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Lucas Aug 2015
I've never quite trusted in love,
so I can't offer an explanation to you as to the reason why,
the reason why that when I saw you I experienced heart palpitations
I couldn't then.
Multiple individuals ask why i'm attracted to you,
They don't ask that in a negative connotation,
it's just we are Polar Opposites,
Night and Day,
Introvert and Extrovert,
Optimistic and Pessimistic.
Though I never seem to be able to conjure an explanation,
So I just smile..
Though here I am at 6:28 in the morning racking my brain attemping to fathom my thoughts and feelings,
vigorously scribbling them onto the paper.
I can't understand them,
I can't offer explanation,
I don't need it for them,
I don't need it for myself,
I need it for you
Because I can’t explain it.
So I'm left mumbling the words into your ear,
Praying to a God that I'm not sure exists anymore,
That you believe me when I say,
I love you..
Well yes and no...
I love you.
I love you.
No, I'm in love with you.
That’s the only explanation.
I am submerged in the idea of love.

                                          (5:43 in the morning)
I should have known the second your brown eyes glanced into mine.
Opposites attract,
Even my 3rd year science class taught me that.
Opposites charges attract,
and make pure energy..
I saw you,
and from my heart,
emitted pure love.
I love you.
Though throughout this month I've began learn...
Pure love, isn't easy.
addy henderson Nov 2014
The world is simply a ball on a pin
A sudden tap to collapse the universe
Waiting to be set up again

Waiting for when
Theyll make it worse
Losing composure to be tilted off the pin

World of artificial zen
Carrying out a curse
To knock it off the pin again

There will come a day for men
Attemping to immerse through a spiritual verse
But find theyre still tacked by a pin

Two four six eight ten
Times the perished world meets a hearse
Again, again and again

Finishing with amen
To try to reverse
The plummet of the world on a pin
Once again

— The End —