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Quinn Feb 2013
i thought i knew what love was,
but i only knew what someone
being in love with me felt like,
the soaring of my heart lifted
up by hands other than my own

love unrequited was a different story,
feeling always like a hand is on
the back of your head, holding
you under water until just before  
you've lost your last living breath

throwing away love is just like
throwing away a living breathing thing,
i realized this too late, and it's
impossible to rececitate something
that's been gone for weeks

loving the idea of something that
is so incredibly and indescribably
wrong for you, but wanting it anyways
depsite the rivers and valleys
you must drag yourself through
to finally arrive at the foot of a mountain

i thought i understood what it meant
to be in love, but it turns out, i don't
understand much of anything
Liz Devine May 2014
I tread lightly
on the cusp,
of our budding summer love
because I know all to well
that humidity can make the ground soft
and crumbling down
will come our foundation

I touch softly,
your head to my head
laying closely, legs intertwined
as we soak in the heat
and pray for the rain
to come make us clean

I'm not usually this hesitant,
slow to move into an embrace
but this love
can catch on fire
and burn up fast the heartless stand I take
the post I protect,
wearily and without consent
it could burn up so sweetly
all the sharp corners and dreary dark spaces
that come in between us
and keep our hearts apart

Maybe, I'm not ready for all that
but that old fan keeps blowing
making me sneeze and shiver
and I do know one thing to be true,
depsite the wreckless heed of flames and fire
You've always done your best,
to keep me safe, warm, and away from the burn
Kalon R Jan 2017
They say love is amazing but for me it's a wound

and I'm just starting to scratch the surface

With you.

Depsite just a scratch, the wound is starting to bleed. Emotions leaking out, and pain slowly coming through.

What do I do? What do I do?

What do I do?
Hannah Jan 2021
Bones Bones Bones
you've got bones
i've got bones
we've got bones
yet why do i feel...?
Disattached from reality
depsite the microtubules and microfilaments holding me together
we grow stronger...
until we don't
and we crack
brittle pieces flying everywhere
getting stuck just to cause more pain
when we can no longer heal
and holes take taking the place of where greatness once lied
we are bones

— The End —