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st64 Apr 2013
A light curtain .....
Covers the back of my eyes.

Calm and easy I feel
Here's to a new day.

S T, 11 April 2013
Hm...... and swell day to you, too!

Griffin Boyd Jan 2011
Loose ends.  You are all I ever am.

Jealousy squirts through my narrow veins.  
Effortless sickness plagues my every guess.  
And I wake up, look at my only Self
And dazedness fades hatred as each blanketed flaw thaws to visibility.  

All tasks ask for failure and preparation is an unprecedented burden.  
The hands that cradle the Earth are the same ones that feed me...
only later to shield my eyes from the resultant memories.  

It seems as if every relation from past, present, and futures bleed into each other.
So I stand behind a screen, wanting to look at everything
being kept out.  Too bad it's woven with holes.  Every circumstance bleeds and seeps
through to each other from these openings, seeing me as the middle-ground.  

Now I'm overwhelmed and under-appreciated.  I shall stand still- unsure- until I wash up on shore with everyone's repaid debts buried next to me in the wet sand.  It would be unintelligent to swim out into new territory until the waters calm.
Sarah Johnson May 2015
life is good to me, or maybe this soft place is finally letting me heal.
and yet-

I scroll through the photos on my phone,
visions of a life I’m now unsure of-- looking back,
am I the person in those photos? Is that me? Is that us?
the drunken nights and rare, elusive, quiet mornings.

I spent yesterday remembering that night two months ago.
gauging the distance between us now and all the changes in myself since.
I look in the mirror and I’m not sure if what I see is what I am. This aching is like treading water, waiting for the emotions coming in waves to drag me back out to the deep, dark sea.

I’m removed from everything apart from the aching.
all that remains is the aching.
I feel quite small, far away from everything.
I feel low and blurry.

The days melt together and I mark time in the evenings, at dusk, when I’m feeling you in my chest, when my breath is heavy with longing and nostalgia. You are in every thunderstorm, in every flash of electric magic. You are the shadows on my wall. You are my first cigarette and the last swallow of beer. I feel you in the pit of my stomach on good days.
For hours, I’ll forget you. I’ll question the ache, the dazedness. I’ll smoke or laugh or gaze at the sky. Then suddenly, there’s a pull near my heart, a sort of twinge. It’s an emotion bubbling up through my pores, crawling across my scalp. It makes me shiver, hot and cold all at once. All in the same moment. I’ll think your name to myself, my lips soundlessly moving in a pattern memorized in so many moments. The night I met you, you left with another girl. You looked at me before you left, and somehow I knew what you were saying. I’ve known what you’ve been saying the entire time. I chose to engulf that love, to throw myself with all I had into the thorns and caves and ropes of that short month. I still remember the shock of kissing in the daylight. You told me once, with your arms around me and your voice serious in my ear “You deserve someone who ---” and I still think of that so often. I wonder, where would we be now if I hadn’t given up when you first began to push away?
i'm getting there
Travis Green Sep 2021
Seeing you again
At the corner store
Makes me believe
We were past lovers
Who loved more
Than any couple
Could have ever did

When you smoothly speak
Your slang builds up heat
Stays in my mind
So strong, so intense
So exceedingly dreamy
The way your lips move
The way your eyes shine
Keeps me drifting
In dazedness

I know that we got
It on before
That every morning
That came
We were an amber flame
A masterpiece in the sunrise
A bursting blend
Of bright lively colors
Breathless beating waves
Delightful wildflowers
In the daylight of life

You can’t tell me
That we weren’t
In love before
Because when I observe
Your flawless flow
I bethink of all
The times you
Strolled on the block
Looking so hot
In your astonishing car

Big balling
Calling me
From my street-side crib
To hop in your whip
And chill in stillness
While you cruised
Down the road
Getting blunted
So **** dope with it
You had me lit

You can say
That you don’t
Remember me
But in my heart
I know you
Look back
On those days
And feel the spark
Travis Green Feb 2022
I wanna control your blissfully bright, lithe, and solid body
Allow my hands to move sensually on your chiseled, valiant chest
The illumination of tattoos on your smooth, shredded abs
Attract my fingers to rub the superb surface
Your ardent arched shoulders, your supple, lovable arms
Your earthy, artful, and delightful thighs, beguile your mind
Devour your senses, take you into my deliciously gaylicous paradise
Massage your smooth, sublime, and tight waistline
Let you float in dazedness and elatedness, tremendous intemperateness
You sweat lascivious diction, breathe effervescent dreams
Moan deep and powerful sounds, give you my thunder
As you stare at me in wonderment, brimming
With besottedness for my awesomeness
Travis Green Oct 2021
I concluded that having
A crush on you was the best
Place I could be at now
Such sensuous images of you
Your seductive Saturday swagger
Your breathtakingly fresh dreads
With your addictively appealing kicks
Standing so masculinely
Transporting me into dazedness

Thinking of your sensationally
Exhilarating engagingness
Was profoundly pleasing
Being trapped in your magically
Rip-roaring ride, showing me
How wild you are inside
As taste me eternally
Let my sweet lickable honey
Flow through your inner world
Let the enchantment expand
And be grand, strapped up
In your flamingly passionate manliness
Travis Green Feb 2022
You are immensely succulent as an apple pie
I wanna fly overseas with thee
And always stay in your unbreakable embrace
You got me in a state of mystification
Craving to kiss you, to gape at your face
Baby, your vibe is so highly super fly
When you talk so hotly to me
It makes me want to ****** with you more

Massage your thick, silken beard
Peep your beautiful, amorous attitude
How you flow so smooth
With a slow and soothing groove
That has me so hungry for you
My attention is solely on you
I can’t wake from this dream
‘Cause it’s a feel-good sensation
That I can’t turn away from
I’m so sheerly starstruck
In deep dazedness
In your playground of passion
You are hypnotic ghetto magic
So bad on the block
Untouchable game
You are like a football player
Every move you make is a top-quality touchdown

You have breathtakingly magical charisma
I just wanna feel your luminescent chains and rings
Cozy up to you  on a wondrous winter night
Where the white powdery snow falls on the ground
My hands on your manly and loving chest
Your hands on my arms
Giving me a fascinating feeling
That makes me seep into your  charmingness

You got me going off the deep end
It doesn’t even feel real
To be in your romantically rapturous escape
It’s the most phenomenal getaway
You are my smoking soldier
I lose control in your  solidness
I’m rapt and captivated in your  tantalizing space
So drunk on your magnetic presence
So sunk into your masculinity
Travis Green Dec 2021
Your body is tight, rigid, and riveting
I thirst to stroke your skin’s surface
Welcome your lustful breaths
Your matchless, massive chest
Fused to my soft and full *******
I was heavily entranced
Looking vacantly at your amazingly
Shaped formation
Sweet tattooed allurer
Your aroma draws me to you
To lay my hands on your shoulders
I slip into a state of dazedness
Being in your radiant nakedness
The temperature escalates
I crave to see the inside of you
I wish to delve into your sensuality
Swirl into your galaxy of dreamy dancing

— The End —