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Iris Stevenson Feb 2010
I want to be that boy, in baggy tee and short shorts.Sinewy legs push off the ground;The ground pushes backAnd off he soars, leaps, races.When I ran, I ran away, butHe runs to. To what?Breathe in, gain, breathe out, pain. I breathed in razor bladesThat rattled and sliced down my throatAnd lungs and settled in my knees.They buckled and my feet achedAnd I wanted to stop breathing.His hair floats, smacks against his forehead, whipping him on.His sweat beads And tricklesDown his temple.He looks shiny and glowingAnd at peace with the world - A touch, no-nonsense intense peace.The ground pushed him but he pushed back.Gravity drags him down, but he fights itAnd he's FreeFor a few seconds.Long enough to feel, see, be clearly.I want to be like that beautiful boy.
Don't be fooled by Christmas
see if you break it down it means Christ -Mass
Massacre of Christ but you dead on your ***
Shoppin' through local stores spending your cash
Only to be used as a mass
Exchange present and don't even know why
Did you know back then your *** would die
See Christmas was so bad it was outlawed
Back in late 1800s
And also gift were exhanged for makes of foreplay
****** rituals for display no delay
Don't believe what I say
Reseach for your self befor you say nay
But y'all don't wanna hear to be busy flappin' your thoughts jaws
Cells gone No int3llectual left
It seems like all thoughts are put on a shelf
Don't you think it's funny they plan everything carefully
Christmas is the 359 day of the year
A week from that is a new 7
See the devil grammatical number is 359
and 7 days later is completed timeline
So you waste your time standing in line
Or wasting time online
Only to do the same thing when it comes tax time
They laughing at you while you being gullible
People missing is that not questionable?
People taking deals left and right
Fools still lookin for God buthe been on sight
Searching at the wrong places and wrong time
Not catching on to all of the sublimes
Time after time they say I'm outta line
That I'm grouch.but one day y'all will ******' vouch

— The End —