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Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
Please i need help
Don't leave me like this
I can't sleep
They say it's sleep-onset insomnia
But from the beginning
It was not so

Maybe it is psychological
Their pains in my heart
With pictures of them
Begging for their lives
But i still cannot sleep
And from the beginning
It was not so

Their bulging eyes
As they take their last breathe
To a journey of no return
Their offense
Victims of a failed system
But from the beginning
It was not so

Why are brothers killing brothers
Brothers killing sisters
Sisters killing brothers
Wiping out communities
For the glory of what?
Where is our morals?
The spirit of comrado?
But from the beginning
It was not so

Though obscure
We need to ask
Where are the jobs?
Who has the reins?
That has stagnated Africa
Black people, black mind
A phrase that depicts backwardness

Even the Heavens have Guardians
Nothing passes their sight
They have been enfired
To neutralize aggressors
But, can my brother be an aggressor?
Trust at your peril
That's where we find ourselves

In the Jungle
It's "No man's land"
Where the strong prey on the weak
As long as you are powerful
Or seemingly untouchable
You are licensed to ****
Africa bleeds
Yes, Africa bleeds.

Each time you strike
A wife looses a husband
The children; a father
The family; a breadwinner
The Community; a philanthropist
The nation; an Ambassador
Africa; an illustrious son

Stop cattle rustling
Stop political machinations
Stop hate speeches
Especially From the altar of religion
The internet inclusive,
For it is divisive
Stop the killings
That Africa may live
And not just survive

Break the walls
Let's build bridges
Open up your enclosures
That i may come in
And dine with you
That is how life was programmed

To achieve our SDG's
Our ******* is prime
That your people be my people
My people, your people
That we may give the boy child a life
And the girl child a voice
And build the Africa of our dream

The carnage in Rwanda
Aparthied in South Africa
Insurgency in Libya
The killings in Nigeria
Mirrors the travails of Africa
Rooted in corruption
All must stop now

How did we get here?
A people divided
Along ethnic and religious lines
Detached along tribal and economic
But from the beginning
It was not so

We are tired of bloodsheds
We demand peace
The white on the Nigerian flag
Invisibly tainted in red
Being the blood of the innocent
But surely, nothing lasts forever
For surely, justice will be served

Stop saying "Kafasasu"
As our heart bleeds
When you open up our brothers
With your knives and weapons of mass destruction
Sending them into a journey
A journey into the unknown
Oh gods of our ancestors
Where are thou?

The God of our creation
Send us a Moses
That will lead us from where we are
To where we ought to be
Our promised land of peace and unity
Equity and justice
That we may return with offerings

Stop the rustlings!
Stop destroying our crops
No life should equate that of animals
No animal should be silenced unjustly
Why do you think prayers are said
Before any animal is slaughtered?
The act is sacred
Friends, we are all animals
In different shades and sizes
But place premium on life

Once i saw a documentary
Featuring a helpless Antelope
Feeding her young
Until a pride of Lion approached
As her young sprinted
The mother waited and sacrificed
A sweatless feast for the Kings
But the Eagle watched
She could have helped
Enough of nonchalance
Get on and be engaged

Praying for Africa is a beginning
Taking conscious steps is progress
That the Creator may hear our voices
And have mercy on us
Let my people be your people
Give me a damsel from your clan
I will give you a Prince from my tribe
That we may unite

Refuse to be nonchalant
Refuse to be intimidated
Especially on the part of justice
Let us come together
As a people of one race
That we may build Africa
And the world at large
Not by the sword
But the strength of our unity
For all these ills
From the beginning
It was not so

Babatunde Raimi (c)
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi May 2020
This used to be normal
My mother swagged in it
For my Sistos, weight magic
Then things fell apart
When they "kayamatized" it

Some only planned to wipe
Clean the play head and "jakpa"
They only wanted installation
After the romp on waist bead
They subscribed to full installation

"Ana no ofu ebe ekiri mmaun"
That was your slogan when you browsed
You forget she is a daughter of eve
Wiser than all the men in your clan
Congratulations, welcome to fatherhood it ended

Some scientists use this special science
Never will the land be fertile
As long as the gate is waistly beaded
It is a covenant made with the gods
For it is just but "Akamu" from an income man

In my lifetime, I have seen beautiful
They glow in the dark and beckons on you
Crystal beads fit only for nobles
If one thing must **** a man
Then my cause is chosen

In my sojourn as a globetrotter
I have crossed many seas
Swam oceans untold in foreign lands
But none is as sweet as you
My precious "Ileke Idi..."

Babatunde Raimi
+23478827380 & +2348035063895

P.S: "Ileke Idi" means waist bead in local Yoruba   parlance.
Paralyzed by dissonance
Illusions so vicious exists in continuous resonance
Numb enthusiasm reflecting vain optimism
Murdering all form of reasoning
His mind a theatre
A personal vendetta
A gladiator at heart
Terrorist by art
Imprisoned by self will
This is a fight he must not win
A salvation inspired in brutal conquest
His soul he lost
To a woman he lust
His heart afrost
Covered in dust it cost his life, a rust
All men on a quest
By request, desire they thirst
Drowning in an ocean of passion and lust
Kings return as guests soaked in dirt
Comforted only at night in paradise
Where all men dine, foolish and wise
Located in babatunde street 4th Avenue
With a bottle of ***** or two
Many men come running through
To say a prayer for the player
Imprisoned by self will
In paradise lust she will always win
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
If you've ever flown
Carry bottled water about
Charter Uber or Taxify
Usually don't finish your drinks
Leave droplets of food at restaurants
Congrats, you made it!

If you are a Soldier's wife
A Lawyer or a Doctor
You use i-phone 32
Ever snapped "pinshure" with "Whity"
Or attended private university
Congrats, you made it!

You are in charge of party food
Borrow a car to pick your date
Snapped inside a car for Facebook and Instagram
If you love to sit in front of danfo
Or work as a Marketer
Congrats, you made it!

If you are course representative
An MD in any firm
Your brother is a politician  
Snapped inside a Airplane
Or fair like the daughters of Job
Just add it to your resume
You already made it!

If you wear gold Romanian curls
Would you rather do Brazilian or Indian hair
You already look like Khardashian
Or have "Arsenal" like Cardi B
Can I get your autograph?
You are already a star

If you have a customized plate
A double chief in your village
You love ******* and foursome
You abuse siren as an ordinary Spy Police
You are already a big boy!

However, if you are street smart
You have a skill set with your education
If you went to a finishing school
You never allow pride overwhelm you
If you are your own Boss
And you pay salaries
You are the real VIP

Many are victims of identity
Living in prisons of their imagination
Forming Slay Queens and Marlians
If you don't mind yourself now
Your future might be a repeat of the past
Don't be poor and proud!
It is highly cancerous...

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
No going back
We will defend our pride
Our heritage
Our fatherland
Not with guns, powder nor machetes
Not with armoured carriers
But with powers ancestral

We will visit Egungun Oya
The god of divination
We will invoke Mawu
The god of the Sun and Moon
Have you heard about Babalu aiye?
The god of infectious diseases
Let the games begin

Omoluabi oooo! Omoluabi oh!!
"Bo ba d'ogun; ko d'ogun"
Where is Sango, the god of thunder?
"Gunugu ni oruko, ti an pe Ifa?"
"Okalamagbo ni oruko ti an pe awon Iya oshoronga"
"Abiamo ki gbo ekun omo re",
"Ki o ma ta si were"
"Oya, Amotekun oooo"

When the walls of Jericho fell
How many bullets were shot?
They stood on their father's faith
How was Judah and Jerusalem taken?
The red sea parted by the word
We too, shall speak the word
But now, the words our Ancestors

When the centre can no longer hold
Surely, things will fall apart
"Omo Yoruba, ronu"
Enough! No longer shall our lands be desecreted
Cast the cowries in the calabash
Let us inquire of our gods
Shall we pursue and reclaim?
Ready, set, "Amotekun dee"

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
A Poem: Bros., Wey You?*

Bros., Wey you?
I hear say your game tight
I wan hear your market
You no need to drop shekels
I just wan help you

Come make me reason
No cone form Asari for me
I no be Orpkorpise oh
Na lashing things oh
You know now!

Abeg make you do pem oh
Na white sky I go take come
Make your name dey your neck oh
Preye say you Gallant dia
Oya, make we enter yonder

Make you walensh well oh
Dem no dey use shame drink poison
I see you, I see heaven
After every don kpomkpi
Las las, we go dey alright

No worry, wetin be suya
If I want make my mouth dey busy
I go just dey blow whistle
So you no go provoke
Know say Lasgidi Erema no fit

When I finish with you
You go know say devil na area boy
Na God be Godfather
Kpata kpata na draw
Warri Erema no dey carry last

I go soon bracket you for Effurun junction
Before omuta go enter
No time to check time
This motor dey delay my destiny
I don dey reach your crib

My temper dey rise now
And I no fit use am boil rice
Afterall, no vero for maternity ward
When I work you finish
You go hear alaba

Today, he no get as he be
I go run your matter wella
I know say you go make sense
Abeg, wuna gi mi cold shack for di side
Nothing dey happen

Babatunde Raimi (c)
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
A Poem: A Dose Of Vanity

A dose of vanity
What you call vanity
Might not be vanity at all
What is poison to one
May be pleasure to another
How yummy and sweet it is
The sweetest of all pleasures

Come with me to sin city
Bring down the walls
When you come over
No need for hang-over
Just bend over
And I will take over
Afterwards, we can changeover

Give me a dose of vanity
Without any iota of sentimentality
Let us define our territoriality
With a sense of responsibility
Before we engage in vanity
That leads to ecstasy
Be advised, proceed with protection

Now, the moment has come
Before we "*** our ***"
Let us "talk the talk"
This moment is intended for pleasure
No doubt, the best form of exercise
Ours not intended for procreation

Did you sign an oath of celibacy?
Are you virile and adventurous?
Let's play with the oil that never dries
Let me give you a trip
To a city that never sleeps
Don't we all need a dose of vanity?

Slowly, lift up the veil
Start from the periphery
Input the play head
Twerk like Cardi B
And enjoy a dose of vanity
Before you get tipsy and engaged
But remember *** is real
Have you been tested?
Spread the news, not the virus

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
How Should I Propose?
I see in her everything I desire
Maybe In the middle of the sea
On a very fine boat
And just slide it in?
Like we slid it in...

Is it best when she is asleep?
Breakfast on bed
One knee on the ground
Kiss her and pop the question?
Will you be mine?
I can't wait anylonger

Maybe she'll like it private
I'll keep it short and simple
No drama, no paparazzi
Then we go see her family
I guess she will say "Yes"
What if she says "No"?

She once mentioned "Ayelala"
Before a god in my village
What if the sun rises?
And she is not to the rescue
This is not an option
But I want her to be mine

I'll take her out
On a beautiful weekend
While the birds sings
And ***** crow at dawn
I will sing her favourite song
And slid in the rings

With a car filled with beautiful balloons
Escorted by beautiful maidens
With escorts from the royal guards
Making beautiful rendition
Then I will shout to the world
"Marry Me" Honey!

Love is beautiful
When you catch the feel
You'll just know
You want to rush in
But be careful my friend
So you don't rush out

If I do it in a store
And she says "No"
As I watch in Nollywood
I'll just collect my ring
Sell it back to them and case closed "Mbok"

Can I take her to Paris?
The city of love
Buy her a diamond crested ring
And say my vows
In that city of love
Shall we make the trip?
Will she say "No?"

Take me to Mama Folu
Let me buy her hot Amala
Or take me to Effurun market
There is a woman that sells there
Hot banga soup with starch
Just add all the living things
And pop the question

The hour has come
To do the needful
Please say a prayer for me
As I take a lifelong decision
Into a journey unknown...
And she said, "Yes"

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
A Poem: Naija To The World

Naija to the world!
It is for a good reason
You were born Nigerian
Raised as a Nigerian
With a Nigerian dream

If you aren't proud of your identify
People, culture and heritage
Others are, even for her complexities
Uniqueness and the never say die spirit
If you doubt, ask Tyson Fury

A giant in Africa
The most populous black nation
Not in Africa, but the world
A people of great mind and intellect
Witty, strong and determined

Yes, we have image problems
Four percent of us holds a PH.d in the United States
While seventeen percent holds a Masters
We are the most educated ethnic group in the United States
Google is your friend

Some of our products, Afrobeats
Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Chimamanda Adichie
Anthony Joshua, Kanu Nwankwo, Chioma Ajunwa
Philip Emeagwali, Silas Adekunle and Col. Oviemo Ovadje
And of course, Babatunde Raimi

If they ask you of my identity
Tell them I am a proud Naijaboy
Ready to take my world by storm
To rebrand my great Nation, Nigeria
A country, so blessed, yet poor; but proud
Babatunde Raimi Dec 2019
There is a time to be born
Then you suckle her succulent breast
Get a ride on her back
Like a mother Baboon to her Baby
This is a season of growth
We all passed through it

There is a time to crawl
A time to fall, stand and walk
Just like a new hen
In a new environment
With one leg at a time
She studies her environment
Then she begins to fly
Looks for trouble and says
"I will tell my Mummt for you"

There is a time to be schooled
Not just formally these days
To survive the current economic realities
You need skill based education
This, your sure bet to financial freedom
Afterall, "Who certificate help"

None can survive without "Mama thank you"
Without which you will be history
From the days of John the Baptist
We have been eating "Mama Thank You"
Our sweet Mother
Our comfort in times of war...

She fought many unseen battles
That you and I may live
She tolerated concubines and new wives
Even when father said her wine was stale
She even served them food
So that we will not be poisoned
"If you know you know"
Especially if you survived polygamy like me

What can we do without our mother?
A God in human form
She could have left the union
But what will people say?
"What will happen to her children?"
She weathered the storm
The tempest storms from family
Her love was pure agape
When was the last you told her "I love you?"

She sold fishes that you be educated
She believed in your ability to succeed
You were her greatest investment
Yet, she never stopped serving  you
And all you say is "Mama Thank You"
Do you know that thunder is real?
And she didn't take postinor
When you were conceived...

At Age thirty, you are still home
Struggling with her scarce resources
Competing for space with siblings
Still eating "Mama Thank You"
Of what value is your education?
Has it made you independent
Or a non-entity?

If our parents took loans
To finance our education
With you still eating "Mama Thank You"
After successfully completing NYSC
How can you pay them back?
Would it be okay to mortgage you
Just as a collateral
Afterall you spent the money

Wake up my friend!
This is not a poem
This is a clarion call to do right
Before you buy i-phone 12
Have you honoured your parents?
Before you pay your Girlfriend's house rent
Have you paid your parents'?

No one takes oranges
And takes the seed alongside
In your meagre earnings is a seed
And if you are not earning
After all your education
You are just a lazy youth
You still want to eat "Mama Thank You"
"Mama Thank You Kee You Dia"

This is a clarion call
Before you call your girlfriends
Or your Sugar "Zaddies"
Have a meeting with yourself
Have you been financially good to Mummy?
What about your Superman, your Daddy?
Do you even know their account number?
If you don't, make that call
And place them on monthly stipends

Sometimes in life
To unlock the golden door
That your heaven may open
You don't need fasting and prayers
You don't need prayers from spiritualist
All you need is to act right
Go back to your root
Honour the god that poured blood on you
Especially from your wallet

Little hinges swings great doors
Little drops makes mighty oceans
You mustn't engage in Yahoo plus
Or corporate "Olosho" in whatever guise
You too can play in the big leagues
If only you honour your parents
That it shall be well with you
That they too may say
"Thank You My Pikin"
You have been advised!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi Sep 2019
My life, defined by lines
Class and boundary lines, Motherhood and tightrope lines
Between being a good woman and a Mistress
What a way to live!

Sometimes i want to toe the line
Other times I wish to  cross the line
Or maybe stay safe behind the lines
Those lines that guides virtues
Don't judge me, unless you have walked my walk

Sometimes I pole vaulted
When i allow them get closer
Even though they are married
Yes, I know the drill
I wanted to feel like a  woman

Don't see me as a loose canyon
Available and randy
You don't know my pain
If you know my pain
Maybe you'll understand my acts...

Like a prey laying low
They seem to easily perceive my needs
They come with those true lies
Enticing with Cars, Houses and cash
I just play ball...  

They offer ***
Because they know the pressures on my libido
...take advantage of my lonely and ***** moments

My lips they ride
Until it is as wide as the sea
Then, off they go!
To another lonely Single Mother
Will these men make heaven?

The cycle never breaks
Each time I cross that line
The joy is but for a moment
I head into a phase of depression
What a way of life

Afterwards, I become a ***** *** slave
A corporate *******
As I soon realise
And in the deadness of the night
Trust me, I tear...

It's about time this stops
I refuse to be a ****** alternative
I detest being a loose ball
Say NO to *** with a Married Man
Say no *** with benefits

Boldly I call off your bluff
Today, I ask you,  loose my number
Loose my house address
The One who gave me the child
Will always be on time. Amen!

You left me for another
"Oh! I should have married you!"
"Story for the gods"
I ain't letting you down there again
You have chosen your path

Live with your decisions
"Your can't eat your cake and have it"
It's not gonna be easy
Because I've got mouths to feed
But I'll pass

Those lonely nights will come
When I'll need a wrap
Just like a married but single lady
Husband based abroad
"Cars" parked at owner's risk?
Those need has to be met, but I'll survive

Even when I need to pay school fees
The solution is not on genitals
Especially of the married
Truth be told
The solution lies with the Ultimate One

Trust and believe Him
He will change your story
Turn your secret tears to cheers
Convert your shame to fame
Because He turns non-entities to celebrities

Whoever taught Rehab, a harlot, liar
Would ever make the list
She enjoyed grace
That grace is still available today
Only if you will...

Give Him a chance
Let Him make you a showpiece
He brought you this far for a purpose
He gave you that child for a reason
Tell me, whose report will you belief?

Please stop these men
They will ruin your life
Wake up and brace up
Look out for a weak single mother
Preach the good news of hope

Look out for single mothers
Share a date, a word
Bond, love, pray and believe
To hell with all these "Zaddys" with benefits"
Yours will soon find you!

Curved ***** will be thrown
Take advantage of life's curve *****
Allow them to transform you
To a very pretty and attractive LIONESS
Whose **** and lips aren't for sale

Enough of irresponsible ****** adventures
Yes! They will come looking for your juice as a  Single Mother
Be a Lioness,  
Fierce, firm and courteous

Are you married? Congratulations
Don't make him regret getting married to you
If you treat him wrong
There are many open arms out there
They will accept and love him scatter

To all those "Wobe Children"
Sleeping with their ancestors
Breaking marriages and homes
Karma is a *****, your time will come
May you be paid in the same coin
Please say "Amen!

Be his *****
Let him be your tool
Exude flirtatious energy for him
Rock those seductive *** shots
Date him all the days of your life.

You were a Queen ab initio
Now, you tie wrapper like my grandmother
Be wise as a serpent
Be like the sons of Isachaar
Times and seasons have changed

Now, get off your high horse
Show that man why he married you
Before they show him all
Why he shouldn't be with you
Like Stella, get your groove back on

Single motherhood is not a curse
Nobody has a right to you
Do not debase yourself
Give yourself some respect
Let's all prove to the world
Single mothers raise Presidents like Obama too

A good man gives without asking
He will never ask you for ***
Even when you offer, he declines
Not all men are promiscuous
Now, this rule applies to both sexes
There are still good people out there

Who wants to hire inexperience
We all love "experience hire"
So, single mothers have experience
Single mothers make good wives
After all, experience is key

To all single Mommas out there!
This is specially for you
You are better than they think
To a life of "Yes I do"
And "Happily ever after"
Please raise your glass!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Babatunde Raimi Jun 2020
He changed the world
Yes, he changed the world
And transited a martyr
How HE takes the dumbest things
And brings out the best therefrom
So, unquestionable HE is
Surely, HE has the final say
For HIS ways are perfect and just

For years we fought oppressions
Institutional and organized repressions
Corruption was deep in our fabric
Our collective voice was weak
The voice suppressed by great   institutional firepower
But HE had a joker, Floyd "Eledumare", so humorous
The same way he chose a stammerer
To lead HIS people to peace

He chose a non-entity
Without any massive political clout
And turned him to a celebrity
His blood, for a change, that's how it worked
Just as Christ died for our sins
His death is a reminder of the blood oath
This is to racism and institutional brutality

Racism has no place in our world
Kick out racism with your everything
We survived over 400years of slavery and abuse
It's time to take a stand
If one man made an emphatic statement with his voice
We don't have to die to live

With her deeds, Mother Theresa changed the world
Mandela and Martin Luther;  with their words
Bob Nesta Marley and Fela Anikulapo used their music
He is touching the world with his writings and poems;
His name is Babatunde Raimi
But George Floyd, the boy from Houston, Texas
He died to change the narratives
He didn't have to die, but he couldn't breathe
What are you doing to change your world?
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
Listen, the world is muffled
My legs, numb with cold
Grief, anger envelops us
So, it is sadly true
We all know our date of birth
No one knows their date of death
How do you say "Goodnight"
When morning dawns
The world is still in jolted

Why, death why?
Why do bad things happen to the good
And good things happen to the bad
Someone please tell me why?
You have touched our soul
With so many moves
Written your name in our hearts
The basketball world tears for you and yours

My sockets, teary
My face, blurry
My life, you were my coach
You mentored me from afar
I share your drive and enthusiasm
And that it took Gianna
What a tragedy
A loss to the world

If you lived in Africa
We would ask questions
Who felled our Iroko tree?
Who set your sun at noonday?
Who was afraid of your shine?
We would have invoked our gods
But we can't ask questions
God knoweth...

Death surely comes
The only ineluctable enemy of humans
It will come when it will come
Prepare your house, write a will
Live a day at a time
It seems far, yet close
Start living, stop surviving
Start building legacies, not wealth

With 8 all-star selections,
An MVP award with 33,643 points
Already, you made 20 seasons
Inspired our generation
Your stardom cuts accross galaxies
I just want to look into the sky
The abode of our forefathers
And see you shine down on us

There are no words to express my pain
You are a legend
You live forever in our hearts Black Mamba
Gianna, the road stops here
Heaven is a continuance
We will remember you forever
Goodnight Kobe...Good night Gianna!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
Te amo cariño
Y aun lo hago
Hemos pasado por el infierno
Pero cada vez que caigo de nuevo
Cuando sacas tu varita mágica
Y tus ojos acarician activos

Oscureciste el sol por mí
Ahora mismo tengo miedo
Agregaste a mi canasta de arrepentimientos
Duele incluso rumiar sobre él
Lo siento bebe
Aquí es donde termina el camino

Hay una Julieta para cada Romeo.
Y un Parloma por cada Diego.
Adios mi compañera
El camino termina aquí
Para mí eso es cierre
"Adios mi amor!"

Babatunde Raimi
+2348178827380 & +2348035063895
Babatunde Raimi Mar 2020
(Dedicated to the couple who lost their lives during the gas explosion on Sunday 15th March, 2020 at Abule Ado, Lagos - Nigeria)

From far away
We heard the loud bang
It sounded rapturous
But it was not to be
Louder than it all
Was your sun setting at noonday
A very black Sunday it was
As the smoke rented our airspace

The blast darkened your Sun
Hopes and dreams shattered
In an already hopeless nation
With less regard for human life
Is it really true you two are gone?
Is it really true Junior also returned?
How my glands are filled with tears...

The agony, the pleas for mercy
Chisom, God is with you always
Better in heaven, than this wicked world
The death that took a promising couple
When we hoped to welcome Junior
Who cursed this nation? Who?

Let us consult the Oracle
That we may make atonement
And cleanse our land of evil
We plead the blood over all
But when I looked into the skies
Your stars shone brightly
Because you transited as believers

Chi, my hands are weak
Why did God allow this, why?
When I close my eyes, I see you
Your unborn child...
I still see your dimple
And your hubby's carved nose
Now I am suffering from insomnia

Never again shall there be infant of days
Never again shall we be cut in our prime
But now that your sun already set at noonday
You three are already on board
For you, it is the final call
We are coming, not just yet
It is a debt we owe. Adieu!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Oct 2019
If you were a goat
I will spare you
They are lower animals
But yes, they have libido too
Divinity made it so

If you were a Dog
I will also spare you
I see them everytime
Especially when emotions are high
The don't need a "cold room"

Life gave you life
You climbed the ladder
Maybe faster than others
But, "Say you first me reach bus stop..."
No mean say you go first me enter motor"

You desecrated our land
Abused the anointing
Reneged on your marital vows
Pounced on innocent girls
Maybe you do boys too
The thunder that will fire you is warming up

So, there is a "Cold Room"
Where you worship in your daughter's altar
While your daughters schools abroad
I blame the government
To whom education means nothing

Flush them out fast!
Many have become victims
They succumbed to pressure
Exchanged their dignity for vanity
Orchestrated by a monster in human form

You are only privileged
To be a priest over our children
As their lecturer, they saw a god in you
But you abused this grace
Your time is up!

We will follow this through
Until justice is served
You need to be incarcerated
This crime is a sacrilege
And the time to pay is now

My fellow Students
The hour has come
To expose these randy lecturers
If you were ever abused
This is the time to speak up

You gain nothing keeping quiet
Lend a voice to the next generation
In us lies their strength
Say no to "*** for admission or grades"
But you are not alone...

Just a line of thought
If infidels cannot make heaven
What happens to those worse than infidels?
Think about this
These ones are already condemned

They compel our daughters to pay for hotels
They engage them in quickies in their enclosed offices
That is exclusive of the"Cold room" encounter
But for guys, you have to sort them
Because you don't have a hole

Dear investigative journalists of African descent
Be bold and fearless in your discharge
We are in a race to end this scourge
This should have been you unearthing this
Thank God a foreign brand stepped in
What will history remember you for?

My name is Babatunde Raimi
I am product of Nigeria's University of First Choice
I know some very fine lecturers
This does not represent our value
We fume against unethical practices in any form

Not all the prophets in Egypt bowed to baal
Not every lecturer is a randy dog
Rest assured, justice will be served
We pride in our name andgreat academic feats
Our products are doing exploits world-over
We will not allow no one bring "That name" to disrepute
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
A ******
A chocolate
In a chocolate shop
Being her first time
We all have our first

Watch her
Yourself in her shoes
She desires more
If you are insensitive
A cunning player steps up
And offers her the next candy
Strange, but true

If you find him
Turn him to your ******
Should you find her
Let her be your *****
As you dance in the other room

The **** chases
Mounts the Hen
**** and disembarks
Then the Hen chases the ****
Common! We are higher animals
For your sake, up your game

Back in the days
Prostitution was a cult
Dominated by women
Known by men
Especially the unfaithfulls
Mens world they claim

What's the point going down?
When you are a weakling
She makes you feel good
Just not to bash your ego
The Driver is always there though
With him, she goes to Jerusalem

They talk about it friend
They don't spare anything
The size, time lasted, they gossip
If she is bold to say
"I didn't ***", you're lucky
Stop being selfish

Men are like electric bulb
Tuned in by what they see
Women are like electric iron
They come along slowly
You've got to proceed nicely
Until you attain her zenith
Stop this selfishness, please!

High libido ain't no crime
If you purchase a product
And it doesn't meet specification
Speak up. "Dem no dey use shame drink poison"
Next time, look before you leap

Solve this puzzle
A "newbie" mates the first time
Gets attached to the mate
Closely knitted they become
As the subject explores more options
The attachment gradually dwindles
Until finally, it fades away
Like a rushing wind

You want a happy home?
****** intimacy and satisfaction is key
Bad boys and girls knows this
Wanting to *** your ***
Doesn't make a ***** or ******
Guys, if you want a virtous woman
Amongst all, meet her at the middle also

No need for aphrodisiacs
Eat and exercise well
Sleep and maintain work, life, balance
Only then can the ******* be sweet
When your mate is happy
Everyday will be christmas

Be advised!
A man looking for a wife
A man looking for casual ***
Are two different things
Until you find him
Close that lid
Bed undefiled...

A beautiful ****** got married
She fell into a temptation
He was a stud man.
The experience, mind blowing
She divorced her man
"Why? The Priest queried
Her response: "I never knew what I was missing all those times.
Men, if you need help, please seek

Start with communication
Then foreplay; from the periphery
****** satisfaction is mental
To access the different buttons
That will take her to Jerusalem
You needn't be big
Just the right buttons
Only then can you maintain your "Kingliness"

Did you actually get here?
Congratulations! You made it
Now, go back, read slowly
Then stop, ruminate
What do you think?
While this promotes ****** pleasures
It is, as prescribed, bed undefiled
Towards a happy home...

If you have been afraid
If you ever held back to say it
Or you just didn't know how
I just helped you say it poetically
Make sure your mate sees this
Final advise
Before you judge
Make sure you are perfect...

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
+2348178827380 & +2348035063895
Babatunde Raimi Oct 2019
A Poem: No Time For Love

When you said goodbye
I never knew this day would come
I cried and almost ended it
You thought you already won
But the tears were not for you
They were reminders of the wasted years
The ones we shared together

Making fake promises in the moonlight
We painted our world with red
I shut the door against serious minded prospects
I was carried away by your lines
Oh! How heaven blessed you with those sweet lies
I teared because I truly love you

Let me even ask you
How do you want your madness?
Actions begets reactions you know!
Do you want it with clothes?
Or you prefer to form Adam
All I need is your mothers' maiden name
It cost just a little over two dollars

Now, you think you found an angel
Suddenly, you are ready to settle down
What happened to those promises?
Every tear I shed, dots your  future
When things fall apart
Just like a park of cards
Don't look too far, you earned it

I allowed my sense of judgement
Becloud my sense of reasoning
I fought everyone for you
I thought I found a soulmate
But in you my love, i found "The Devil"
I might be down, but not out
Maybe love is not fair after all

I have learnt my lessons
Henceforth, no time for love
I was very good and humble
You turned me to a very good bad one
For years I sacrificed for you
I could give you my life without hesitating
But this is where it ends

My life does not depend on you
My joy lies not in your hands
It might take time, but I'll get there
Like the Eagle, I will watch and wait
And in this Zeus' green world
Love will find me again
This time, for better for best

Babatunde Raimi (c)
Dedicated to all victims of heartbreak...
Babatunde Raimi Feb 2020
A Poem: Stay Alive Brother (A Poem Against Domestic Violence On Men)

If you do the crime
You'll do the time
Stop killing your spouses
A man is naturally flirtatious
If he opens the bonnet of another
Why not check yourself

The boys are speaking out
Broken boys turn broken men
The men are now speaking out
Don't let her get to you
If you can't take it anymore
Please take a bow

With fire power you reign curses
Decapitate and maim them
You cut them in their prime
Just because of jealousy
No longer shall we be quiet
Guys, if you must, sign the dotted lines

I would rather be single
I would rather be a single Dad
Than be with you, an abusive partner
There is more at other side
Marriage is like admission
You desire Unilag and end up in Kogi

For better for best it is
Not for better for death
Wake up! My friend
Lest you want to answer from the other side
Stay alive brother
Report all domestic abuse

So, before you pop the question
Be sure to also ask
"Will you stab me?"
Never again shall a brother fall
To the uncontrollable anger of a spouse
You have been advised! Be wise!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
+2348178827380 & +2348035063895
Babatunde Raimi Apr 2020
Our world, conjoined like twins
When you fingered my brain
I found you in my fret
Turned you to a note
In my diamond plaited box
Safely tucked in my heart

Every of your breathe is a sound
A very beautiful song to my ears
If chords make notes
And notes makes sounds
Then you are the missing key
You are sound, I, the box

Our life is tuned like guitar pegs
Together, let's pull the strings
And hear the sweat sound
Escaping from the soundbox
Serenading the atmosphere in bliss
Because you are my Guitar box

Babatunde Raimi
Nigerian Author & Poet
+2348178827380 & +2348035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
What shall it profit you?
When you open a private arena
Your hallowed sanctum of decorum
And feed it to the dogs
For mere sensual ecstacies

With the latest gizmo
Delivered surreptitiously
You turn it on, and loud
Travel to a world of infinite pleasures
Attain ******, yet lonely

If it is not right, watch it
You are probably being filmed
You get laid and get paid
Your escapades hits the internet
Congrats!, you are now officially a **** star

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895
Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
I love your *******
It makes me drip
If that is heavens road
Then, my mission is complete

I love your breast
Especially the roughages
That surrounds the juice
If I can only but grasp

I love your dimple
Even though they are simple
Each time you smile
I just feel a tickle

Let me be your barber
With exclusive services
That I may help you shave yonder
And give it a fine design

I almost touched that tattoo
Beautifully carved on your cleavage
When we bathed together
But bathing together is not consent  

Although you were silent
Consent for one
Is not consent for all
When we downed a bottle of passport
You were weak, I was your strength

Once we wanted to make out
You said "Yes", then "No"
But I made sure the sun didn't rise
For the moon was not set

I'll be ready when you are
In a blissful atmosphere
Under the "Udala" tree
With a sealed mutual oath

If you went it
Before she said "Yes"
If you shaged her
Before she was eighteen
You are officially a ******

This is not just a poem
It is the story of my Kimberly
And yet,
Still I wait...

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
08178827380 & 08035063895

— The End —