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aurpera Feb 2014
You marmalade dropper, you.
You cause an enfilade with the briefest of your words, my love.
You cislunar beauty.
Let me watch you. Make me your auspex.
Stravaig through my heart.
Be your flagitious best with me.
Noctivagants, you and I.
Steal a pimpmobile. Let's run away.
marmalade dropper: n. Highly stunning information, especially when associated with the news.
enfilade: n. Gunfire directed along the length of a target, such as a column of troops.
cislunar: adj. Situated between the earth and the moon.
auspex: n. One who divines by observing the motions, cries, etc., of birds; a diviner in general; an augur.
stravaig: v. To stroll, meander.
flagitious: adj. Extremely brutal or cruel
noctivagant: adj. Going about in the night; night-wandering.
pimpmobile: n. A flashy oversize automobile used by or deemed suitable for use by a ****.

{definitions from}
Jason Sep 2022
We have lost the nations heart
We have lost the whole and center
The Queen has bowed and must depart
And through the door to heaven enter
For all her years she served us faithful
Warmly guiding nations subjects
Dignified and always graceful
Like a modern day Auspex
And now we find a King Renewed!
Where the hearts are healed and mended
We will find fresh goal persuade
As to regent He’s assented.
The Queen has died
Long live the king
She left with pride
Let choir sing……

— The End —