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Derek Yohn Nov 2013
The blank page stares at me
mockingly, an empty wishing well
of impermanent desires, my
thoughts a herd of nomadic
feral cats to be coraled.

It is a mathematical permutation
of the identity matrix, imaginary
numbers and exponents,
fractional divisions with
no order of operations.

Solve me for x, given y,
yield absolute value at
absolute zero as my
function crosses Cartesian boundaries.

     | x |  =   y * (universal truth / personal experience)  ±  squareRoot(-1)

y  =  zero;  go.

Factor in gravity (9.8 meters per second^2),
we have lost cabin pressure.

Please show all work, points will be deducted,
this is a test.
bonus points if you can solve the equation...
The application allows adaption as

the bears bare no

The cows cringed coraled

down Durbin's Dude Delightful Deli

Every effort evaporated

forthright fast and furious was the fanale

Gone , as the greats grotesquely go

Hath Hell's halcyon held

in it's ignition of innovation

Just juxtaposition of jabberizations

Klinging like Klingons kasting kats

Longing for living listeners

of the many mangled munchkins

never to be notched near nor never

on or over the Overton Overpass

Past the principal part of Paradise

Quickly and quaint the quid goes pro quo

releasing the realization that reality rankly reeks

So service the sublime situation succintly

The truth turns to trash

Undercover the unwarranteed walk
without witness

Vaguely the vagabons vacated the vacuous vagaries

without whispering wantom wishes

as Xenophobic xenophytes xeroticize

young yanks from Yakima

Zestily zeroed in on the zagged zipper
I was only fourteen
Delightfully solacing on
My plushy coraled bed Inside
My goldish bedecked room
The muteness inside the house
Relaxed my grip
And the comfort of the muse
Lulled me into the abyss of futurity

An unanticipated door creak snapped me out
I turn drowsed
Reluctant, unmoved
Declining from consciousness again
And halfway I felt a sudden
Transfixed cloud of shadow
Overwhelmed over my enfeebled frame
With instant release of warmed brandy breathe
Floating like a butterfly on my fuzzy face
I rushingly opened my eyes
Behold, his dark eyes, lustfully gazing at mine
I attempt to resist his forceful loof
Shoving on top of the
flesh of my screaming mouth

His eyes of uncle
So strong a father
Zealous like brother
And the fig of his skin, of a stranger
I pleaded as a daughter
I cried like a sister
And wept, with pity, like a stranger

Finally he broke through,
Took away my pride, one that I can never get it back
I was sobbing, in sever pain, bleeding, helpless
He doesn't care anyway
Fastening back his trousers, spermed
I asked him why
Why me
But, "It's all right" he whispered; slamming the door behind

Should I tell Mom about it?, ' There is no need to wreak  havoc in a family' (I thought)
Maybe I was too scared to
Face my perpetrator again
How can I
Confess that I was *****,
Robbed of a treasure, by a familiar stranger

It's hard to believe that
God's existing
If he is, he despised me
Mama used to tell me that he
Loves me unconditional
She said that he cares about me daily
That he knows and watches everything from above
But If that is so, why didn't he stopped it
From happening to me
Why did he not stop it
I was only fourteen when
My innocence is taken
My pride is stolen
Abused by the people I trust
To protect me
To save me from the rampage  
Of wild uncontrolled monsters
Ten years agone like ten seconds ago
The wound still feels afresh
This memory haunts my consciousness
In every portion of my ingression
Everyday is a struggle to live
To live with the irresistible lifetime scar
I'm trying so hard to let it go

— The End —