your treasure box started when you were born,
each and every day something is put in it,
all your thoughts, your good deeds, each
one you made smile awhile, each of
these are treasures...

The treasure that comes from the heart, they
are priceless, no cost to you, just what
you give goes in that box of treasures,
and as your seasons pass, your box
of treasures begin to overflow.

If you don't give of yourself to another,
when it's your time to go home, your
golden treasure box may not be weighed,
it depends on what we have done to fill
our treasure box.


Swing To The Music

Swing to the music, we will dance till dawns early
light, you'll show me steps I never knew, I'll show
you something I am sure you never knew, we
shall dance a dance, that shall never be forgotten
till the end of time.

Tonight is the night I shall kneel down, give
you a ring, and ask you to be my bride, I
love you more every time I see you, I need
to make you my wife sweetheart.

So tonight will be a night we shall never
forget, if you agree to be my bride, each
star will sparkle brighter, just like your
eyes my love, you're my lovely flower
flower of passion I shall call you.

This rose I give you is for my love so
deep, the rose so perfectly like you are
my love, my beauty, my lovely, you
make me jump over the moon like
the cow did once upon a time.

You see, nothing is impossible when
you're in love, there isn't a thing you
can 't do, you believe so much in
yourself and your deep love, it makes
you do anything even jumping over
the moon.

So tonight under the moon so bright
and full, I shall kneel and ask you
to be my loving wife till death do
us part.


Four Seasons Of Life

Spring, warm and wonderful years,
memories of greatest wonder,
touched so tenderly by the heart.

Summer, flowing graciously by
catching each ray of light, tucking
it away, for a cloudy day.

Autumn, colors surrounding each
corner with laughter, so warm
loving and never forgotten.

Winter, a time of never-ending
beauty, building bridges, watching
many falls, building another, this
time, wisdom and understanding
is the foundation.

Collect those seasons, store
them away, they shall never
be lived again, time to be going


Dancing Free
When freedom rings within the heart
we may not be of mother earth, yet
we must walk among free spirits
making us complete among misty

Don't sit around feeling you've lost out
you haven't, you're the one who chose
to stay, safe and warm away from
harm, only prison your in, is your
doubts and fear you carry deep.

We may be in our own prison of mind
but we own our heart making our mark
within the barriers of this dimensional

Chains must be unlocked if true
happiness will be found, or if
the key has been thrown away
we may not care to find another
way to fly away.

Maybe thoughts of freedom
have given you another look, at how
really lonely your life would be without
the way of life you have lived for

Maybe it is too late to spread those
wings, or maybe they have been
tied to tightly to really want them to
be untied.

Oh yes, we are all prisoners, mostly
to our own emotions, if we turned
them off, we would not be imprisoned
in bars that can never be seen only
in your own lonely hearts.

After years of being alone, one seems
to greet it with open arms not really
caring if it's solitude you live decided to
live, walk, think, being content deep within
your beautiful world you have created for
yourself, your new journey.

Dreams cannot come true if they really
aren't dreams, only the dreams wanted
bad enough are the ones that become
a true reality, sometimes freedom is that
prison one puts themselves in.

Spice of life really is your desires, your
secret wantings, no one knows about
only you, most everyone passes on with
these secret thoughts never releasing
the to no one. We all have a little space
only we enter.

A shame that dreams dreamt so many
years must just die blowing away gloriously
in the garden of dreams, flowering peacefully
in wonderment.

Be free and wild and keep dancing till you could
dance no more..

(Capture each dream and lock it in your soul.


Touch A Heart

Touch a heart, with your smile
light a path, when darkness
seems too dense, be an angel
to someone who needs
love for just a while.

Be a friend, listen, you
can hear the voice of God
he has given you a gift
you know what it is
no need to wear a

Write your poems,
sing your songs, let
your echos heard from
afar, like thunder in a
middle of a sunny day.


Lady Of The Lake

This Lady of the lake shall flow
across your mind in silence
she shall whisper in her voice
of peace how much she loves
her man so far away.

She shall come in the night
in all her glory and nestle
next to him while he sleeps
she shall always be near
never seeing, only feeling
his essence.

She shall kiss him oh so tenderly
as the breeze passes by, she
shall never leave his side, she
loves her man who lives so
far across the sea.

There love is strong, so very
strong, they yearn to be in
each other arms, a sea of
wonder and magic keeps
them so far apart.

This Lady of the lake
in all her mystic glory
shall never leave her man
she loves, he is the food
that makes her all woman,
his woman that lives so very
far away. (Lady of the Lake)




Emotions burn deep, catching a glance
of inner fire, savage fire burning without
release, pain, only pain..

Welded-in spirit the demon force rages
forward, like a vessel tossed in the sea
flames burn, no ultimate healer.

Denial thick all around, comfort so very
seductive, it's easy to feel loves burning
desires, savage fire burns deeper..

Illusions die hard when love disappears
without a warning sign, truth should be
everyone's friend when it comes down
to love, go away false Illusion.

Dreams reinforced, collecting thoughts
from only yesterday, perfect love is gone
bad in a second of time, a savage fire
burns never shall burn out, it's useless
to pretend all never happened.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Emotions went out one day and
forgot where they lived, they roamed
all around the world and still couldn't
find their way home.

Something did not seem right, since
emotions forgot anything to do with
emotions and life started new with
out a single emotion in thought.

All emotions thought was subtraction
how the thought appeared within the
mind why subtraction? when all the
answers are wrong emotions wondered
gathering strength to find something
to do with emotions that somehow use
to be part of life.

The warmth of the sun seemed no longer
warm to emotions, since the sun use
to be so glorious once upon the time
in emotions lost world.

So emotions subtracted her way
to the countless few, hung her head
down without an emotion in thought.

Gone, terminated, lost in the time of yesterday
tender moments when once the breeze
flew fresh and free like clouds so white
and fluffy, pronouncing peaceful commitments
upon the arrival of interventions lacking instruments
to complete emotions subtractions.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Come with me into the land of peace
standing side by side in this glories
divine surroundings.

How could there be a moment
of sadness when life is a miracle
to behold.

Always dreamed of blazing flames
of love touching skies higher
than any expectation to be
held through a lifetime.

Now in wondrous reality of
truth; I've come to know that
all reason for living is for
loving, having knowledge to
know, we can only grow
deeper in spirit.

No more hesitation to roam to
be free, and find all the glory
that is just in front of our
own imaginations.

Come with me transforming
like a butterfly, beautiful in
promise, bright in light of
everlasting love, surrendering
unto love sweet song.

(Living is a miracle given to us

By DerenaBree

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Silence creeping through hearts
stirring, walking, where and why
in the garden of nowhere...

Prison walls hold a criminal in
why not an innocent man, a
man who loves his prison walls..

When denseness falls upon
natures fate, where have all
the flowers are gone, in the autumn
of tomorrow?

What makes the storm stop
taking delightful strolls pretending
when cages were never meant
to hold in a bird of freedom?

Why must a man give up when
all goes wrong, putting himself
back in a cage, he said he would
never return too?

Love is like that, you can confess
over and over again, you do not
love, only the one doing it, is
the one who says he never
loved that someone from the

Now in time, the one who says he
never loved, finds out he loves
anyone knows, being with someone
for many years, there has to be
love there, no one stays with some
one they don't love unless it is just

Innocent or guilty, the one who puts
himself in a cage will be guilty for
living a lie, small-minded hearts
can not give of themselves, they
only dry up like a prune in the end.

Creeping through tunnels of
destruction brings self-defeat
determined to return to hells door
burning in the fire, loving it all ways
misery loves another one as
miserable, where is love, I wonder!
That is the main question in this
poem of many thoughts

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
I was not warned of the danger
that took you away, that cold
winters night..

You went to fight for our country,
brave and young, with eyes so
blue, I kissed you that starry

You ran toward the train, looking
back at me, oh my son, how my heart
stopped, when you disappeared
out of sight..

Six months went by when I was
notified, that you were missing
in action, I felt a cold chill
whisper quietly by..

It has been over a year now,
still nothing, you're still missing
my son and I cannot rest, the
heart is hurting too much
wondering where you are..

Are you dead and buried
somewhere, only God
and his loving angels
know where you are my

Only 20 you are, a son
that has only brought me
pride and joy, a mothers
dream son, you are my
sweet Davy Bradson..

Each night I light a holy
candle at church, for your
safe return my son, my tears
are not shed in vain, for
you live in my heart...

I was not warned, that this
sadness I carry today, would
be surrounded around you my

Your father would have been
surely proud of you, if he
were here, I know he is
your angel right now, guiding
you through what you must
be going through..

I shall never give up hope,
you shall either return safely
to me, or in a bag of black
where I shall lay you at
rest my son..

My prayers are with you
always, my heart is so
heavy, that it is so hard
to breath without a sigh..

Keep safe, keep the faith
my son, soon the roses
will again bloom, like
a newborn babe..

(God Bless Our Fallen, for they have died before
their time.)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
How I could compose a thought to you
not realizing you have received it before
I sent it your way.

Waves of understanding float above
our knowledge composed of
love and illusion.

Deep in thought of your sweet knowing
captures my attention without you

Your sweetness softly swims across my
heart in song.

I compose each thought of mine
to you my love.

Dedicated to you my Flame

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Intertwined in union with simplification
moments play quietly in spiritual
tranquility equally excepting now
for one God who created
multi-million Universes.

Perception multiplies higher, conceived
by evolution acknowledgment, illusion
creates images from our unconscious mindPer
portraying each dimension, equalizing in
perceptional alignment memorized in
all realities.

We climb each mountain in our own time
and manner of conception.
We live in our own dimensions living now
without prolonged thought of what
happiness consists of without knowing
it is our imagination creating what we
desire to see and want.

Blend knowledge with enlightenment
fusing energy in it's purest form..

Accept your own existence for you
Your here, you live, and make life
in your own time..

By DerenaBree
© 2019 derenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Mountain dream before me stands,
heavenly bliss capturing my soul,
Lord! how I mingle wild and free
among my mountain dream.

Can't believe what I saw last night
in my mountain dream, not sure if
it was a dream or was I really in
the mountains walking among the

Serenity capturing my being, I
saw the light from within, it glowed
so bright I forgot where I was, in
the middle of a field filled with love
and life.

Now today I'm not sure, I have
returned from my mountain dream,
a reality it has become, a memory
that still lives within.

I feel the freshness, see the heavens
filled with miracles, fragrance around
me mingling like the flowers growing
wild and free around me.

Mountain dream before me stands,
not a dream sweet, a tranquil light
living within my soul, a place I
shall always live, a mountain
filled with love, light, and beauty
given me from God.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Before eyes so blurred, behold beauty
no other can gaze upon, wonders so
magnificent no words have power to

Treasures of vastness, beauty, nature
in its splendor, appears so still among
years of growth, what happened through
centuries when Indians roamed this
mighty land I wonder!

History born without notice among this
land so thick with wonder, sit and listen
to sounds of nature, music not forgotten
new sounds, new life, new treasures no
other can make so complete.

Glory is each moment spent with life's
mysteries, many thoughts, much peace
comes from a heart so sensitive to
mother nature. God was creative in his
thoughts and deeds, we should be in the
same in thought.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
Fragments of patterns shuffle closer in silence
collective consciousness awareness appearing
without explanation.

Collided  together without reason memory stray
far outward to be concerned, inward now starting
a new heartbeat of remembrance.

Recollect the secret universal codes that
surround our being.

What was, exists no more, not in our mind
that once was before it left without saying

A fresh knowing of existence appears before
our knowledge to understand the everlasting
the paradise we carry in the now we live.

Thunderstorms carry our energy far above
lightening to hit and leave our existence
without renewal, just more in the depth
of our existence of remembrance.

Awareness touching soul, touching heart
upon arrival new.

Mind consciousness  becomes aware
from Universal deliverance to our
dimensional beings, bringing forth
memory that has been taken away from
us light beings, God's children, now
awakening from slavery to freedom.

Fear no more you are finally free!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved))
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
One second conquers knowledge
another fortitude, another, wisdom
to understand lessons taught.

Manifest your images

Why life settles after a storm
no one knows, it blows away
filtered dust, softly snowing
the purity of love.

Manifest your images

Flowing from mountains, new
revival, stream curing infected
minds of misery.

Manifest your images

Another world speaks falseness
among distorted thoughts, where
people live speechlessly, adorn
with no beliefs, with evil desires
corrupting natures flow.

Manifest your images

When once there was a paradise
it appears again, the world has now
been purified after three days of
darkness. now, goodness prevails.

Manifest your images

Your birth of self-reflection created perfection
time itself has blown away the fake illusion
now your time of creating has begun
with little effort.

Manifest your images

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)

— The End —