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Waverly Mar 2012
When he was seventeen years old,
your protagonist
asked his father
a question about heartbreak, his own perhaps.

The father
"Why would she love you?
I can see why?
You're acting like a *****?"

Each line a question,
demanding an answer.

Answers your protagonist
did not have.

So your protagonist
ventured out into the
and became a rambler.

Rambling off nonsense
with the rapidity
of lemming chatter.

He became
the great Rambler,
mumbling about
until even his dreams
became ****** up streams
of language.

He caromed off cliffs of reality
bumping against those barriers
of his fatherland
until he was hurtling
into the rambling ocean
to drown
Aaron Amrich Feb 2013
all battles ceasing
during evening's frosty glare,
heaving into jet-black,
kinetic light marred night open.
"outgoing, probably.."
questions raising soldiers tickingheartbeat
until voracious whitelight xplains.
yesterday, zeal and blood caromed, deadly,
erratic, for...god...
hours. i just keep
learning more nightmares
surviving things under
vicious weather,
xcept yule's zest
****** christmases.
Mark Dec 2018
Dearest mother
if time entwined and did reverse
I would visit you and no other
for golden landmarks I' traverse
to behold you again with my brother.

Take me in time and stall
to son again in your embrace,
of plumage wings - my Great Wall
and that seraph auroral grace;
a thousand daisies in the fall.

Simper again your lullaby tune
when restless fought a pillow
and silvery specks of moon
caromed each - off a willow
cavorting clefs of boon.

My love is more than the birds
when upward gazing them by
sensing your essence that girds
in each dove whimpered sigh
amorously warbling your words.

In this poem - I write true
the psalms of your inner way;
'as sure that your eyes are blue,
my child reared by the bay,
even in death - I love for you'.

— The End —