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Cecil Feb 2019
Sweet lady you have my heart.
When you smile,
The sun shines brightly.
And should a tear wet your cheek,
The clouds gather.

WE are not able to FEEL alone.
Synchronicity exists
In our heartbeat rhythm.
You cannot take a breath
Lest I breathe too.

We live pain for pain, joy for joy.
Always in sharing,
Eyes together with hands clasped.
Giving, forgiving,
Do we know which is which?

Sweet lady you have my heart.
Whether you smile,
And sunshines brigthly,
Or a tear wets your cheek,
My heart remains yours.
Poets are forever writing about LOVE.  This is another sappy love poem.  Or is it?  I have never even touched my muse, yet she knows me better than anyone has.  How could that have happened?
Eola Mar 2021
A grandiose scene
And purle curtains framing it with purple sheen

A stage light smiled brigthly
But shone on the doll lightly

Soft bell rippled the air with noise
Giggles were heard from girls and boys

Suddenly, the doll opened her eyes
Batted her eyelashes a few times

"She moved! She was alive!"
Everyone cheered and smiled

Like a newborn fawn
With childlike innocence she charmed

A marionette's fate is to be controlled
Unless to other she's sold

But after a short rest
She'll have to show her best

— The End —