Oh this tender care upon my heart
that so solenmly leads me to thee
though my hate does stand me apart
from all love for thee I may feel!.
But how deep may I say this care lies
that of thee all thought do I seem to have
and so I behold before me and find no cure
that my hate is to grow deeper as grows my love.
But heaven breathes and yet I'm cursed
to love the same love I hate the most
and so all sorrow in me is enlightened
and persuade my own love to dwell alone.
But how lovely it sounds to say I hate
for all love seems hate ressemble
and then I committe no crime in saying
with thee I may follow my end eternal!.
But now what end shalt I possess
if ends the love that I so protected?
and so I may wish from a god a desire:
a long life to shorten my hatred.