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Micheal Wolf Jun 2013
I knows youse ! Don't I?

These words uttered I and my compatriate, like lemings, pray to the same god.
Yet only for a split second, as neither of us worship nor believe!
But given the gravity of her demeanor and onslaught of intoxicated infection, sorry affection, as she seeks her next quarry, one simply hedges his bets.
Then like rats, we jump ship into the garden and hide like naughty children.
Soon engaged in conversation joined by others.
All in the dark art of avoidance, all looking skyward in hope her mothership is near and will beam her the **** out of our world!
Its like a form of emotional tourettes.
The most timid of female creatures transforms like sister Hyde!
Once the potion, ***** in this case, is ingested it's downhill.
It begins.
The potion destroys the victims speech, balance and morality often manifests in loud outbursts!
Oh please please make that be just the alcohol and not reality as I know my definition of love although a bit disjointed has no parallel to hers.
I see the fear in his eyes, akin to that of a rabbit in headlights and justify the need for immediate action.
So our team plan an escape!
As cunning as Colditz.
But she's at the exit!
I've already checked the yard door and it's bolted. Seems all is lost.
Then with a magical piece of luck someone latches onto her. Oh Jehovah! He's had the same potion.
Were off !!!  
Goodbye said at the speed of a racing snake to the host!
A huried run down the path
Into the car and baby were gone!!

It's like an adventure of Tin Tin.
Did we lose a dog?
Dedicated to my friend and fellow Orangutang.
Jamie Dec 2018
This is for the introverted kid on his lonesome
One of Lauryn Hills lost ones
Eyes burning him down like acidic solvents
Pressed down and sprayed at for low prices like cheap deodorants
Ever-changing skintone from the haematomas
Losing friends who he's been with the closest
What's the point keep cards close to your chest if you're just gonna fold quick
Council estates have turned into war camps
Now the ends are looking like Colditz
I guess that'd explain why everyone in the bits is speaking Polish
Youths are hiding in alleyways gripping knives that are stolen
With a razor sharp focus
Aligning the moment then he zones in
An act of violence turns to a condolence
Flowers and roses
A single mothers heart is broken
Shattered and open
Tears stream that could fill an ocean
The kid was sacrificed and cut inside like Kingsley Coman
Underhand tactics used like sneaky trojans
It was for the kid I bet you
The ambience started hard but went soft like fresh fruits
Just be careful and keep those that respect you.
Twitter: @JxmieHxll

— The End —