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Last night I ate broccoli and cheddar soup
from Panera
--in a breadbowl

which I gave to my mouse, Chai;
now I am at the typewriter,
we are listening to Ziggy.

And with Chai sitting inside of it
the breadbowl looks like
a little mud hut in Mali
I love my mouse
I love my mouse
Micheal Wolf Oct 2016
I dreamed of an island I could make home
But the sea rose and soon it was gone
So high on a mountain was next on the list
But crops wouldn't grow on snow covered cliffs
So I went to the hills and cut down the trees, made cabins where they stood and planted the fields.
All was ok, I thought this is the place!
Till the mudslide came and washed us away.
All that was left was to go to the plains, the breadbowl of life and to start off again.
Acre on acre we planted the crop, watered from wells drilled deep underground.
How happy we were and all seemed fine, till tornadoes came and moved house again!
So the sea goes up and the wind comes down. Floods and icebergs becoming the norm
Frackings poisoned the water and coal the air Japan glows in the dark so we cant go there
Nothing left but to find a new world and Elon Musks ahead of the game.
Mother earths being killed off by her own kids, as like parasites we ferociously nibble away.
She gave us the sun and the wind and the waves...
But once we realised
It was too late.

— The End —