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Traci Sims May 2017
Tantum tempus temporis
quoniam aliena femina in meo cubiculo dormivit;
ecce illi quantum dulce somnus est.
Quanta etiam libera somnia sunt.
In alia aetate mundum certe rexit
vel optimo regi in matrimonio fideliter ducta est
qui iuxtus flumen psalmos luce lunae scripsit.

**** me iri foras egressum et spatiatum
Nihil occurit hic, nihil umquam fit.
Praeterea si incedat iam volat me narrare;
habeo nihil, praecipue erga quicquid erat.

Viam cepi aviam
qua celeres non superant;
dignis praemia sunt
qui verbum veritatis distinguere possunt.
Hospes solus me docere potuit
praeclaram orem iustitiae contemplari
et videre oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente.

Nisi duo homines in mansionem,
Est nullus in viso; verem exspectant,
proinde quasi ver plaustro accederet.
Mundus deleretur ea nocte
sed meae amicae aequum esset;
illa meo cubiculo dormiret *** revenirem.

Meridiano me promoveo
adhuc in obscura parte viae;
in angustos corruere
et constans manere non possum.
Alius mea ore dicit
sed solum meo animo audit,
calcas omnibus etiam tibi feci
quibus tamen careo.

Ego et ego
In creatione quo ingenium alicuius
nec alicui ignoscit nec excolit.
Ego et ego
unus alteri dicit nullus et videre
imaginem meum et vivere possit.

From "Bird's Nest In Your Hair" by Brian Jobe
For Lovers of the Latin language...
Robert Wendt Jan 2017
The Day a Healer Did Weep,

The day did start with desire in the power of prayer,
Yond day would end in horrible, lingering, despair.

The moniters sounded a wretched shrill of doom,
In a blink, an instant, I wast whisked from the cubiculo,

The time did do cometh with swift, and desperate, finality,
While I did pray, and did beg God's holp, did do cometh lethality.

The leadeth leech would not giveth in until did pull away,
With the hurlyburly's end, We did weep together yond day,

This healer with emotion withdrawn, did do break down as a tyke,
The lady did has't this loving effect on all, in the very same like.

Ay, a life ended one warm, sunny, day in K.C,
Nay one erned, but doctors, nurses, and me,

Thither wast nay flowers, nay mourners, nay half staff,
Mine heart ripped ope as with a warrior's gaff.  

I cherished, and did protect the lady all our time together,
I did fix all, did maketh things right, cometh high water, or nether,

I couldst nae fix this, nay matter how hard I would tryeth,
Thou can not imagine such teen as I did watch that lady vade, and die,

Nary one knave, nay matter whom they may ever beest,
Can beest did replace, Each life is precious, I wouldst decree,

I wilt declare this to thou, All those yond would listen,
Taketh nothing for did grant, leaveth not a thing missing.

Liveth each moment with thy love as t'would beest thy last,
Leaveth nay regrets in thy future, or eyeless in thy past,

Still cogitate thy love as thou did has't from the first,
Tf 't be true thou pause too long, thou can nea quench such a thirst.

Thither is nary joy in living with regret, teen, and grief,
Liveth each day did share as a gift, and treasure this life brief.  


"The Day a Healer Wept,,

The day started with hope in the power of prayer,,
That day would end in horrible, lingering, despair,,

The moniters sounded a wretched shrill of doom,,
In a blink, an instant, I was whisked from the room,,

The time came with swift, and desperate, finality,,
While I prayed, and begged God's help, came lethality,,

The lead Doctor would not give up until pulled away,,
With the battle's end, We wept together that day,,

This doctor with emotion withdrawn, broke down as a tyke,,
She had this loving effect on all, in the very same like,,

Yes, a life ended one warm, sunny, day in K.C.,,
No one grieved, but doctors, nurses, and me,,

There were no flowers, no mourners, no half staff,,
My heart ripped open as with a warrior's gaff,,

I cherished, and protected her all our time together,,
I fixed all, Made things right, Come high water, or nether,,

I couldn't fix this,  no matter how hard I would try,,
You can not imagine such pain as I watched her fade, and die,,

No one person, no matter whom they may ever be,,
Can be replaced, Each life is precious, I would decree,,

I will say this to you, All those that would listen,,
Take nothing for granted, Leave not a thing missing,,

Live each moment with your love as it would be the last,,
Leave no regrets in your future, or hidden in your past,,

Forever cogitate your love as you had from the first,,
If you pause too long, you can never quench such a thirst,,

There is no joy in living with regret, pain, and grief,,
Live each day shared as a gift, and treasure this life brief,,
Borges Oct 2021
Me enseñaron la cara de quetzalcoalt el soñador sin piernas en múltiples dimensiones después un ómni volador azul ***** que parece cubiculo o cara sin ojos todo alrededor de nubes pacificas.

Me enseñaron a una mujer alta de pelo naranja viendo al cielo unas nubes atrás de ella cargando a una niña que no le pude ver la cara.

Me encuentro en la casa de taryn, en el baño estoy volando con los ojos tapados y entra taryn al baño y me dice you wanna something después salgo y me voy a un cuarto Talvez el de ella es grande tiene una cama blanca y un sofá *****. Después la veo meter ropa en un armario vestida diferente.

We are more than we appear to be.
Look at the stars and see.
stars upon star tho heave n'

— The End —