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Matt Pentz Oct 2013
August 1, 2013 at 4:34pm

I feel adrift these days,
Lost on the sea of mediocrity,
Adrift in waters too mundane to be storm tossed,
Gently held,
By times' slow waves,
Still and changless,
Until the end of my days.
I used to survive upon the fruit of my dreams,
And play in the turbulent waters of many thought streams,
But dreams and streams are easily lost,
when you are adrift,
Lost in the empty sea,
Of mediocrity.
When your only companions are loneliness and apathy.
It is hard to strive for anything in life,
When all I can see,
Is failure,
And mediocrity.

Laziness pervades,
It has invaded my soul,
And it is impossible to carry any goal,
When I float aimlessly at the bottom of a world sized bowl,
Filled to the brim,
And all I can see,
Is a lifetime of failures,
Adrift on the sea of mediocrity.

Pursued by predators,
Too many to name,
But they are lead by lazy, apathy, failure, guilt, and blame.
What teeth they have to bite,
They inflict a numbing pain,
Their numbers steal the light,
They carry me down,
And Im afraid I may drown,
Im adrift,
On the sea of mediocrity.
Styles 12 Dec 2018
I saw you between buildings
working in sun
network of light
letting liberty reconnect.

Wires buzzed
high voltage streamed inside them
darkness questioned its own shades
sparks dripped into night's gulf.

Fervent as LIGHTNING
lathering rooftops
sizzling bolts spying timber
smothering scars.

I saw you tunnel down
infinite pure light
shattered by solitude
entering bold, courageous

down into dark mines
soldier who never stumbles
suspending notes caressed in silence
protecting seeds, engaged by yearning

I watched you grow
twisting up
gnawed by roots and rocks
begging for water

circling wider than galaxies
melting skin, taking down drapes
promising to visit me
in tombed up places

dizzy as smoke
curled up by desire
amnesia searching for identity
drafted by absolute fire

changless architect
rerouting for change
vicious as dawn rising in Saturn
gentle as mist leaking from
her melted eyes

swallowing his compassion
vanquished revenge to steam
her savage attack whirled
in amorous sheets.

I felt you unveil arousing
every heartsick wish
blasted down by wailing wills
puddles of December gathering

reflecting on above
while drowning below
who is it speaking kindness
after rippling screams uprooted trees

volley my soul
back and forth
between worlds
consume this spark

encircle your breath
with goading light
dancing inbetween
two ruined buildings

I listened to rocks slurring for mountain
I heard trees lust for water
I felt the cries of troubled voices
flare across two highways

rerouted by dark and light.

— The End —