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Tommy Johnson Sep 2014
We have a treat for you all!
It's Captain Obvious and The No-duhs
With their newest hit single, "A picture of a picture"
How existential are they?!

They use a clavichord, a harpsichord
A mellotron along with an autoharp
And of course a theramin to express this song to the universe

I will say no more
Here they are, Captain Obvious and The No-duhs

"Hey, are you free today?"
"Hey are we still on for tonight?"
"Do you live in eternal
Or temporal time?"
"Lets look back on our
illegible live's highlights"

"I got a paper cut from a bookmark"
"But I haven't got a *******'s clue"
"If I should round to nearest tenth"
"Or pop all of the animals made from balloons"

"Now, I'm looking at a picture of a picture"
"And I'm truly the worst for wear "
"You missed the cut off date"
"You're camera shy so there"

"Hey, you wanna chill today?"
"Hey what you wanna do tonight?"
"Want to watch the changing of the tides?"
"Or take in a movie then go and grab a bite?"

"I disregard the label makers"
"And mark all the typos"
"Shorten all the long winded speeches"
"And smelt all the silver idols"

"Now, I'm looking at a picture of a picture"
"And I'm truly the worst for wear "
"You missed the cut off date"
"You're camera shy so there"

"Knit me a sweater of vanity and greed"
"Sew me a lust and sloth tapestry"
"Croshay me a hat of envy and wrath"
"Macramé me a bracelet of gluttony"

"Now, I'm looking at a picture of a picture"
"And I'm truly the worst for wear "
"You missed the cut off date"
"You're camera shy so there"

       -Tommy Johnson
Vivian Miller May 2010
In small towns where nothing ever happens is where it all begins
Suburban neighborhoods and televisions in their adolescent bedrooms
**** on their internet  screens
Is where they were taught to love the sound of screams
When they were told to croshay they learned to tie knots
When we gave them a toy gun their mind's eye learned the perfect shot
Maybe when they were strung out on ***** they saw what we all really want
To not be alone in the front
They each had a curse
And the war made it worse
When they came back from hell their lives could never begin
Because they knew how lives end
Now they are lawyers, doctors, nurses, and crooks
But at night they take children, husbands and wives, and carve out and eat their insides

— The End —