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In the frolics of a sole heart filled with joy

We boarded same bus as one unchained

Since for lifetime we won't die being a'boy,

Nor shall will be dogs unfreed from chained.

We fed our eyes with the modes of our lives.

And filled our ears with the songs of our pains.

We met drivers that carved fear in our lives

And loved coach who taught us without gains.

While we frowned our face at the endless road,

We got tired of faces we no more want to see.

While our bus lept like that of an hungry toad,

We feared we were stuck on another inert sea.

But as we each got to our bus stoppage spot,

Again await each, a ricket' bus to a final spot.

(A poem dedicated to any graduating class)

Poet Alabi Oluwatimilehin
When the storm of turbulence swings
Through: nooks, crannies and crack my wings
Oh! My heart stay on awake for me
And hold me firm under the tree

When the whirl and breeze of the wind
Becomes too tough for me to bear
Will you stay alert and be kind?
To pull off your jacket for me to wear?

When I feel my air is lost in despair
Because of life's worries and fears
Please stay on the watch and warm my hope
Till I'm strength-sufficient at least to elope

When life's mist makes the future blur
And my wits all fall to the core
Or when my Caeser's Brutus turn to betray me
I humbly plead,'stay by me and comfort me'

Oh! Stay keep alert
Please don't depart
Share my anguish with me
And stay on awake with me.

Alabi Oluwatimilehin
It is in no mans' agenda to go
No man comes there happy
And leaves there happy
It's a place you can't do without
A place you must go.

Feelings of joy hugs sorrow as
No man comes there complete
And leaves there complete
It's a place you can't do without
A place you must go.

Gates of life: In and Exit exist
It brings life and brings joy
It takes life and takes joy
It's a place you can't do without
A place you must go.

It is a junction of trilema
You stay-back and nurse death
You come-by and fear to death
It's place you can't do without
A place you must go.

It is a place you meet old friends
You smile and exchange greets
Aches, pains and depression undisclosed
It's place you can't do without
A place you must go.

It orphans child and children
And childless widow and couples
It stings people with tragic memories
Indeed it's a place you can't do without
And a place you must go.

Poet Alabi Oluwatimilehin
When my dreams are failing
And you set to take your leave
Or when my hope is falling
And from me you shift like thief
When my horrific night is endless
And my morning dawn fails to break
As leaf,you fall for I'm hopeless
Since no anywhere is for me to take
I will tears my body like sweat
And you will laugh at your wise
But my tunnel light shall reflect
And my falling hopes shall arise
Indeed, I will freely forgive you,
But our love life is definitely due.

Alabi Oluwatimilehin
When my dreams are failing
And you set to take your leave
Or when my hope is falling
And from me you shift like thief
When my horrific night is endless
And my morning dawn fails to break
As leaf,you fall for I'm hopeless
Since no anywhere is for me to take
I will tears my body like sweat
And you will laugh at your wise
But my tunnel light shall reflect
And my falling hopes shall rise
Indeed, I will freely forgive you,
But I will also learn from you.

Alabi Oluwatimilehin
Oh Dark'N'shine,
Spaces abridge we two,
Yet, every day and night,
I see your face
Because the sky and star
Remind me of you always.

Oh Dark'N'shine,
Your smiles are healing spell
Your breath is energy
Your voice is the buoy of life
Your touch is magical
And your love is happiness

Oh Dark'N'shine,
Let me lost my fingers
In the spaces of yours
Let me lost my arms
Around your shoulder
Let us find our tongues
Lost in our mouths

Oh Dark'N'shine,
Let your heart beat
Rhyme with mine.
Let our cold limbs
Be warm from hugs

Let your face smile
To these words
And Let my Heart
Be entwined in agape bloom.

Alabi Oluwatimilehin
Oh Princess, tell me my question;

Is your parent from Beautiful's City,

Or where you born in Gorgeous' station?

For you're dark and indeed very pretty.

Tell me, were you bathed in silver water,

And your teeth carved from a circled moon?

Or your eyeballs from stars shown at winter?

For I think o'your face all night to noon.

Please Lady, who taught you how to sing,

In the heavens or the feminine phoenix?

Is it angels roving earth without wing,

Or the bird that chips early before six?

Oh please! Tell me, are you someone's queen,

Or ll y'permit us to roll like lovely twin?

Alabi Oluwatimilehin
The poem is a fourteen line sonnet with the subject matter of love. It is a Shakespearean sonnet, not because it was written during the shakespearean period but because it adopts the Shakespearean rhyme scheme with 3 quatrains and an heroic couplet. i.e ABAB/CDCD/EFEF/GG.

                               LINE 1-4
In the first line of the poem, through the effect of apostrophe, the persona addresses a Princess who isn't physically present, telling her to answer some questions bothering him. This is because he his curious about the Princess' immense beauty. Although the lady is not a princess, he still calls her princess because since ancient times and till now, princess are known to be pretty.

The poet convert two qualities (Beauty and Gorgeous) to be an existing place to show the Persona's curiosity about the Princess.
So, the Persona asks if the Princess' parent grew in a city called Beautiful, or if the Princess was born a place called Gorgeous. Though she is dark, she is still very beautiful.

Here, while the word 'dark' tells the complexion of the princess, it also symbolises the black race (an african lady). Hence, the poem can refer to a fair or dark in complexion lady who is only an african or african akin.

                                  LINE 5-8
The curious persona furthers to adore the Princess' face by questioning if she was bathed in silver water because her beauty is very natural, and silver, are gems that are naturally precious and nice. He commends the Princess' teeth which looks very white and bright like a full blown moon.  He also get fascinated about the Princess' eyeballs which to him are like winter stars which are always brighter than any other season.

                                LINE 9-12
The Persona shifts from the face to the admiration of the sonorous voice she sings with. The persona asks if angels in heaven or angels on earth had taught her how to sing.
This question follows the christian believe that Angels sings to God in the heavens in a very magnificent manner.
Still not satisfied, he asks if she had learn her good voicing from the Phoenix, an ancient beautiful bird especially with the colour red (wine) and purple , which chirps in the morning before full dawn.

                               LINE 13-14
Finally, the persona journeys from being curious about the beauty of the princess into proposing a love relationship with her if she isn't engage with anyone.. He also propose that they should start with rolling like twins i.e as friends or lovely siblings where they can become very fond of themselves before they get married.

— The End —