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Fue Cervantes quien relató con su pluma sabia
la extraña historia de dos amigos florentinos
que por amor forzaron sobre sí la desgracia
al maniobrar con impertinencia y desatino
en el ánima de una recogida muchacha.

El esposo con el amigo la puso a prueba
pidiéndole que a su mujer hiciera la corte
sin prevenir el impertinente a dónde lleva
la duda cuando no cuenta con ningún soporte.

Y el que pretendía sólo simular amor
para satisfacer al esposo empecinado
y comprobar de la mujer lealtad y honor,
termino, al fin, de sus virtudes enamorado.

De tal modo que el marido quiso probar la honra
colocándole acechanzas a la castidad
de aquella desprevenida y sosegada esposa,
las que fatalmente minaron su voluntad.

Lo que comenzaron como una prueba fingida
terminó en calamitoso engaño verdadero
porque quien pone trampas a la luz y la vida
termina transitando por oscuros senderos.
                                        (Jorge Gómez A.)
Alan Dickson Apr 2013
(Theme, Variations, and Coda)

Theme – Andante sognante*  
I dreamed last night...
It was a dream
Like one I've had before
Variations on a theme
My colleagues standing at my door

Guitarists all, I bid them in
And soon it's time to play
My teacher first, each one in turn
They play the night away

Var. 1- Agitato
But as they play I look around
For my guitar is gone
I look and look but cannot find
Then comes my time...   “I can't go on!”

This is absurd.  How can I play?
(What?  Did I hide it by design?
Is this my “out” as light breaks day,
An ironclad alibi?)
“I can't perform, no, not today.
I'll have to play another time.”

Var. 2 – Appassionato
My time has come, and there I sit
With my guitar in hand
And wonder what the hell to play
My mind a porous shifting sand

Completely unprepared I sit
And pray for intervention
I make up some simplistic ****
And play it with “emotion”

Var. 3 – Allegro con brio e subito calamitoso
This time round, it's different
I really want to play.
I'm ready, I'm inspired!
I'll play till break of day

I'll show them what I'm made of
They'll marvel and they'll cry
But my guitar just falls apart
“What?  Why now?  Why? WHY?”

The neck breaks off, the body splits,
the strings are hanging limply
I'm foiled again, I cannot play
I'm ******* (to put it simply)

Coda - Andantino Contemplativo
What does it mean, this silly dream
This wild subconscious spectre?
What nourishment for soul to glean
From such netherworldly nectar?


I think that I should spend more time
With hands on wood and string
To reconnect with touch and sound
To let my veiled heart sing

To feel, and set those feelings free
Catharsis, true release
My sheepish nature put to bed
My denigration now to cease

For I have something bold to say
Now my true voice is ready
I'll sing again through wood and string
Rich and full and steady

Alive with truths that transcend words
Ego now at bay
Connecting with the universe
It's time for me to play

I teach guitar at the University of Prince Edward Island... in my dreams I'm a student again, usually unprepared, reluctant to play.

— The End —