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Lunarian Oct 2013
Close your eyes
and awaken the mind
put the body to sleep
because that's what it need
Don't tense up the muscles
allow them to relax
allow them to melt into the sheets
A cooling sensation passes
dont be alarmed ,let it pass
try to imagine somewhere you'd rather be
but dont yet, fall asleep
keep yourself on the brink of conscieness
allowing the  second half to meet the rest of the concious mind
this is where the best ideas come in
only when your on the brink of sleep and unsleep
now create the world and explore
now you're free
I know this isn't the best lol but i hoped to help someone relax to this one :) enjoy
Sandman May 2018
We are all imortal gods of Earth.
Brewn from the great conscieness.
Woven through matter.
Wholesome laughter echoes among hidden forests.
Concealed within us is a vibrating boisterous light that defines the proximity of the universe.
Collapse into a million pieces and the children of tomorrow would look up into the night and wish upon scattered remnants.
Love is the universal language of consciousness.

— The End —