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Wind blowing, Birds humming.
Trees growing, Flowers blooming.

Treasure these in heart,
For the soul needs to feel the art of nature.
Smell the morning grass, wind in hair,
The song of nature be so tearfully blessed.
Water crashing against the shore,
The sand beneath our feet we adore.

Wind lifting my worries away,
While the rain clears my mind away.
Laying on the grassy hill,
Staring upon the sunlit sky be thrilling.

Nature be the spiritual healer I see,
Nature becomingly strong within me.
One needith not look for angels,
One just needs to open their eyes.

To see nature is the angel,
To feel that nature has the light.
Like an angel nature is beautiful,
Like an angel nature heals the soul.
Stare upon it's roots to believe
Stare upon the land to be relieved.

Nature can be your angel you just need to see, rain washes your doubt sorrows gulit the wind lifts you up the sky shows you that dreams can be real. One just needs to see the potential within thy self.

So when down remember you can awalys walk in nature's embrace to heal your soul and know that everything is not bad.
Ajibade Da Silva Nov 2016
"We are in somebody else's ****"

"Yea, well when ur in the ****,
you have to make THE **** BETTER!"

"*** you gon do?"
"Just fester...?"

"***, ***, **** DAT!"

"Me, me, I'm not about being some ****...
Do I have **** to work on...
Hell yea, **I'm AWALYS WORKIN' on  MY ****!"
debates between homies

— The End —