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Allison Sep 2013
What is love?
I think I know what love is
I felt it for a boy
A cold hearted boy
Who didn't know what love was
How does one know their in love?
Does it come to them when their holding them?
Does it come when their fighting and holding back tears?
If love is such a powerful and beaufuil thing
How can you lie about love
"I love you"
People make such a big deal about those 3 little words
That sentence of lies
I know what love is
Cause I felt it
For a cold hearted boy
Who didn't know what love was
Allison Oct 2013
I guess you could say those 3 words can make a girl smile ear to ear
Thinking the guy she's in love with is thinking about her
His first thought in the morning to write that to her
Gets her thinking about him all day long
Being called beautiful is a wonderful feeling
Even more wonderful when your insecure about yourself
When you hate what you see looking back at you
He can make your whole day
It use to make my whole **** day
I loved going to sleep and knowing that he would write those 3 words to me
And I liked waking up for a change
I liked thinking I was he's first thought in the morning
Too bad it was me and 3 other girls he would make feel special
Waking up in the morning now
Isn't so special
I haven't heard those 3 words in a very long time
I don't think he ever meant to make me feel so good
But man did he
Somtimes I still wake up
And dream he would text those 3 words again
Good morning, beaufuil
Where did you go?

— The End —