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Isty Feb 2015
Coastin off
driftin soft
it seems like the thoughts
just come into to being
to become a loss
of a part
that i wish would
never have started
in the first place
these feelings touch me in oh so the worst ways
feels like ive been tossed at sea
stuck on this **** for hella days
So **** this ship
im over it
literally jumpin into the end
thats deep
where one is to tread water and never fully sleep
until its time to return to the grander skeem of things
why when its hypothesized are we so astrange
thinkin please no i dont wanna leave this place
crying out to whomever
wanting to change the weather
yerning to still feel this face
feeling of togetherness
in this entire being
but it can be misleading
you grow accustom and so fond of
the physical form that your seeing
If i had a choice
I would change my frequency
if only for a short time
to feel none of it at all.

— The End —