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nic Sep 2012
on the corner of conroy
and kirkman
a man who didn't look
a day past dirt
poured me a grin
as i poured out
my change for him.

an army green sack
draped over his back
drank the coins
while the old man's
gums roared
the kind of wisdom
that only comes
with age
and maybe an once
of crack *******.

he leaned into the
driver's side window
and said dear

These are the life lessons you learn in Orlando. I am hoping he wasn't serious tho.
Jimmy silker Aug 21
You always have more time
Than you think you do
Till you don't

You always eat more pies
When your wife's away
And critique the mirror for your thoughts
Don't ever lose the urge
To let things slip away
It's one of the things that makes up for your faults
You know it does you no good
To keep **** locked away
See it oozing
Through the cracks in the vault

And the wind needs something
To pull upon if it's Going to make
Something rip
So before you have
A big swig o that milk
It's wise to have
A precautionary sniff

Now you don't look
Anything but doomed to me
With so little time left
Here on this earth
Still you have seen
All  your eyes
care to see
Your ways and words
Have shown
The world your worth

And the only time
That I saw Jimmy cry
The night Barney Conroy died.
Charles Sturies Sep 2017
Transcendental Meditation
Lack of constipation
A certain Vilification
With regards to transportation
and resuscitation
No there's no getting over you.
You come out of the blue
as if you're about to sue
all those who put you in the news
'cause that;s the way of Broadway,
not to be ******
or *****.
yeah Turner
and Mommy
and no more ***** laundry,
Rich Cosby,
or belonging to Conroy
Charles Sturies

— The End —