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Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
"Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"
He said to me as Zulus came across the drift
What if I keep mine closed I said
Pretend there all at home instead

So what if their eyes are red after a late night out
Or Yellow" jaundiced and unwell
All the thoughts went through his head
As the soldier held his gun up high
As screaming warriors began to die

What if the others shot them all?
So I didn't have to get involved
Sgt Major is rather cross as as he's just been shot in the ***
It's all becoming quite absurd
I watched a film and fell asleep
Mad now I'm there in my dreams

Some solace? If there can be just one
I watched Zulu and not "What dreams may come"....
Tadmar Jelly May 2018
It was immaterial who had fired the first proverbial shot in the great Schenectady logomachy.
What was immediately clear, however, after the proverbial dust had proverbially settled
was that the battle had left no survivors.


And what had begun as a simple ballot measure to rebrand the municipal mascot
had ended in the annihilation of every intellect in Schenectady County.
And much of the East, West, and No Coast regions of the United States.

The grass roots campaign to replace the Schenectady Patriot with the Schenectady Concientious Objector
(a figure no less devoted to country, but more "free thinking," its proponents would argue)
had gathered unexpected steam when introduced to the public at large
in a tweet by the nation's commander in chief.

The inevitable result being a relentless and fast paced evolution of the story
by all-day-all-night-all-the-time news producers.
All using the same words with different tone and inflection.
And the relitigation of every detail
by 37% of American households.  
Including 6% that didn't actually give a ****, but enjoyed participating.

So what had been good natured
and modestly ambitioned
civic badinage
progressed through all the stages of twenty-first century newspeak
familiar to the politically observant of the time.
With any nuanced or genuine debate
relegated to micro-audienced podcasts
and IRC channels scattered about the internet.

And when the measure passed.
As part of a pendulum swing greater than itself.
The victors
taken by surprise
and frayed at all edges
by the death threats and vitriol visited upon them in the preceding weeks
felt sure
that everything would be better off simply left alone.
While their detractors
foretold the end of civilization.
And prepared accordingly.

— The End —