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J* oin other people who work together in
A ctivities because that
N otion expands the concept of
U nity in
A ll Corners  of life and teamwork can make you
R ealise something new about
Y ourself which you have never been aware of.

F eelings that
E xist in my heart
B reaks me  because they are not just
R egular feelings yet they are
U nconditional
A nd I am struggling to
R elinquish this innermost feelings because I am scared
Y ou might deny my heart which i kept for you to equip

M any things are stripped
A way from us because we don't
R ealise or come into terms that we ought to
C herish and
H onour those that heaven specially blessed us wish.

A lways know that God's
P romises shall be
R eceived and we should never be
I mpatient because he is the only master of our.
L ives.

M any things are
A chieved when
Y ou have developed a positive energy of that certain aspect you are doing.

J ump
U p and down
N ever lose hope certainly
E verything shall work out.


J ustify why such
U nconditional feelings will eventually
L ose its value when i try to express how I truly feel about
Y ou.

A lways get
U p and
G o into the day without
U ncertainties of
S ome sort and
T he best you can be in that day.

S omeday i will
E ventually be able to overcome the
P ain
T hat
E xists deep within
M e
B ut remember that i wished for our
E xistence to never end but i can't change the circumstances because
R eality is that we were never meant to be.


O ceans are deep and the
C onditions of my sentment upon you are much more deeper than that of the ocean.
T oday marks a new story and a new life which i wish to persue with you, I don't have much to
O ffer thee my dear but I promise to
B e there for you whenever you need me in the
E ntire duration of your existence because I
R eally  feel greatness with your presence in my life.

N ever mistaken the conditions of my sentment because the feelings that exists are real
O ut of millions of people in the world you are the only one i exchange such
V ows of the sentment and
E very little thing i say is out of the deeepness of
M y heart
B e with me babe and
E veryday i will love you and
R aise our little ones into bright future leaders of tomorrow.


D ear you can't be loved by
E veryone and you
C an't expect thing's to go your way.
E verything you do in life has it's own
M eaningful aspect which when carefully analysed it
B rings out a better vision of yourself and  daily we learn something new which shall
E ventually build us into
R espectable citizens of tomorrow.
we de

and asc

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we se
ek the

f    ine
l    ine

of the      hor
i               zon

in the

we de

and ar
a            live

in a new light on a new road to a new beginning

— The End —