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Henry Yarbrough May 2013
This life had left me so tired and old
I hate what I have become
The truth was in lies I bought and then sold
Now all I feel is the numb
I walked with the devil and didn't much care
So young I was playing the game
For whatever reason I chose not to share
Now all I have left is my name
In thinking about all that was lost
What was given to pay for the lie
Now I sit alone with the cost
Of chasing the need to stay high
Even as this dream gives way to despair
I feel I am coming undone
No longer fear the reaper's hard stare
No longer to blacken the sun
Peace comes with knowing endgame is near
Life begins severing ties
Keep faith with your god and you've nothing to fear
Just remember its colered in lies.          Hy
victor tripp Aug 2013
Memory takes me back to long ago. I can see the deck of the slave ship I came on, smell the salt air and the hot vinegar used to clean away the escaping stench below the deck, hear the sound as male slaves exercise, as crew members play fiddle music while chains thud hard from the dancing amusement of the slaves. My home was near the River Senegal on the coast. The slave traders ships brought colered cloth, beads, ***, and cowrie shells to trade for our black flesh. Father raised cattle, rice and maize.  This ebony man traded muskets, gunpowder, needles and colored thread, for what he grew.  On the day of our capture, we marched during the long day tied to each other, given only thin meal and warm water. Tiredness bore down on our limbs each step. Canoes came on waves toward us.  Fear moved down the chained line of men. Women and children were separated. Our clothes were taken.  Standing naked, mouths were opened, and muscles felt. We had to jump up and down while moving our arms. Chosen ones were branded on the skin.  I screamed loudly until my voice refuse sound.  The time for hearing is gone.  Rapid waters filled with blood, as some are tossed into the sea, for circling sharks to dine on. The ship offers only sixteen inches to hold me, others have two and half inches if tightly packed. Bodies are in the hold, secured down by chains that are nailed. Faint cries of agony beat on my ears like drums.  I try not to breath in the rancid smells of those who have soiled themselves.  Air is limited.   Mutiny usually takes place within the shoreline. Because when at sea chances are less to escape.  Slaves who simply refuse to eat are force fed with the speculum oris which is placed in the slave's mouth, opening the jaws then food is pushed in usually rice or millet.  Crew members tried wash away stench of blood from floggings, feces, ***** from between decks until this day the stench still remains. Living as a slave while your soul is dead is a living horror.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Anyways more about me lol.. So yes believe 9 is big number to me and 23!!!! Not crazy just pure facts!! More about me. Well me mum BTW always see's the number 3:33 on clock ironically Christ's death age giving me and her a sign.. See I'm not like humans I tell you all for reason .. I see dreams visions so on. I'm not a psychic but I see people inside their souls. I see ones hurt fears pain depression and beauty... I have had dreams of an asteroid / asteroids coming down in a mall I was in destroying so much.. Also a dream I had of me in me apartment building parents weren't in dream but all was scorched around me.. All apartments were on fire while I was on porch trying to get help but I wasn't burnt as if God protected me... See I'm a believer in bible prophecy believe it or not thy own choice and everything is adding up to more to come. And me dreams add up with what's to come and happen to!   It's been confirmed what the gvt is hiding is what goes been showing me since a young boy... More of me I love Mexican food. Italian food . Asian and middle Eastern food. I'm Irish Scottish native American from mums side and french on her side. Though grew up on mashed taters gravy and fried chicken lol mm.. Her dad and mum came from Ireland and Scotland.. Dad came from Greece as his grandpa. And his sides all Greek lots of English to and french all way back to 1604 in our ancestry book from ancestry. Com also swiss in me to... His English side came on ship on the Mayflower to USA!!! I love native american culture / American and south american. I'm into lots of their customs... Their beliefs . they knew stuff long ago our gvt tries hiding like for instance!!! U think all their pics of quote ( star people and ant people) drawn in every native culture around the world and men in space suits and flying craft is some native myth? Wake up world and America..... So its same thing in all cultures and religions around world... I believe in angels good and bad .. Those factual as so many have seen them.....  And died came back to tell of them God heaven and hell... Though I'm fifty fifty on aliens... Yes I believe God made many kindoms dimensions principalities so on.. I just know facts their is Satan and his fallen angels who were sent to earth because they betrayed God.. So u wonder why all evil in world that's why..... God gave his angels freee will like he does us to serve him. If he didint give us free will to love him and eachother wouldn't be love would it?? Would be forced like ****... Anyway that's more of me... I hate racism not racists... I love all peoples cultures nations so on.. I don't hate gays or transgender people or diff colered peeps... I believe in forgiveness and love no matter if one wants to **** me or hate me I will always  forgive and love... Number one if even God didint want me to do that!! I still would *** that's just the spirit I am.. I'm not better than noone else at all... I'm a sinner . I've lied in past ive stolen.. Robbed from past drug addiction.. I've hurt alot due to me selfishness and due to demons messing with me with that addiction... So I feel guilt daily trying to move on from what I did to others though I can say its humbling even telling u all this.. But this is me... Not done more biography in minute .. ();
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
Cry for the world in its madness
Cry for all that is lost
Sorrow gives only to sadness
Our children will bear final cost
Look at what we have become
Using innocence to feed the machine
With the **** of the earth about done
Sons of man are just ******* mean
Cause we live in a dance with the devil
Stained in excess colered need
It is the meek who are getting leveled
As the strong just feast in their greed
For in blood we have written our story
It seems we learn nothing at all
In striving for power and glory
Bleeding misery through the fall.      Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
You know the cost of evil
Is written in the soul
Evolution being the pathway
For the beast to assume control
We are but a throw of dice
A cosmic shot in the dark
Misfireing neurons drowned us ln vice
Left behind the cold stare of a shark
Yes all of us live with the darkness
Random elements this is what we are
We strive to hold back the madnes
Of knowing we are but dust of a star
So tell me how will you judge me
Your very nature is colered ln blood
Look deep inside and you will see
The cost of evil
               Is just all that is good.          Hy

— The End —