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Charlotte Hill Oct 2014
I like the smell of cut grass and dew in the morning.
Sunshine and rainbows and when the sky's dawning.

Coffee and baked bread, and crunchy leaves in the autumn.
Singing and dancing, and anything that cures boredom.

Roast chestnuts in winter, and painting and reading.
Skipping stones on the water, warthogs and weeding.

Going on adventures to places unseen by my eye.
Also, cheese and onion crisps and chocolate, at the same time.

The smell of the rain and a good thunder storm.
Blue sky and the starlings when they gather in a swarm.

Anything purple, walking my dog in the evening.
Randomness and laughter, all of these are appealing.

I like music, my long hair and wearing a hat.
My high tops, my guitar, cheese and also my cats.

I like the drum of the rain on a caravan roof.
The thud on the ground from a horses hoof.

The warmth of the sun upon my face.
The crackle from a log burning in the fireplace.

I love my family and friends, and my happy places.
Meeting new people and putting smiles on their faces.

I like birds, all animals and frost on the window.
I love the look of the countryside when it's covered in snow.

A cobweb with raindrops, taking photos and nature.
My book collection, seafood and the blue of a glacier.

I like making cakes, playing risk, and flowers and trees.
Writing poems, walking, reading, and I love bees.

I like the crash of the sea, and the trickle of a stream.
The sunset in Africa, crypic crosswords and a good dream.

I like a lot of things, as you can see.
There is a lot more you don't know about me.

Maybe another poem will pop into my head.
Always at the time when I should be in bed.

When it does I'll write it down somewhere to show.
Then more things about me you shall know.
Geno Cattouse Sep 2014
The cryptic mystic climbed the stairs to put fire to the lighthouse candle.
Two hundred circular winding steps to  his nightly destination...lives hung in the see the ships at sea clung desperately to the streaming beams of salvation......To guide them past the ragged reefs and jagged rocks.

The Cryptic mystic huffed and stumbled, and grunted as he mumbled  " one hundred more to go".
For forty odd years, the mystical cryptic did dilligently climb to task as the setting sun did glow and bask the tower in fading light.
Preceeding dark and blinding nightfall.

Forty years and to the day or forty one I dont know which the crypic one was dutybound.

If he had only thought to look in the cellar there, he would have  seen a light switch on the southern wall.
In the lantern two hundred feet,high a massive bulb hung high above the wick and tallow
And to this day,the old man makes the climb on creaky knees a penance paid  pain.
A beam of hope for ship and scow still pierces blackest night as the cryptic one will still be found climbing up and hobbling down the winding staircase dutybound.
brandon nagley May 2015
I'm just a passer through,
A shaker,
A muse,
A poet void of form
Traveling storms hentchmen dont compare,
Ridicule fairs pay the vote for maxed politicians,
Senior sinority,
No plans for thy wish list?
Rocks to align crypic visions in the outter!!!
Daughters want father's
As mothers drink to sustain!
A pill hemorage for thy brain,
Dirtiest rain's bring flood's of wartorn newbies,
Where all religions fight for queen (b's)
And preppydome makes thy poor stay poor!
The blind turn eye to coke and ***..
Angels have ascended me
Or wilt they?
A tyrant by night,
Sinner by day!
Freak on display I dare say!!
A chronograph picture for thou to hold memories of me,
Where tidy is keen,
A smoke for thy spleen? Young artistic ******!!
Communistic blurin's shatter the distaste of mans disliking!
Bones inviting when the dead arose to what thou hath made them..
Sandmen of eastern shores doth thou plunge?
Where catastrosphies no more fun
When thou art still being born!!!

I seeketh eastern shores,
Yet relit by gods own throne!!!

— The End —