I wish I could tell you
all the things
I’ve learned along the way
like what’s what and
how high is up
I suppose it all started with
mom and apple pie
and the pledge of allegiance
which led to please mister
Custer I don’t want to go
Oh, I read the Bible
cover to cover
only skipping the
begetting and begotting
and most of the ****** stuff
The flood was the only part
I liked, saving animals
2 by 2 and all
but then it all ended
on Judgment Day
And so I read other sacred books
the Upanishads, Vedas
the I Ching and Koran
and just to be fair
the Book of Mormon by Jove
The only thing learned was to
take it all with a grain of salt
living in the moment day by day
and you’ll surely reach the promised
land or the dark side of the moon