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Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress will reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world needs a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange
Government *****, said it.....there
et stævnemøde mellem det mulige og det umulige
90'er lyrikken og romantikkens nationalistiske digte
vi kan (først) grine når vi bliver gamle
udskyd det nødvendige, det gode

absolutistisk kommunikation
siger ord mere end tanker? siger tanker mere end handlinger?
to mennesker, der taler på skift
dialog-løst, kontaktløst
moralsk udhulning
jeg vil tale om frosne ærter, om silkebånd, om stjerneskud og om biller

så kompliceret at det er simpelt;
så simpelt at det er kompliceret
et modsvar fanges i halsen, synkes smertefuldt; langsomt
selviscenesættelsens signalværdi
generationens forbandelse
et fyrværkeri af diversitet
livet vælter os ikke
agtværdig trodsighed
store ord og globalisering og konkurrencedygtighed og individualisme
digitalisering af menneskeligheden
fængslende frihed
pixelleret lydighed
Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress ill reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world need a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange

Government *****, said it.....there
Stress the silent killer
Strapped for cash it always seems
Unpaid notice from biller
Repossessed, foreclosed and liens

Days of paranoid waking
Job, your kids, the homestead- health
Don't realize why you're quaking
Balancing act takes real stealth

The bill collectors calling
Day and night relentless rings
Repetitive thoughts, stalling
Heart palpitations it brings

Running wild are kids and wife
Brats- no control, spouse spending
To what do I owe this life?
For certain nightmares pending

I have a job, work all day
But look where it has got me..
Bust my **** for little pay
I'm trying, can not you see?

Take the car, shut off the lights
No water to shower there
Toll of stress will reach new heights
The level beyond repair

This whole **** world need a change
Added stress we just can't bear
To the docs if you don't rearrange

Government *****, said it.....there
Annesofie Olsen May 2015
Luften er tom og tung
Det er køligt
Jeg har valgt at cykle en tur
En måske god vane jeg har fået
Cykler ud langs skanderborgvej
Det er ret stille kun nogen enkle biller kommer forbi
Og kun nogen enkle tåre triller ned af mine kinder
Tårerne er en blanding af hvor godt jeg har og hvor skidt jeg har det
Jeg kan ikke finde ud af hvordan jeg har det.
er jeg glad eller ?

— The End —