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alebastard jones Aug 2015
"God, your my only hope"       original poem.

I speak in a tongue most fowl,
But gods eyes are like pictures,
They will judge as they follow.
But as if Done with a curse
My mouth can not contain

"More morphine please nurse
For I can not take this pain,"

I lost in the game of life,
The cliche of a loser,
Judgement cuts like a knife,
I wish I never lost her,

Nay,  as I try to back track,
At the moment That I slipped
No drug can bring back
the moments that I missed.
I'm alone, no goodbyes,
I just can't seem to cope,
Death sings me lullabies

"God your my only hope,

Please forgive my wicked ways,
I'm tucked in my death bed
I can see my final days
All though all life must end,
Its the law of your design
But when i hit rock bottom,
I forgot how to climb,

I may have messed up bad
I accept my Destiny,
I wish i was a better dad

Tanisha Connor is my eternity."

I had made my choice
I awaited for hell,
But then I heard a voice
And then my heart fell.

"You have broken your trance,
So now you can see
But with your second chance,
Just get to know me."

My life flashed before my eyes,
I Woke up, but there's no delay,
Push aside all my lies
Today was my son's birthday.


I was lucky I realized my mistakes while I was young enough to do something about them, don't end up old and alone on your death bed, begging for a second Chance, you only get one life, do it right.

I love you Noah, Jerico, and Tanisha Becerril.
Mejor que experto orfebre, Ruiz o Juan Arfe sea,
Becerril o Ximenes, con arte delicado
Rubíes, esmeraldas y perlas he engastado,
Y mi ingenio las asas de las copas arquea.

Haciendo ante los cielos de culpa el alma rea,
Sobre plata y esmalte cincelé en el pecado
En vez de un santo mártir, o a Cristo en cruz clavado,
Ebrio a Baco y sin velos a Venus Citerea.

Damasquiné el acero de estoques y puñales,
Y ocupando mi orgullo en obras infernales
Aventuré mi parte del celestial tesoro;

Y al ver que ya se acerca mi día postrimero,
Cual Fray Juan de Segovia, famoso orfebre, quiero
Expirar, cincelando una custodia en oro.

— The End —