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Gabriela Jimenez Apr 2010
She beat on the floor
Her body closing in on
The fact that these couple
Jagged Breathes

Her body throbbed
As the congression watched

The Pope told her
Before we teach ya
How ta live
We gotta teach you how
ta die

So somewhere inside
Even the worst
Part of humanity
Is Alive

The Congression
Watches unchanged

As she sweats and

Her eyes close and
He  as he says

Then they open
Though they have changed

To The
Of The


Paras Jul 2020
This is my life's index,
plotted every point with precision
from birth, to when I used wax,
directory of every phase in incision.
Loathing salary & running from tax,
to every pity and doubtful decision
Riding bicycle, to using axe,
coming alive from great recession.
Days of reaching from phone to fax ,
using social media to show aggression,
Longest nights and tiny days to equinox
from avoiding people, to holding congression.
Brainstormed writing and printing docs
ideals failing timely, to quick successions,
from when we thought life came from Pandora's box ,
to realizing it was unworthy illusion.

— The End —