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Selman Akıl Apr 2018
always more than one color.
dispersion of eye in the infinity.
extension of a trace, if you want.
- and the cold faith of a killed man
for being part of the pure nature-
you know, there is no hors texte
like broken chest of a galaxy.
NO, don't think it is not funny.
it was funny for me to write
this mess-ity.
Some people may tell you that there are no brakes in life
But I’m here to tell you that there really are no breaks in life

Unless you count sleep

But they may say something like "life has no brakes!"
well I’m here to tell you that life really has no breaks

unless you count death

and Shakespeare would say "tis life brake-less?"
So I’m here to tell you that life tis breakless

Unless you count that bit before life

Do what you must to curtail the will
In order to rage against the coming of the ill
Be a slave to your master instead of his
To penetrate the darkness and chaos that is

Starve yourself from the comfort, animal
And carve out a bone from entropy’s thigh
Because humanity exists only in memory
And morality is but a ruthless cannibal

But why get caught up in the question why?
For in the end we all simply die
and give ourselves up to the endless ether
without feeling or presence
a shadow of vibration of a wave of energy

— The End —